Meeting of the full Governing Body meeting held on
12th July 2017 at 4.00pm
Meeting Register:
/ 12 Oct 2016 / 7 Dec 2016 / 1 Feb 2017 / 22 Mar 2017 / 24 May 2017 / 12 Jul 2017 / BIRichard Allen
/ Apols / Apols / Apols / aLisa Ballett
/ a / a / a / Apols / a / a / aMichael Bateman
/ Apols / a / a / Apols / a / Apols / aJohn Chilvers
/ Apols / a / a / a / Apols / aOriana Dalton
/ a / a / a / aAfter Item 3 / aDuane Elkins / a / a / Apols / a / a / Apols / a
Dawn Fisk / a / Apols / Arrive-5pm / Arrive–4.30pm / r / r / a
Chris Hemmings / a / a / a / a / a / a / a
Charlotte Medjahed / a / a / a / a / a / a / a
Liz Parfitt / r / a / a / Apols / a / a / a
Liz Robinson / a / a / Apols / a
Glen Scott / a / a / a / a / a / a / a
Paul Smith / a / a / a / a / a / a / a
Sarah Thrussell / a / Arrive-5pm / a / a / a / a / a
Nikki Wilson / a / Apols / a / a / a
Lucy Roberts / a / a After Item 3 / a / a / a
Angela Henson / a / a / a
1. /
Welcome and apologies for absence
Apologies from Michael Bateman and Duane Elkins.(Dawn Fisk absent – no apologies received.
2. / Declaration of Interests
3. / Chairman’s Urgent Action
4. / Appointment of the Chair of Governors
Glen Scott had expressed his interest in becoming Chair. Glen Scott was nominated, proposed by Sarah Thrussell, seconded by Liz Parfitt and agreed unanimously.
GS gave the following speech: I believe I have the attributes necessary to make a success of the role, including; a powerful commitment to the school, attention to detail, understanding of the parent and community perspective, the energy to organise my time and multi-task where necessary. As a relatively inexperienced governor, I realise I have a lot to learn but I believe I can grow into the role with the help of the Vice Chair and relevant training programmes available to me.
5.2 / Confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 24th May 2017 (minutes attached)
GS asked if all Governors present were happy that the minutes and confidential were an accurate account of the meeting. All agreed unanimously.
The minutes were agreed and signed by GS, signed copies were retained by LR and NW for school file.
Matters arising from the minutes
- Safeguarding training still has not been organised. All Governors must do this. Governor services can provide this training however it is a two hour session. LR has suggested that she carries out the training herself, all agreed.
- No letter of thanks has been written to JC yet, CH thought it would be best to come from the new Chair. GS will draft a letter and circulate to Governors for approval. / LR
6. / Headteachers’ Update of Key Summer Term Developments
Previously circulated.
LR/NW led Governors through the key areas of the report:
Phonics and KS2 results were discussed in depth. Phonics and GPS results have risen significantly compared to last year. Some papers have been sent off for re-checking as were extremely close to the pass mark. LR said that having a small year group means that every child counts. CH asked if the results were anticipated, NW replied yes. CM asked if the focus was on the high end attainers leading up to the SATs, LR, NW and AH all replied no. NW said that EAL and non-starters significantly affect our results. CM asked what could be done about this? LR said that the focus should not be on these results but on the on the upcoming cohort. A discussion followed regarding the complexity of the upcoming cohort. CH summarised by saying that the big picture shows good progress. GS congratulated SS on her new role as Office Manager from September.
7. / Committee Reports
To receive the minutes of the following meetings of the governing board committees:
· Curriculum: 8th May and Curriculum 26th June 2017
Maths and Phonics remain a key focus in these meetings. The SEN Governor gap was discussed but remains open. CH summed up the committee reports by saying that the meetings are very well attended and the agendas are shaping up for next year.
A conversation then followed regarding whether any Governor would like to oversee SEN however due to the general response being no GS suggested finding an associate member who can assist the governing body with this complex role. This will be looked into and any suggestions should be forwarded to GS.
· Resources: 18th May 2017
In the absence of MB and DE, GS asked if there were any questions arising from these previously circulated minutes. CM asked whether any changes will be made to the Admissions Policy following the meeting with Richard Snowden. After a brief discussion it was decided that the schools current admission policy had not caused as much of an issue as previously thought so it was not necessary to change it.
PS felt that Governors should formally thank Linda Bryant for her work, GS will draft a letter and circulate to Governors for approval before sending.
Unfortunately the Resources meeting scheduled for 6th July did not go ahead however Revision 1 of the budget should have been signed by Governors at this meeting. Therefore this will need signing today. Revision 1 was previously circulated to all Governors with the Agenda for today’s meeting and also each Governor was supplied with a hard copy at this meeting. Governors were informed that Vicki Hatch, Senior FSO, attended the budget review meeting with LR, NW, CH, LB and SS and confirmed the Revision 1. GS asked if there were any questions, there were none and all agreed to GS signing off Revision 1.
8. / Policy Reviews
(all policies had been previously reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and published on Governor Hub for full GB consideration)
· E-Safety Policy
· NCC E-Safety Guidance for LA Schools
· Accessibility Policy
Proposed by CH, seconded by LB and all agreed unanimously.
9. / Governor Monitoring, Training and Visits
a) To receive any reports from Governors who have undertaken monitoring visits to school.
b) To receive feedback from Governors who have attended training courses since the previous termly meeting of the Governing Board.
PS – Visited Football Club, Sistema, Maths Club, Gardening Club, Summer Fair, puppet making, puppet show and a couple of class assemblies.
ST – Summer Fair - setting up then visiting as a customer, Lakenham Bakers, puppet show and spectating at Lord Mayors Procession (LMP).
CM – Has attended ‘Come and Play’ sessions, puppet show, Summer Fair and LMP.
LB – Organised the Summer Fair, was involved in puppet making, puppet shows and LMP.
LP – Visited AH teaching and the vegetable garden.
CH – Has been in to sign forms, meet with LR and NW, attend a finance meeting and had a ‘walk round’ and observed puppet making during a deep dive visit.
GS – Attended a deep dive morning to look at phonics and was involved in LMP.
It was agreed that these visits should all be recorded however ST feels that the current form is too formal. GS will look at updating this form, SS to send current form to GS for adapting. A discussion followed regarding the importance of Governor visits and the value of experiencing children being happy and loving to be at Lakenham. / SS
10. / Publication of Minutes
The publishing of Governor meeting minutes had been discussed in a previous Curriculum meeting and had been recommended for discussion at a FGB meeting. After a short discussion it was agreed that, once signed, minutes from FGB meetings should be published on the school website. SS to publish FGB minutes on the school website, once signed. / SS
11. / MAT Developments: update
CH reported that all the documents have been gathered in and submitted. The application is going to the Head teacher’s Board on 20 July and we should receive a decision by 21 July. LR, NW and CH are continuing to attend MAT and Trust meetings and work with other MAT members. There is currently nothing else to report. GS asked when the parent consultation will be held, CH said this had been discussed as a MAT and will happen soon, providing the Head teacher’s Board approve the application.
12. /
Any Other Business
i) LB informed Governors that she now works to many hours to be a Parent Governor. It was agreed to reassign LB as a Staff Governor with immediate effect. SS to make necessary changes.ii) CM asked whether the puppet making is happening again next year. LR and NW said that puppet making would not happen again but they are looking at alternative activities that the whole school can do together ending with us entering the LMP.
iii) ST asked what was being done for the schools 10 year anniversary. LR and NW are thinking about this. AH is planning to create a ’10 year garden’ in the area at the Nursery entrance, LB invited AH to attend a Friends meeting to discuss this further. / SS
13. / Confidential Matters
14. / Dates and times of the next years meetings
These are to be confirmed asap.
The meeting closed at 5.30pm.
Lakenham Primary School – Full GB Meeting 24 May 2017
Sarah Swift, Clerk to the Governing Body
Lakenham Primary School, City Road, Norwich, NR1 2HL. 01603 877780