June 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

Parent Governor Election

The Articles of Association of Minsthorpe Academy Trust provides for parents and carers of registered students to be members of the Minsthorpe Community College Governing Body. A vacancy currently exists for a Parent Governor and self-nominations are invited along with a factual statement (not exceeding 200 words) about yourself and how you feel that you could contribute as a Parent Governor. Should an election be necessary this statement will be circulatedto all parents, along with those of other candidates. The successful candidate will also become a member of the Minsthorpe Academy Trust.

All parents and carers of registered students are eligible to stand for election, with the exception of parents who meet any of the 15 criteria listed from the list below. All parents and carers with then be eligible to vote in the election, should one be necessary.

If you are eligible and would like to self-nominate, please complete the form (page 2 of this letter) and return it to the college for the attention of Mrs Jayne Germain (Clerk to the Governors)by Thursday 2nd July 2015, 3pm. Your nomination will be acknowledged within 3 working days. Mrs Germain can be contacted on 01977 657600 for further information.

Timeline of events
Notification of vacancy and self-nominations requested / Thursday, 25thJune 2015
Closing date for self-nominations / Thursday 2ndJuly 2015, 3pm
If no ballot required:
New Governor announced / Friday, 3rd July 2015
If ballot required:
Ballot announced, opened and candidate statements
published / Friday, 3rd July 2015
Ballot closes / Friday, 10thJuly 2015, 3pm
Votes counted in front of candidates (if available) or their named representative. / Monday, 14thJuly 2015, time TBC
New Parent Governor announced / Tuesday, 15thJuly 2015

Alongside this letter on the college website is a useful booklet entitled “The Essential Trustee”. I strongly recommend that interested parties download and read this which is excellent preparation and background to the role of ‘governor’.

Yours faithfully

Mr R Henshaw


Nomination form and Candidate Statement
for the election of Parent Governor
Minsthorpe Academy Trust
Name of candidate:
Signature of Candidate
Name of Child Registered at Minsthorpe Community College (youngest if more than one child registered).
Date of Birth of Child
Candidate Statement
A factual statement of not more than 200 words.

Eligibility to Act as a Governor