General Policy Report #25 – January 30, 2004

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January 30, 2004

The items listed below have been approved by Faculty Council and are now considered to have the necessary General Faculty approval following the publication of General Policy Report #25 to the general faculty on January 30, 2004.

The following items are presented in the policy report that begins on the next page:

1.  FC-04-003 Faculty Staff Handbook 4130: Standard Course Numbers.

2.  FC-04-007 Proposed Name Change of Crime and Justice Studies Major and Minor to Justice Studies in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences.

3.  FC-04-008 Proposed Discontinuance of Mathematics B.A. Degree in the College of Sciences.

4.  FC-04-009 Proposed New Degree Option in Finance -- Financial Planning in the College of Business and Economics.

5.  FC-04-010, Proposed New B.A. and Minor in History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences/Department of Art & Design.

6.  FC-04-011 Proposed Name Change of Wilderness & Nature Conservation Minor to Parks, Protected Areas, and Wilderness Conservation in the College of Natural Resources.

7.  FC-04-014 Proposed Name Change in Tourism and Leisure Enterprises Minor to Sustainable Tourism and Leisure Enterprises in the College of Natural Resources.

8.  FC-04-016 Proposed Change to B.S. Forest Resources Major in the College of Natural Resources.

9.  FC-04-018 Proposed Consolidation of B.S. AgE and B.S. BSyE degrees into one B.S. B.A.E. degree in the College of Engineering/Biological & Agricultural Engineering.

10.  FC-04-019 Proposed Discontinuance of Mining Engineering Minor in the College of Engineering/Dept. Materials, Metallurgical, Mining and Geological Engineering.

11.  FC-04-020 Proposed Discontinuance of the Adult and Organizational Learning, M.Ed. Degree in the College of Education/Division of Adult, Counselor, and Technology Education.

12.  FC-04-021 Proposed Expand Delivery of the Ed.S. in School Psychology to Coeur d’Alene in the College of Education/Division of Adult, Counselor, and Technology Education.

13.  FC-04-022 Proposed Name Change of the Dept. of Materials, Metallurgical, Mining and Geological Engineering to Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering.


TO: University Curriculum Committee

FROM: Office of the Registrar

RE: Proposed Changes to Faculty Staff Handbook 4130

DATE: September 17, 2003



PREAMBLE: This section describes certain standard course numbers which may be used in any subject field. This section appeared in the 1979 Handbook; in February, 1991, clarification concerning expanded course titles was added and in July, 1994 common internship numbers were specified (as well as the possibility of grading internships on a pass/fail basis). Unless otherwise noted, the text is as of July 1996. For further information, contact the Registrar’s Office (208-885-6731). [ed. 7-00]

A. STANDARD COURSE NUMBERS. University-wide numbers have been established for certain categories of courses. These courses need not be listed in a subject-field section in the catalog unless they are to be offered regularly; . tThey may be offered and listed in the Time Schedule whenever they are needed. Other courses to which these numbers have been assigned should be renumbered as soon as practicable.

B. AUTHORIZED COMBINATIONS OF COURSE NUMBERS AND TITLES. The following course numbers and titles are authorized: 200, 400, 501, 601 Seminar,; 203, 403, 503, 603 Workshop,; 204, 404, 504, 604 Special Topics,; 405, 505, 605 Professional Development, 206, 406, 506 Study Abroad, 298, 398, 498, 598, 698 Internship,; 299, 499, 502, 602 Directed Study,; Optional 400s number Practicum in Tutoring,; 500 Master’s Research and Thesis,; 597 Graduate Practicum,; 599 Non-thesis Master’s Research,; 600 Doctoral Research and Dissertation. (Courses in this group that are appropriate to the College of Law are assigned analogous numbers in the 800s and 900s.)[ed. 7-003]


C-1. Authorized Fields. With the exception of Practicum in Tutoring, the undergraduate-level standard courses may be offered in any subject field, excluding those approved for graduate degrees only. Practicum in Tutoring may be offered in subject fields in which a bachelor’s degree has been approved. Courses 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506 may be offered in subject fields in which graduate-level courses or degree have been approved. Courses 503, 597, 598, 599 may be offered in subject fields in which a graduate degree has been approved. Course 500 must be offered in, and only in, those subject fields in which a thesis master’s degree has been approved. Course 600 must be offered in, and only in, those subject fields in which the Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree has been approved. Courses 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 698 must be offered in, and only in, those subject fields in which doctoral-level programs are offered.

C-2. Expanded Titles and Descriptions. All of the foregoing titles, except for 500, 600, and Practicum in Tutoring, may be expanded (in the nature of subtitles) to indicate the subject more specifically. This possibility is indicated by the symbol “(s)” between the number and the title in the catalog entry. If more than one such specific topic is to be offered, they will be listed in the Time Schedule as separate sections. Also, special conditions or restrictions may be added to the course description. Illustrative catalog entry: MusH 400 (s) Seminar (cr arr); Illustrative Time Schedule entries: MusH 400 Lec 01 Seminar (cr arr); MusH 400 Lec 02 Seminar in Ethnomusicology (3 cr); MusH 400 Lec 03 Seminar in Medieval Music (1-3 cr). The description for Practicum in Tutoring is “Tutorial services performed by advanced students under faculty supervision.”

C-3. Definitions and Credits. All of these courses, except Practicum in Tutoring, may be offered on a variable-credit basis (cr arr), and, except for 500 and 600, they may be offered for a specified number of credits. Practicum in Tutoring is to be offered for one credit and may be repeated once (1 cr, max 2).

Directed Study: One-on-one method of delivering specially designed content to a student outside of the normal classroom environment. A specific directed study course can be offered only once and is not intended for repetition in subsequent semesters. Directed study courses should not duplicate an existing course.

Internship - Supervised practical experience related to a student’s major.

Practicum - Course of study that involves the supervised application of previously studied theory.

Practicum in Tutoring – Tutorial services performed by advanced students under faculty supervision.

Professional Development – A professional activity designed to provide information or skills, which have practical value. Usually developed to meet the needs of a particular group of practitioners.

Research – Supervised collection of information about a particular subject.

Seminar - A course offered to a group of advanced students studying under a professor with each doing in-depth study and discussion of the course material with the professor and other students.

Special Topic - Extended discussion on a topic or subject area not covered in an existing course offering. Topic may not be offered more than twice under this course number.

Workshop - A usually brief, intensive course for a relatively small group of students that focuses on techniques and skills in a particular field.

C-4. Prerequisites. Prerequisites are not usually listed for courses 500 and 600. Courses in the 600-series are intended for doctoral students only and will carry a system-enforced prerequisite of enrollment in a doctoral program (Ph.D., Ed.D.). The catalog entry for 206, 406, 506 is “Prereq: perm of dept.” For all other standard courses, the catalog entry is “Prereq: perm.”

C-5. Grading. Seminars, workshops, directed studies, Practicum in Tutoring, and internships may be graded on the P/F basis or normal mode.

C-6. Limitations. A separate special-topics course should not be offered under the number 204, 404, or 504, or 604 more than twice; after the second offering, it should be assigned its own number, title, and description so that with few exceptions the official descriptions of courses students take will be in the catalog. Use 599 for research not directly related to a thesis or dissertation. A maximum of 10 credits in course 500 may be applied toward the minimum of 30 credits required for a thesis master’s degree; nevertheless, the number of credits a student may earn in course 500 is not limited to the number required by the student’s department. Credit in course 500 cannot be counted toward the minimum of 30 credits required for a nonthesis master’s degree. Credit earned in 405, 505, 605 will not be accepted toward graduate degree programs. Courses numbered 600-699 may never be conducted jointly and can be cross listed only with 600-level courses in a second department.

C-7. Limitations on Directed Study. Directed study is intended as a one-on-one method of delivering specially designed content to the student outside of the normal classroom environment. General classroom space is not available for this purpose and enrollment in any directed study course should not exceed five. A specific directed study course can be offered only once; the directed study course is not intended to be repeated in subsequent semesters. Directed study courses cannot duplicate an existing course.


Idaho State Board of Education

Academic/Professional-Technical Education

Notice of Intent

to initiate a

New, Expanded, Cooperative, Discontinued, program component or Off-Campus Instructional Program or Administrative/Research Unit

______University of Idaho______

Institution Submitting Proposal

College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences / Sociology, Anthropology, Justices Studies_

Name of College, School, or Division Name of Department(s) or Area(s)

Indicate if this NOI is for an Academic __X___ or Professional-Technical _____ Program

A New, Expanded, Cooperative, Contract, or Off-Campus Instructional Program or Administrative/Research Unit (circle one) leading to:

Rename the Crime and Justice Studies major and minor to the Justice Studies major and minor

(degree or certificate)

Proposed Starting Date: September, 2004______

For New Programs Only

/ For Other Activity:
Program (i.e., degree) Title & CIP 2000 / Program Component: rename major and minor
(CIP assigned upon receipt of NOI in Provost Office) / Off-Campus Activity/Resident Center
Administrative/Research Unit
Contract Program

This Notice of Intent has been approved by:

______approved: CLASS CC, October 15, 2003

College Dean (Institution) Date


______State Administrator, SDPTE Date Graduate School Dean (as applicable) Date


Chief Fiscal Officer (Institution) Date SBOE/OSBE Approval Date


Chief Academic Officer (Institution) Date


President Date

Before completing this form, refer to the “Board Policy Section III.G. Program Approval and Discontinuance.

1. Briefly describe the nature of the request e.g., is this a new program (degree, program, or certificate) or program component (e.g., new, discontinued, modified, addition to an existing program or option). We request that the name of the Crime and Justice Studies major and minor be changed to Justice Studies to reflect the change in the department’s name to Justice Studies. The new name will better reflect the broad, interdisciplinary nature of the program, and it will help differentiate the major and minor from junior college programs that have a more narrow focus on law enforcement.

2. Briefly describe how the institution will ensure the quality of the program (e.g., accreditation, professional societies, licensing boards, etc.).

3. Duplication--Is this request unique to the system? If not, briefly describe the rationale for the duplication.

4.  Succinct statement of need for program or program modification. Include student and state need, demand, and employment potential. Attach a Scope and Sequence, DPTE Form Attachment B, for professional-technical education requests. (Use additional sheets if necessary.).

5. Describe how this request is consistent with the State Board of Education’s policy or role and mission of the institution. (i.e., centrality).

6. Resources--Faculty/Staff/Space Needs/Capital Outlay. (Use additional sheets if necessary.):

Estimated Fiscal Impact: / FY / FY / FY
A. Source of Funds
1. Appropriated-reallocation
2. Appropriated-new
3. Federal
4. Other:
B. Nature of Funds
1. Recurring *
2. Non-recurring**
Grand Total

* Recurring is defined as ongoing operating budget for the program, which will become of the base.

** Non-recurring is defined as one-time funding in a fiscal year and not part of the base.


Idaho State Board of Education

Academic/Professional-Technical Education

Notice of Intent

to initiate a

New, Expanded, Cooperative, Discontinued, program component or Off-Campus Instructional Program or Administrative/Research Unit

______University of Idaho______

Institution Submitting Proposal

______College of Science______/ ____Department of Mathematics______

Name of College, School, or Division Name of Department(s) or Area(s)

Indicate if this NOI is for an Academic __X__ or Professional-Technical _____ Program

A New, Expanded, Cooperative, Contract, or Off-Campus Instructional Program or Administrative/Research Unit (circle one) leading to:

______Mathematics (B.A.) degree______

(degree or certificate)

Proposed Starting Date: ______

For New Programs Only

/ For Other Activity:
Program (i.e., degree) Title & CIP 2000 / Program Component (major/minor/option/emphasis)
(CIP assigned upon receipt of NOI in Provost Office) / Off-Campus Activity/Resident Center
Administrative/Research Unit
Contract Program

This Notice of Intent has been approved by:


College Dean (Institution) Date


______State Administrator, SDPTE Date Graduate School Dean (as applicable) Date


Chief Fiscal Officer (Institution) Date SBOE/OSBE Approval Date


Chief Academic Officer (Institution) Date


President Date

Before completing this form, refer to the “Board Policy Section III.G. Program Approval and Discontinuance.

1.  Briefly describe the nature of the request e.g., is this a new program (degree, program, or certificate) or program component (e.g., new, discontinued, modified, addition to an existing program or option).

Discontinuance of this degree program.

2. Briefly describe how the institution will ensure the quality of the program (e.g., accreditation, professional societies, licensing boards, etc.).

3. Duplication--Is this request unique to the system? If not, briefly describe the rationale for the duplication.

5.  Succinct statement of need for program or program modification. Include student and state need, demand, and employment potential. Attach a Scope and Sequence, DPTE Form Attachment B, for professional-technical education requests. (Use additional sheets if necessary.). We have a very popular B.S. Mathematics degree program which can accommodate the students who are interested in the B.A. program. We have had no B.A. graduates in the last 8 years.