Champlin Park Girls Soccer Booster Club Meeting

May 2, 2017 –Call to order: 6:32

Members present: Garth Lotts, Steve Nichols, Traci Braiedy, Hope Grimm, Steve Campbell

Guests: Kevin Pietsch, Gail & Pat MarshalekRegrets: Calen Nimmer, Dan Grimm

Agenda: Member update: John Hurd is stepping down as CO-VP since his daughter will not be playing, board decided we do not need two and will go with Hope Grimm as solo VP – John was working on possibly updating the By-Laws, is this something we want to continue to look at?

  • Hope will check with Dan and Steve will check with John to see if anything sticks out that needs to be amended

Possibly changing ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIPSection 5.2

The term of membership shall be for one year.

Old business –

  • Duluth Trip(Aug 18-19 for JV & V) – Hotel is booked, bus is in process of being booked, girls will leave Friday the 18th at 8:30 am and be back Saturday Night after scrimmages
  • New shorts for the JV– Calen would like a blue pair and a white pair, cost is possibly $750
  • Board has decided to table this until the next meeting and we are unsure if we will have the funds at this time
  • Advertising at games – banners, programs… - Garth spoke to Mattson who is open to almost anything except we cannot advertise things to do with liquor (2-4-1s, happy hour, etc)
  • Sponsors – Board talked about different ideas for sponsors
  • Kevin will revamp letter before next meeting
  • Hope is compiling a list of business to go to
  • Booster Club Google Calendar access sent to Garth and Traci, let us know if you want something added
  • Program Calendar– has been updated, along with Important Dates tab (thank you Calen!)
  • Fundraising –
  • Willie McCoys Meat Raffles, Garth will check on
  • Hope will check on Chipotle and Cub
  • Game Sponsors? Half Time Ball Sponsors? Will be part of the new Sponsorship letter
  • Tryout shirts / Spirit Wear–we will be moving forward with Identity Stores– more to come

New business –

  • Budget – Steve Nichols
  • 2016 Taxes were filed & accepted on 4/11/2016
  • Soccer Scholarships announced on 5/15 – Garth & Calen to attend
  • From Boys Boosters- They bought 100 tickets to the MN United game Sept 9th to take thier 9th and 10th grade teams if we want in on any. $20 a ticket.They will offer them out to the JV and Varsity players for pay and family members but will have extra if the girls want to coordinate or join them??
  • Tabled until next meeting for Calen’s imput

Boys are looking at September 26th for Senior Night. They have the 5 pm game

  • Girls are looking at doing Sr Day Game – 10/7
  • Will we be giving Seniors their gifts at this time instead of banquet?

Boys are looking at September 14th for youth night.Girls have the 5:00 game and Boys have the 7:00 game vs. Osseo. Would be nice to do it on the same night.

  • Girls Booster agrees – would be nice to do it the same night
  • Will need to have posters done for both teams
  • What else will we hand out? Soccer Balls again? Water Bottle? Etc.
  • Garth still doing “Kick it Back”?
  • 2017 Varsity game schedule loaded on website (Teams>Varsity>Varsity Calendar)
  • NWSC site has also been updated,2017 NWSC Varsity Schedule
  • CPHS tryouts this year will be held in the eveningfrom 5-8 PM (8/14-8/17). It's too difficult to manage work schedules and morning tryouts, so we're going to give this a try this year.
  • CPHS Summer Camp: dates are still TBD - most likely have a weekend camp (Fri-Sun) - thinking the weekend of July 14-16 in the morning. Will have update on this soon.
  • Board Noted that this is Schwans Cup weekend and may want to change
  • Sam Zaugg's moving plans have shifted, so she'll be able to coach the B team again this fall
  • JV coach - John Barry is currently in Milwaukee for an internship with uncertainty of plans afterward, so as of now, actively searching for another coach in the event he won't be returning to MN.
  • Team pictures - do we have a date & time for these yet?
  • Need to connect with the Boys Program to confirm availability
  • Does David Banks do them? (Garth will look at notes from past years’)
  • Would possibly be done August 23rd?
  • Team Banner– discussed doing a team banner instead of individual pictures for varsity
  • Board agrees – this would be a nice change
  • Pat Marshalek looking into pricing ($3 per sqft?)

Meeting Adjorned: 8:22

The board respectfully requests that everyone come to meetings prepared with an outline/agenda/cost analysis, etc. if you are going to suggest any fundraising, sponsorship or team activity ideas. This will help us stay on task and avoid repeating topics.

Next Meeting: June 11 – 9-11 AM @ TBD