College Council is the only democratically elected body in the College system. The purpose of College Council is “to promote communication and consultation within the College, and to provide a forum for staff and students to communicate with the President.” (College Council Terms Of Reference, Section 1.0).The Council meets monthly, ten times each academic year, between September and June. This document reports on the activities of the Council during the academic year 2005/2006.
Terms Of Reference
An updated version of the College Council’s Terms Of Reference (see was approved by the College’s Board of Governors at their December, 2005 meeting.
President’s Reports
The “President’s Report” is a standing item on the agenda. The issues addressed by the President during the year were:
- Accountability Agreement
- Auditors
- Board of Governors
- Budget
- Building Projects
- Bus Shelter (Davis)
- College Council Website
- Counsellors
- Faculty Strike
- Financial Allocations
- Fundraising Campaign
- Hiring
- Labour Market Agreements
- Premier’s Awards
- Strategic Planning
Student Concerns
College Council members bring student concerns to the Council. P. Tretjack forwarded these concerns to the appropriate parties. The student concerns raised during the year were:
- Cars Double Parked
- Complaints About Landlords
- Davis Campus Dark At Night
- Difficulty Finding Rooms On Campus
- Faculty Strike
- Graduation Procedure
- Residence Fees
- Safety
- Timetables
- Washroom Cleanliness
Constituent Issues
College Council members bring issues to the Council that have been raised by the constituent group that the member represents. If necessary, the Council invites guests from within the College to address these issues. The constituent issues discussed during the year, and the peoplewho addressed each issue, were:
- A-Wing Expansion (B. Woodworth)
- Academic Governance (M. Callahan)
- Advertizing (B. Woodworth)
- AnnexBuilding – Davis (T. Davison)
- Applicant Survey (M. Callahan)
- Blue Boxes (P. Toms)
- Cleaning (B. Woodworth)
- Code Of Conduct (R. Till)
- College Council Website (W. Jollymore)
- Drains (J. Bowman, R. Lewis)
- Emergency Phones (P. Toms)
- Federal Election Voting Station (S. Raza)
- Food Bank (S. Raza)
- GPA Calculation (S. Narayan)
- Harassment & Discrimination (S. Gilbert)
- Health & Safety Position (B. Woodworth)
- Hiring (C. Goodrow, D. McKay)
- Job Evaluation System (Z. Mohammed)
- Job Postings (J. Bowman)
- Laptop Connections – Annex (P. Toms)
- LMS Review (S. Hodder)
- Mailroom Security (B. Woodworth, W. Jollymore)
- Membership (M. Teske)
- Mentor Program (K. Zannata-Buehler)
- Mobile Computing (M. Callahan)
- Mould – Annex (R. Lewis)
- Overhead Vents (J. Greer, B. Woodworth)
- Parking Lot (J. Greer)
- Performance Appraisals (J. Bowman)
- Recruitment/Registrar’s Intranet (R. Stewart, A. Wigfield)
- Recycling (J. Greer)
- Scheduling (L. Dalton)
- Security Box – Davis (S. Gilbert)
- Sheridan Sun Advertizing (B. Woodworth)
- Signage (K. Karius, L. Laframboise)
- Snow Clearing – Davis Walkway (D. Galama)
- Staff Directory (K. Karius)
- Strategic Goals (P. Toms)
- Student Advisement Centre (M. Lucido-Bezely, R. Till)
- Student Recruitment (J. Cupido, A. Wigfield)
- Terms Of Reference (J. Travis)
- Timetabling (L. Dalton)
- Washroom Cleanliness (J. Greer)
- Washrooms – Saturdays (C. Waite)
- Water Fountain – Davis (C. Waite)
Vivienne Sager Award
At the September, 2005 meeting, the Vivienne Sager award was presented posthumously to Gabe Sara for his contribution over many years to College Council. J. Travis presented the plaque to Gabe’s family. Duplicate plaques have been hung in both the Trafalgar and Davis campuses.
Outstanding Items
To avoid issues “falling through the cracks”, College Council maintains a list of issues that have not yet been fully resolved or are issues to be discussed in the future. Currently, these issues are:
- Accountability Agreement
- Blue Boxes
- Code Of Conduct
- College Council Website
- Degree Programs – Resource Planning
- Drains
- Energy Conservation
- I.T. Fees
- Mobile Computing (& Smart Classrooms?)
- Mould – Davis Annex
- Oakville Cancer Society
- Policies & Procedures (Academic)
- Policies & Procedures (Non-academic)
- Public Relations
- Residence Fees
- Signage
- Student Safety
- Student Services Task Force (Davis)
The atmosphere at College Council was positive and pragmatic, and there was open dialogue between the Council members. The goal was the 4 “C”s – communicative, concise, candid, and cooperative.
College Council members are responsible not only for bringing forward issues raised by their constituents, but also for conveying information back to their constituents. Council members communicated with their constituents via voicemail, E-mail, constituency meetings and one-on-one or small group meetings.
The agenda and record of each meeting, together with other significant documents (e.g. the Terms Of Reference, the current Membership) are posted on the College Council web site (see However, the current structure of the Council web pages is “stale” and could definitely be revitalized. Aided by the Marketing & Communications department, we intend to redesign the Council web pages in the near future.
College Council members are elected to represent a school, administrative unit, or campus. Also, the Ministry guidelines imply that each Council member is recognized as a member of a particular constituent group (Administration, Faculty, Student, Support, or Open).
Members joining the Council this year were:
- B. Eddy (Faculty, School Of Business)
- D. Galama (Open, Campus -- Davis)
- K. Karius (Admin., Admin. Group 3 -- Business Development)
- D. Kenaani (Student, Student Union President)
- B. Woodworth (Open, Campus – Trafalgar/STC)
There are still a number of open positions, in all constituent groups except Student. We will endeavour to fill the open positions in the Fall.
P. Toms was Chair.
M. Teske was Vice-Chair.
J. Travis was Past Chair.
C. Atkinson was Secretary between September 2005 and March 2006. For the remainder of the academic year, B. Webb was Secretary.
For the next academic year (i.e. 2006/2007), B. Eddy will be Chair, J. Travis will be Vice-Chair, P. Toms will be Past Chair, and the position of Secretary is still to be filled.
Overall, the year has been busy, but extremely productive, rewarding and enjoyable. We look forward to the start of another academic year, and a fresh College Council year, in September.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Toms
Chair, College Council
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