Reflections on Global Warming 2010

Section 3 -Asteroid Answers to Ancient Mysteries after 5 February 2287 BC

We would understand true physics that could broaden our horizons if we built laboratory models to recreate what happened.Some of these models are now seen on cable channels that show the evidence in nature.They just need to leave out that irrational, unscientific evolutionary religion dating everything back to billions of years ago, so that it would be easier to explain the mystery of why an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, combined with left over hydrogen (ignited by the spark of an asteroid intrusion from space) to explosively unlock Noah’s massive rains, which is only possible in recent times as we can measure the polar ice.

That fiery asteroid shook the earth violently and collapsed the ancient atmosphere on 5February 2287 BC, according to the mathematical playback of the planetary sky, as reported in my Babushka books.These prehistoric events not only changed the face of the planet but also caused the earth to wobble in its rotational axis, which can be proven from ancient archaeological monuments and historical records such as the 4,000-year old Bible.

Evolution theories do not provide you with any framework to decipher these ancient calendar systems and clocks, but my hypothesis does so with remarkable cross-cultural confirmation.Read about it in Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries,the third Babushka egg concept book that is free on the Internet, or buy the book.I make no money; therefore, I am not biased.

The earth wobble from this tectonic rearrangement took some time to quiet down.As it did so, there were accompanying climate changes, as seen geologically in the glaciers around the globe and as recorded in historical descriptions of ancient living conditions or by paleoclimatology research.The glaciers still provide evidence of recent glaciations, with snow miles deep at the Polar Regions, which we can measure.

Noah’s worldwide deluge is verified by archeology when we search for the cradle of civilization or the remains from earliest cities and villages, which are found along a narrow ice and snow-free corridor at 30 degrees parallel to Tropical Cancer or Capricorn, which reaches toward the equator.

Ice-snow receding from the equator toward the poles after the asteroid impact in 2287 BC
North pole aligned horizontally before 2288 BC Equator / Precession equinoxes 72°
30° parallel - snowline
[1400 BC - Moses] / Alderabim
45° parallel - snowline
migration of nations in Europe going north / Vega
55° parallel - snowline
[BC/AD] - Jesus Christ / Tau Herculis
60° parallel - snowline
(Some settlement on the arctic circle AD 1500)
North Pole wobble pointing at / Thuban
[2012] North Pole static now pointing at / Solaris

Why do researchers only find ancient Babylonian artifacts near the cradle of the human race, in such a narrow corridor and not in the more northern regions?

The Bible gives us the answer: snow deposited by the earth’s axis wobble reached as far as the 30 degree parallel.Within this narrow band, the survivors of the biblical Flood spread out.

The hanging gardens of Babylon was one of the ancient wonders of the world.It is well documented. These famous gardens are solid evidence for a mild temperature climate at that time, surrounded by a very thick jungle forest.Four thousand years later, we only see sand and temperatures so hot forming a desert, killing all vegetation.

If you do not believe my observation get your proof by looking up the Pyramid in Giza.Please notice that on the top we still see the veneers’ cover plates remaining, and as we continue to look in a horizontal line to the next smaller pyramid, we detect a little left over from the outer veneer on top, too.

Below the veneer, it shows the washout of the flood level, but now only rough stones are exposed, going downward to the basement structure, to the level of Egypt's famous Sphinx, which needed to be excavated too.It was totally buried and covered in silt.Since the amount of water in the ocean measured today has not changed, it is logical that only a shaking earth wobble could produce Noah’s flood.Otherwise, where did the water go, if the ocean was several 100 feet higher?

The excessive water did not run over the edge, as some believed the earth was flat, which was enforced by an inquisition.Do not believe that lie from the Vatican. The flat earth idea was used to cover up another lie, which is that Columbus did not discover the Americas.He had a 200-year-old map from the 13th century, received by a Chinese flotilla that came by, having mapped the world in ships that were four times larger.They spoke of a bronze time civilization with massive pyramids and temples filled with gold.

Murdering 100 million people makes Columbus the biggest mass murderer in history.He slashed burned every village and tortured people to get the gold.That can be verified as the darkest time in history with a bankrupt church system that had gone amuck.

Going back to study more evidence for the Flood, we can find it in the sea shells found embedded in many of the highest mountains, which can only come from ocean floors that are now raised by tectonic elevation tilt-up eruptions that were created by this wobble of the globe shaking violently, which was upset by a change in its axis of spin.

The earth once orbited the sun horizontally, according to the Aztec calendar, with the poles pointing directly at the sun on 7 mini-spins for one solstice orbit, which created a mild tropical climate without rain or snow or ice.Profusion in vegetation is seen embedded in compressed coal deposits and mud shale.After the asteroid strike, the earth axis tilted just like a sailboat’s ballast that shifts in a storm.Over hundreds of years, the tilt wobbling gradually comes to the ‘’near” rest of today’s 23½° angle of rotation in 2012 AD.For more information, read my Aztec calendar clock book.

The reemerging human civilization was restarted by 8 people who built a boat. This event is reported by almost every ancient culture, yet it is denied by the evolution religion. They began a new civilization, squeezed between the snowlines in a narrow band around the globe, up to the 30th parallel. Traces of struggling, reemerging human cultures are found embedded in stone and leftover building structures from a new society.

They did not have iron; therefore they could only use baked bricks or river stones.They had to relearn how to mine and melt metals once again, reinventing iron and bronze.It took 1000 years to reinvent iron again after the Bronze time, as the knowledge of melting metals was lost with the Atlantis civilization, which originally came from Adam, the first inventor of iron and bronze.Check it out in the first page of Genesis.

Additionally, the most ancient Atlantis civilizations before Noah’s time in 2288 BC were knowledgeable in genetics and knew how to smelt iron with electricity, which is demonstrated in many buildings and pyramids with their gigantic stones that are perfectly parallel, fitted with iron-diamond tools, as seen in Peru’s ancient basement building with a church on top.It survived hundreds of earthquakes, as the black rock fit so closely that not even a razorblade could penetrate within the cracks, even after a great many earthquakes.Rocks carved with interlocking tongs matched perfectly. Or explain those gigantic pictures of animals that are miles long and only become visible from high up in an airplane.

I wonder about Genesis.If Adam had an IQ of a thousand, he must have played chess with God in the Garden of Eden because he needed someone with a higher intelligence to have fun with. When we investigate our brain, we see that it has 95% unused capacity and we conjecture that the monkey has less, when we apply entropy laws.Using all of the brain capacity must have come in handy after Adam started working in the field, weeding out thistles and stones, when he had to work to make a living.

The ground was cursed by God when He said, “with the sweat on your brow you will eat from now on.” No more free lunch if you disobey My commandments. That started the process of inventing tools made from iron and bronze, which were needed to cultivate the ground a little easier.The angel watching in front of the Garden had an iron sword; Adam still remembered.Musical instruments were also invented as Eve complained that they had kids that needed to be entertained.Read the Genesis account.It is amazingly detailed.

Mankind originally used more of their embedded IQ intelligence, which started the first civilization very quickly by gathering highly advanced knowledge that was gathered from a prolific inventor.Adam lived a long time, expanding a new civilization rapidly.

Check out Silicon Valley, which was escalating butwith very few inventors that could surprise you.The ancient inventions, from higher IQs became totally lost in sand and silt, which preexisted before Noah’s time.Do not expect Noah to be an expert in everything.He was only a carpenter and not an ironsmith, or someone who messed around with nature by modifying genes.

My question to the highly educated is:Can you tell me where the electrical energy comes from when you just push a magnetic rod through a copper wire loop? Do you know what the number means that is now stuck on every fruit in the grocery store?If you don’t, check out why so many people die of salmonella and E-coli bacteria, which is suppressed by the government.We should not expect that Noah knew everything such as mixing genes to make half human/half animal beings.

We can see their proud achievements in stone sculptures and paintings on walls around the world. Even writing had to be modernized once more due to the new languages imposed upon the human race when they were scattered according to God’s decree. Although Hebrew writing began with Adam and Eve about 4004 BC, it was restructured by Moses who had nothing to do for 40 years except to watch sheep.God needed someone highly educated and only Pharaoh’s court had an advanced school run by priests.Only divine providence continued the story of creation, otherwise we would know nothing of the history of the beginnings of humankind before the year 2287 BC.

There are so many facts willfully squashed by the controlling education establishment to keep you ignorant.For example, in Texas there are human footprints embedded in dinosaur tracks – something so very contrary to evolution’s fairytales!It must be suppressed because the facts cannot be questioned: the old soft muck hardened to stone pretty quickly.Many other facts could be discussed that disprove evolution as a foolish theory, and I encourage you to do some Internet research on it.

Discovered just decades ago, melting glaciers exposed the well-preserved remains of a prehistoric man in the Italian Alps who had been frozen for thousands of years. Known as Otzi, his clothing, food, medicine and tools, including a pure copper ax, a flint knife, a bow and stone arrowheads teach us how people lived during the Bronze Age in Europe about 3,000 years ago, approximately Moses’ timeframe, according to most scholars. You might catch a show about him on TV. He is a good example of the relearning of civilization. His tools were more primitive than what has been found in previous sites.

Records of climate changes show up in ancient scrolls written by skilled human beings. It requires reasoning with modern methods from the perspective of a dual rail methodology, in order to discover the wealth of information available in ancient writings and monuments.

Why is it only now that anyone has become aware of climate changes on earth? Evidence in geology and history are not lacking!Certainly, the process of transformation to a new climate has been gradual, but that is not the reason.Is it because we worry that gasoline is becoming too expensive, which could change our lifestyle with fewer weekend boat trips?

What amazed me as a scientist working with computers was to discover that a binary computer language of zeros and ones can be seen etched on three Chinese bronze plates[1] dated 2,000 BC, which put us close to Abraham’s time.

I write about these matters, that ancient humans were smarter than we modern humans commonly give them credit.Notice the symbols of dashes and dots, which are clearly identified, like Zeroes & Ones in our computer language, which are also embedded in a 4000 year old bronze plate from ancient times.

I am astonished that the Bible was written by 40 authors over a period of thousands of years, yet they do not conflict with each other.This is a miracle in itself!Just look at any scientific forum and you will find much disagreement. This becomes especially true when discussions of climate change inspire a collection of wild secular opinions that do not agree with each other.It creates a confused picture; never mind trying to reach a real understanding of antiquity based on facts. How befuddled you can get when controlled by fairytales.

The evidence by 40 writers of the Bible alone points to a supernatural director guiding the writing. Their writings came from different ages, cultures and languages to form a masterpiece of literature that can be trusted as authentic and scientific. So when we align events written by ancient eyewitnesses with the descriptions of their natural environment, we can assemble a climate change scenario that is not possible with conventional techniques.

Aztec Witness

The Mayan-Aztec calendar calculated that the earth wobble will come to a final rest on the 21st of December 2012, which matches key events of the Apocalypse prophesied in the Bible.Investigating our world from a balanced two rail perspective gives us sufficient data to compute some predictions now that thousands of years of earth history exist to test the prophetic clock gear cycles. True science provides insights that traditional theology cannot. Many confused theologians, who are scantly educated in science, could never discover these relationships between the Bible and science that make predictions of the Bible’s prophesied events possible.

Let’s look at some interesting data and compare it with science to get a better understanding of why the 2012 date is embedded in all ancient clocks, which gives us a witness about what happened 4,300 years ago when an asteroid slowed down our earth orbit around the sun in Noah’s age.

That asteroid strike influenced the moon’s movements, which is explained later also. Investigating the moon more closely could provide a second witness to substantiate or prove the spin-axis theory to be correct.

Noticing the velocity difference between the earth and the moon shows some discrepancies that we should examine further.My 6th Babushka book, A Donut Atom Nuclear Story, explains how gravity is produced and fuels every atom.If you read that book, you will understand what I write here much better. It is free to read and download on the Internet at:[2]

Gravity is an invisible force born out of infinite light and behaves like an ocean distributing a powerful energy from the cosmos source like water flowing and penetration everywhere, forming elements science categorized in our element table.

I observed that it has embedded a time dimension (Mem) resembling a rubber band holding it all together and expanding or contracting with the passing of time, which would show up as being delayed.Just as a train must conform to a schedule, its engineer accelerates or slows it down for it to arrive at the exact time analogue watching the waves on the beach in Hawaii.

Ancient clocks point out what the Creator did to inform us that now the “time” has arrived for the birthing of the Saints; the wagon train has already gone slightly past the 13th of the 14 stations of God’s 7,000-Year Plan for Humanity. Check out the schedule.

It started right on time as projected when New York created a global financial tsunami wave just before 2008 ended.When the last wagon train has passed the final station, it is the end for our earth andmost of all life as expressed in the hieroglyph Hebrew letter and symbolized it in Taw. God will provide a boat once more for some to survive.

Scientists do not realize that the sun is moving too, hence, the whole solar system is in motion along one arm of the Milky Way, which is rotating around a black hole that could be Taw.When previously investigating atoms with two neutrino polarities, it was stated that in an energy atom conversion only two arms will be emerging from its center.