Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Greater New York City

PO Box 140220 • Staten Island, NY 10314 • (718) 727-4313

Please Print


Last nameFirst name M.I. Date of Birth

/ /

Address: NumberStreetCityStateZip


Telephone Number:Email Address:


Social Security Number:Citizenship

Name and address of parents or guardians (required for applicants under 18 years of age):

Are your parents/guardians in sympathy with your missionary purpose? If not, what is their objection?

How did you become interested in becoming a Summer Missionary with CEF® of Greater New York City?


List below your schooling, including college, Bible Institute, Seminary, Technical/Business School or other:

Name of School / Years Completed / Course of Study / Diploma, Degree
Certificate or Hours


Give approximate date of conversion:

A verse that gives you assurance of salvation:

Local church where you attend:

List any ministries you have you been involved with in your church:


Are you willing to be involved in ministries which may mean working with denominations other than your own, but which are in agreement with Child Evangelism Fellowship Statement of Faith? YES NO

Is English your first language? YES NO

Have you been screened through the CEF Child Protection Program? YES NO

Has God allowed you to lead children to Christ? YES NO

T-Shirt Size: ______

Describe any training and experience you have had in Child Evangelism Fellowship®.

Will you have a car available to use during your internship?

Do you understand that this is a faith missionary program and that you will be required to do deputation?

Yes NO. CEF’s financial policy is “Ask God and Tell His People”. Deputation materials to help you raise finances will be supplied upon your acceptance to the Summer Missionary program.

For what period of time will you available to serve? Please give specific months and days:


List your last three employers, beginning with the most recent. You may exclude organizations which indicate race, color, gender, national origin, or disability:

Name & Address of Employer / Phone / Dates
Worked / Position / Reason for Leaving


CEF WORKER or Mature Adult

Using a separate page, please state any additional information you feel may be helpful to us in considering your application.

Please write out a brief testimony of your salvation and growth experience:


Name of the insurance company

Name of person on insurance card

Contact name

Policy Number

I understand that Child Evangelism Fellowship® will investigate my work and personal history and verify data given on this application. I authorize all individuals, schools and firms named herein to provide information about me and I release them from all liability for damage in providing this information.

I also understand that serving as a Summer Missionary means that I am willing to serve under the direction of CEF missionaries and will accept and perform assignments cheerfully and with dependability.

I certify that to the best of my knowledge all answers and information given on this application are true and correct.

Signature: ______Date: ______