British Equestrian Vaulting Coaches Registration Form

Coaches Information
Full Name: / Click here to enter text. /
BEV Membership Number / Click here to enter text. /
Email Address: / Click here to enter text. /
Club Information
Club (or Clubs) Associated with / Click here to enter text. /
Contact Person for Club / Click here to enter text. /
Email address for Club Contact / Click here to enter text. /
BEV Qualification Information
Please select your BEV coaching qualification level from the drop down / Choose an item. /
If applicable please attach a copy of your certificate for your coaching qualification. (Registration will not be completed without a signed certificate) / Choose an item. /
Date BEV qualification was obtained? / Click here to enter a date. /
Coaching Qualification Information
Have you completed a first aid qualification? / Choose an item. /
Please attach a copy of your first aid certificate? / Choose an item. /
Date your latest First Aid Certificate was obtained? / Click here to enter a date. /
Have you completed a Safeguarding Course? / Choose an item. /
Please attach a copy of your safeguarding certificate? / Choose an item. /
Date your latest Safeguarding Certificate was obtained? / Click here to enter a date. /
Professional Development – Updated Coaching Skills
Have you attended any relevant Continual Professional Development (CPD) training in the last 18 months? (Eg: Coaching Conference, Training Courses) / Choose an item. /
Please List any CPD and Attach Certification where applicable
Click here to enter text.
Date your latest CPD event was attended? / Click here to enter a date. /
Other BEV Roles (only answer if applicable)
Are you a BEV Judge? / Choose an item. /
What level of Judge are you currently? / Choose an item. /
Are you a BEV technical delegate? / Choose an item. /
Are you a BEV Steward? / Choose an item. /
Please list your attended CPD events below and provide the date of your last CPD Event / Click here to enter a date. /
Click here to enter text. /

I agree to my personal data being processed and stored by BEV. This data will not be shared with any third parties, but may be made available to insurers and other concerned parties in the event of any injury or accident. ☐

I agree to BEV publishing my name on the list of coaches and officials which is displayed on the BEV Website along with my BEV membership number, BEV Qualification level and any other role I may have in BEV ☐

DISCLOSURE: Criminal record checks are no longer linked directly to coaching qualifications. However, as a volunteercoach you may be legally required to carry out a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check prior to carrying out arole which meets the eligibility requirements. It is your responsibility along with your club to ensure the appropriate level ofDisclosure is in place.It is important to understand that certain previous or current conviction, caution, warning or reprimands which are deemed to make youunsuitable for working with children or adults may restrict or prevent you from undertaking a coaching role.☐

I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am physically fit and do not knowingly have any condition which may impairmy ability to function effectively as a coach/ instructor and or my ability to be responsible for the overall safety of vaulters in mycharge.☐

I agree that I will inform the British Equestrian Vaulting Coaching Database owner should I, at some future time, suffer any significant injury or developany debilitating illness or condition which might impair my ability to function effectively as a coach/ instructor of vaulting.☐

I have read and agree to abide by the British Equestrian Vaulting Code of Conduct☐

I understand that in law I have a ‘Duty of Care’ to others, and that this duty of care is enhanced with regard to the responsibility tothose who I teach because of the training and qualification I receive.☐

I agree to abide by the BEFEquestrian Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Instructors,Teachers and Trainers☐

I agree that the application has been completed honestly and accurately.☐

Please return the completed form along with supporting documentation