Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council Meeting


Tuesday 26th January 2016


Meldrum Academy (canteen)

CC Members Present: - Lloyd Duncan, Andrew McCartney, James Milton, John Pirie, Irene Dunbar. Kaye Cowie, David Clare, Jeff Goodhall, Stuart Baird and Simon Kilkerr, Patrick Sleigh, Jan Chalmers, Alice Hill, Willie Sinclair, Jane Dickers, Norman Masson, Stanley Glennie, Denise Forsyth,

Apologies: - Cllr Gifford,

Aberdeenshire Council: - None

Member of Public: - Stephanie Cowie, Kevin Glennie, Eileen Oiler, Marilyn Torr, Gary Oliver, Stuart Singer

Meldrum Academy: - None

Councillors: Cllr Shand, Cllr Hendry, Cllr Johnston

Police: Sergeant Jamie Harrison

Minutes of 2014 AGM Meeting

Proposed: Andrew McCartney

Seconded: Stuart Baird

Matters Pending

Ø  Cllr Shand to check why Meldrum Academy reception not manned in the evening. ACTION CRYLE

Ø  Cllr Shand to check on village orderly’s allocation. ACTION CRYLE

Ø  c) Parking at Greengates remains a problem – Police asked to deal with this – email to be sent as slabs loose for a third time ACTION KAYE

Ø  d) JG Ross contacted regarding the downpipes in the square – they replied that the contractor has pulled out and that they have arranged a meeting with another this week

Issues raised by the public

Ø  Marilyn Torr stated that the Sailor in front of Meldrum Arms is in a poor state of repair and requires attention – shrubbery is also growing around the statue - Kaye to email Mohammed and environmental team ACTION KAYE

Ø  The Stone Balls in the square require cleaning – Andrew has kindly offered to do this through MAIG ACTION ANDREW

Treasurers Report

Willie reported a balance of £8658.38 on 24/12/15 of which £576.00 is defibrillator account money. £3186 has been received from Aberdeenshire council

Secretary Report

Ø  Kaye reported that the defibrillators have been received but she is awaiting delivery of the wall cabinets (delay due to company having to move because of flooding. Irene and Kaye have met with Robertson’s (Academy owners) and they were very helpful regarding the installation at the Academy. Kaye has spoken with Stan at Oldmeldrum Golf Club who were equally helpful. Kaye reported that she is awaiting confirmation of insurance costs.

Ø  CC boundaries have been altered after a great discussion with John, Claire and neighbouring CC’s.

Ø  The Stone Ball from Meldrum Square is presently at Fyfe Glenrock who will be re-siting when repaired. Kaye asked Inspector Harrison if charges had been brought – inspector Harrison replied no as CCTV will have to be checked. Jeff said that he knew who was responsible as he was there and that they had reported the incident at the time - Inspector Harrison to investigate as Police have no record of this. Jeff confirmed that the person who phoned did get an incident number.

Ø  It was confirmed by Lorna Hogg that the Traffic Warden has given out warnings for non permit on vehicles. The signage is to be sited in a more prominent place – awaiting date for this.

Ø  Kaye passed details of Neighbourhood watch received from Debra Campbell to Jane.

Ø  A road sign beside Fisher Offshore was reported to Ian Daniels of roads – it was removed and repaired very quickly.

Ø  Mr McColl reported a serious road fault at the bottom of King Street – this being a hole of approx 1m x 1m and quite deep. Kaye emailed roads and Cllr’s and action was taken to fence off the area. A meeting is to be held to establish who is responsible for repair – the CC rep will be invited to attend.

Ø  Z-Path – John, Andrew and Kaye attended a meeting with Andy Russell of AR Landscaping to discuss the works that was done on the path as it was thought it was not to spec. Andy agreed that

A) The wooden edging had not been done,

B) The ground requires to be pulled back from the edge as it is too deep

C) Instead of granite chips the path will be dusted as chips would not work on the gradient

D) Although not on list Andy agreed to tighten the fence that has given way on the bypass next to the path

When all this is done and checked to be correct the bill will be settled

Ø  Buses meeting in the square yet again – x 3 emails sent to Steve Walker of Stagecoach asking him to deal with drivers

Ø  Helen Broddie of the council asked for CC composition and this was sent on 19/01/2016.

Ø  Digital Scotland have been in contact regarding CC details for forth coming info – details sent 19/01/2016

Ø  Parking at the primary School has come to the CC’s attention from Mr Philip and Mr Campbell – many parents parking in several streets around the school – Kaye asked Police to check on this and Inspector Harrison agreed this would be done.

Ø  The CC members are not happy with the Daviot corner response from Ian Daniels –Kaye to ask Ian Daniels for a meeting to discuss further.

Ø  Claire Young of the council asked for any details we had on the flooding in the CC area – this email was sent to all members - one reply was received from Kevin/Stanley stating that some houses had been flooded in Meldrum – details passed to Claire. It has come to our attention that a drain seems to have been covered/removed at some point –the council is investigating this

Police Report

Inspector Harrison gave a very detailed report – please see attached.

Planning Report

John gave a very detailed planning report/update. Cllr Hendry to check If Pitblane was deferred or granted at area meeting

Andrew noted Mr Currans reply regarding the plans for bypass site

Planning Daviot

David requested information/explanation from the council in July 2015 as to how planning numbers for house allocation in any town was reached as there seemed to be a difference of opinion between the council and Daviot residents. Piers Blaxter asked Alisa Anderson to check numbers etc. The first report to come back still raised several questions so Pierce asked that Alisa do a second report which still raised several questions. Piers, Alisa, Darren, David, Willie, Kaye and Andrew to attend a meeting on Monday 1st February to get a final decision.

David stated that there was several objections being lodged on the 9th February regarding planning ref 2015/2888 and David has requested to speak.

Willie stated that numbers need to be correct so we have a clear starting point from 2016 moving forward.

Patrick, Irene and Kaye stated that we need to be very careful regarding planning as we as Meldrum Bourtie and Daviot need to move forward, be more positive and allow people/companies to move grow and expand.

Flood Damage

Ø  Several houses in Oldmeldrum were flooded in the recent weeks. A question has been raised why a drain in Rosebank was removed when the recent works were carried out by the council – Ian Daniels of roads is checking up on this.

Ø  The A947 beside Meldrum House channels drains were full of sand/silt question being why is there no regular cleaning as this would have prevented the water coming down to flood the Meldrum House roundabout. Kaye to email Ian Daniels ACTION KAYE

Ø  Irene asked why 1 million given to the Castle as it is a private property? Cllrs reported that it is a listed building and that the council have a duty to keep/repair rivers

Elected Members Report

Ø  Kaye thanked Cllr Hendry and Cllr Johnston for the help in dealing with the hole/damage that has appeared at the bottom of King Street – an urgent meeting is to be called to see who is responsible for repairs etc. The CC will be invited to attend.

Ø  Andrew asked if there was a date for the roundabouts to be repaired on the Rothienorman and Meldrum access roads – Cllrs stated no date as yet.

Ø  Cllr Johnston stated that the drains in the back car park are to be checked as they are not doing the job and the area is flooded on a regular basis.

Ø  It is noted that the Chief Executive is to attend the Community Council Forum meeting – members were asked to submit any question they would like brought up

Reports from Standing Committees


Ø  Andrew reported that MAIG has been and are extremely busy with the move of the Poly Tunnel. The Christmas Light switch on done by Jack Sleigh was very well attended and a fun afternoon was had by all.

Ø  It was noted that the tree and lights looked stunning and the locals were very thankful for all the hard work that goes in to achieve this result.

Business Group

Ø  Jeff reported that the group had run a very successful Christmas raffle with 2900 entrants into the raffle.

Ø  Jeff stated that he would like to hear from the CC what they want for the future of Oldmeldrum – James agreed to put this on next month’s agenda.

Ø  Jeff stated that the group are working on several projects.

Daviot Trust

Ø  Willie reported that the group had applied for a Forestry Grant and they are awaiting a decision.

Ø  Willie stated that there had been a lot of damage done to the paths and that a lot of work has been done and is required to repair them. The group is looking into ways of funding the damage – Leader fund may be an option

Paths Group

Ø  Gary Oliver stated that the group had been very active on FB (face book)

Ø  Gary reported that several paths require work after the recent floods – Leader funding may be an option – Gary to check

Ø  Gary asked what the community/CC want in the community and suggested a sub group be set up. Andrew agreed to chair the group with the following members - Gary Oliver, Denise Forsyth, Stuart Baird, Irene Dunbar, Kaye Cowie and Jeff Goodhall. It was suggested that Daviot have a separate group with Willie Sinclair, Norman Masson and David Clare.

Ø  Cllr Johnston stated that Debra Campbell may be able to help and that any plan drawn up should be updated on a regular basis.

Ø  Andrew to email Debra ACTION DEBRA

Andrew reminded everyone that if they are interested in making an application for leader funds that the initial applications must be submitted by end of January 2016.


Ø  John reported that Doug Smith had applied for additional funding to complete the project and had been successful in this. John noted that the work was well on and several members noted thanks to all concerned.


Ø  Willie suggested a voucher for Aileen Arthur for checking the accounts – committee agreed to this

Ø  Kaye reported that the Council agreed to pay the installation of the defibrillator on the toilet building in the first instance and now have said they will not - that this was hugely disappointing as the communities had been very supportive in raising funds Cllr Hendry stated that he would check with Elaine Brow ACTION ALLAN

Ø  Kaye reported that Mr Morrison had reported children coming down Jocks lane to school on skate boards and not stopping for traffic. Kaye also experienced children coming down Commercial Road and not staying on the pavement and then crossing in front of cars. Kaye has phoned Linda McDonald and asked her to pass these very urgent concerns to the head teacher. Gary of the Paths group reported that the group had been in touch with the roads department as there is a problem with children in Cromlet place coming onto the Mill Road.

Ø  Kaye to forward email regarding Queens jubilee to Sandy Manson

Ø  There is to be a Rotary quiz on the 7th march at 7.30pm entry £10.00 for a team of 4

Ø  Jeff asked how long companies get to develop a site as the Wimpy site is zoned but no movement which Jeff thinks is holding back the town– Cllr Johnston stated x 2 LDP’S IE 10 years

Ø  Kaye asked if any movement on the bus hub – Cllr Johnston replied no.

Ø  It was reported that the site that Caledonian Logistics looks very untidy – Kaye will email the owner ACTION KAYE

Ø  Kaye to pass details of insurance to Norman for Daviot Hall ACTION KAYE

Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 23rd February at 7.30pm in Meldrum Academy