Name and Address of Contact for future correspondence

Post Code: -Tel No: - E-mail:

Office Held: -

Registered Charity No: -

Year Founded (Locally): -

Purpose of Organisation: -

If your nomination is accepted, on what do you intend to spend the money? If it is on a particular piece of equipment please give a description and an indication of the cost.

I enclose a copy of the Organisations accounts for the last financial year.

If for any reason you are unable to produce these accounts, please state the reasons why on a separate sheet.

List any Grants or funding that you receive from all sources, unless shown separately in your accounts.


Please enclose further information, pamphlets etc. on your organisation

If you wish to expand on anything on this Nomination Form please do so on a separate sheet of paper.

Please Note that the closing date for receipt of Nominations is the end of June in each year. You will be advised as soon as possible if your Organisation will be receiving a donation but we are unable to say how much. Money or equipment will not be presented until February of the following year.


BLOCK LETTERS…………………………………….

Position in Organisation………………………………………

Send this completed form to: -D. Hulme

39Breezehill Road




Tel: 0151 538 1953Please note new address

If a Scout or Guide Organisation has nominated you ask them to enter their details here.

N.B. It is not essential that the nomination comes in this way.

Name: -

Address: -

Tel No: -

Group: -

Role in Group: -


Wirral in the context of the Wirral Scout and Guide Christmas Charity Post shall be the areas of Wirral and South Wirral included within the Scheme
Who can apply?
Normally, Registered Charities but under special circumstances other benevolent groups.
Who can benefit?
Charities who raise funds for the benefit of anybody in the community within the boundaries of those areas of Wirral and South Wirral included in the Scheme.
PLEASE NOTE that all donations will be “Ringfenced” so that the money must either be spent on the Wirral, or for the benefit of current Wirral citizens.
We do not support-
  • Services which are the responsibility of the Statutory Bodies to fund.
  • Educational establishments providing full time education or bodies such as P.T.A.’s or similar groups.
  • Animal Charities except for those providing specially trained animals eg. Dogs for the deaf, or for boarding accommodation when the owner is in respite care.
  • Scout & Guide related Charities. We may consider an enabling grant to assist Scout & Guide groups to help others outside the movements.
We do not make donations to:-
The same Charity in consecutive years.