Rocky Mountain Athletic Association

Meeting MinutesSeptember 1, 2010


The regular meeting of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Association was called to order at 7:07 pm on September 1, 2010 by Mike Van Tetering.


Sheila Raposo, Julia McElroy, Christine Wallace, Darrel DeVeyrac, Rob Money, Ryan Mierke, Dan Rothenbusch, Ken Noren, Mike Van Tetering

A.Review of Last Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed. Mike asked if the members would like to continue to run the meetings informally and all agreed.

B.Name Change

It has been suggested that the committee be called an Athletic Association instead of an Amalgamation Board. The names of Mountainview and Rocky Mountain were brought forward and it was agreed that Rocky Mountain Athletic Association (RMAA) would be the new name. Teams will keep ‘Bruins’ until such time that jerseys and logos are changed. Dan would still like to go in the direction of a contest for the new logo when the time comes.

C.Team Numbers

Peewee has 23 registered and a possibility of 12 more. Crossfield will have 1 Peewee team and if there are more than 19 registered they will be sent to the RMAA Peewee program.

Bantam has 21 registered and a possibility of 24 more. Should be 2 good sized teams.

Midget has 22 registered and a possibility of 33 more. If numbers indicate 3 small teams or cutting players, the consensus is to have 3 small teams. All options of recruiting players from Calgary/Airdrie waiting lists will be exhausted as well.


Christine, Ken and Darrel will decide on process for choosing coaches as well as criteria for choosing coaching staff. There are ½ dozen applications in to date, most at the Peewee level. Need to start being proactive in looking for coaches.

Coaches names should be released for the Sunday evaluation skate so that they can have coaches’ pick from the last 4 or so skaters.

E.Referee Assignor

Dave and Thomas Reid will look after Referee in Chief as well as Referee Assignor. Ref Assignor in Crossfield is Greg Levy (403-880-4594 – ) Didsbury does not have Ref Assignor in place yet.


Darrel Sayer and Dan to be in contact about evaluations. Both will not be around as much that week so Ryan Mierke will also help out. Darrel would like the RMAA to find volunteers to be on the ice to run drills. Drills and process to be posted at arena like last year. Darrel would like to have meeting with evaluators to go over process prior to evaluations to reinforce commitment as well. Evaluation times will be verified after September 9th registration and final numbers are in.

Ice is ready in Crossfield on September 25th – no change in rates. Ice is ready in Didsbury on September 13th – small increase in rates ($90+ per hour).

Conditioning camp will run from September 20 – 24 (ice times to follow)

Evaluations will run from September 27 – October 3 (ice times to follow)

Power Skating will run from October 4 – 8 (ice times to follow)


Clinic dates have been set in Carstairs and Crossfield, still waiting on confirmation about Didsbury.

Coaches Clinic – Carstairs – October 23rd – there is an on ice session. Speak Out has been replaced with Respect In Sport check HA website.

Safety Clinic – Crossfield – October 16th

Referee Clinics are September 18– 19 in Carstairs, October 2 – 3 in Didsbury and October 16 – 17 in Crossfield.

Affiliation cannot happen from Didsbury Atoms or Crossfield Peewees. Mike is working to see if in the future there could be a special exemption for smaller communities in similar situations. Important to development of 2nd year players especially at the Atom level. Crossfield and Didsbury could send letter to Brad Robbins expressing need to revisit this for the development of the children.

CMHA and RMAA were approached about moving the Midgets to the North Central League for more competitive play. Consensus is that play is not more competitive and playing in another league could present its own issues, travel is not any better. Unanimous ‘no’ to moving.

Crossfield has 2 ice times for Midget on Mon and Wed. 2 ice times for Bantam on Tues and Thurs. Carstairs and Didsbury schedules should look close to the same as last year.

Sheila will talk to Lisa Forsen about placing a tab on the CMHA website for the Athletic Association with dates and other information.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm by Mike Van Tetering. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 pm on September 22, 2010 at the Carstairs Arena.