Activity covered by assessment
Date & Time
Organiser or Sponsor of Event
Name of LSE contact
Assessment undertaken by


Fire – emergency evacuation / Delay in people evacuating the building due to being unfamiliar with building and emergency procedures escape routes & exits blocked. / All attending / Fire Action information to be given to event organisers, information on fire assembly points and emergency exits to be announced at start of event. The layout of seating and position of equipment to ensure that gangways leading to the exit doors are kept clear of equipment and trailing cables. Fire Exits and Gangways to be kept clear, Stewards or event organiser inside venue to check prior and during event.
Persons with disabilities to be directed to refuge points in the event of a fire alarm activation. If possible persons with disabilities should be allocated a ‘buddy’ to ensure that they can evacuate safely.
Security / In adequate access control, Cash handling,
Persons gaining entry to unauthorised areas, theft, Risk of disruptive behaviour, assaults / Liaise with LSE Security. Avoid cash handling wherever possible, do not leave valuables, laptops etc. unattended. Ensure that there is adequate signage and or stewards to direct people attending to the venue.
Overcrowding / Gangways and escape routes being obstructed, congestion / Event organiser must ensure that the capacity of the venue is not exceeded. People must not be allowed to queue or congregate on the stairways or access lobbies.
Events that are likely to be well-attended or controversial should be ticketed or by invitation only.
Slips, trips & falls / Trailing cables from equipment, display boards etc obstructions
Spillages on floor
Accumulation of refuse.
Falls from height whilst erecting banners and displays. / Avoid trailing cables from equipment, secure cables and leads with tape. Where catering/refreshments are provided, ensure there are arrangements for clearing up any spillages and disposing of waste.
Do not allow persons to sit or climb on balconies or balustrades (e.g. in Old Theatre or NAB).
Use appropriate access equipment to erect displays or banners, ensure that ladders or step-ladders are corrected erected.
Banners or displays must not be hung from light fittings or service pipework/cabling.
Being struck by or striking into objects / Unstable stalls collapsing, inappropriate storage of items on display or bring distributed. / Checks to ensure that stalls are correctly erected. Displays must be probably secured to prevent toppling. If using one of the LSE event tents these must only be erected by LSE Porters. Inflatables used in open air must be tied or weighted down
Electrical Safety / Unsuitable installations or use of leads and sockets/plugs causing overloading, arcing, electrical shock. / Visual checks of equipment, leads and plugs to identify obvious defects before use. Do not run cables over surfaces where they are likely to be damaged. Do not overload socket outlets. All portable appliances must be PAT tested. Check with Estates maintenance if electrical equipment (other than laptops) is brought onto campus.
Temporary generators must not be used without permission of Estates. The petrol fuelled generators are prohibited.
Use of equipment / Not suitable for purpose, not adequately maintained, no instructions for use etc. / The event organiser must ensure that any equipment used is fit for purpose and in good working order.
Catering – poor food Hygiene, / Food poisoning / Ensure that catering providers are registered with a Local Authority under the Food Safety Act.
Noise / Exposure of individuals to live or amplified music.
Disruption/ nuisance to other building users / The organiser must take adequate steps to ensure that adjacent rooms/buildings are not disturbed by the event. Live or amplified music at events taking place on the public highway i.e. Houghton Street, Clare Market or Clement Inn require a licence from Westminster Council. Live or amplified music, the use of loud hailers or other noisy activities are not allowed in Houghton street during core teaching hours 09.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 18.00. LSE Security will ask for any noisy activity to cease at anytime if a complaint is received.
Accidents & persons taken ill / Delay in attending to sick or injured persons. / The event organiser or steward to summon first-aider using internal phone to dial 666 to contact Security (Security have list of first-aiders on campus, and at least 1 member of the Security shift is first-aided trained.)
The event organiser to ensure that any accident is recorded on the School’s accident report form and that the Health and Safety team are notified.
Manual handling / Musculoskeletal injuries from moving & lifting stalls, furniture, display boards other equipment etc. / Requests should be made to Porters to move furniture and other equipment. Persons undertaking manual handling tasks must adopt good handling techniques – see online Manual handling module on the complywise system.
Other hazards specific to the event e.g. use of special effects
Adverse weather conditions for outdoor events / High winds, heavy rain, snow ice / Where events are planned to take place outdoors event organisers should have an alternative plan in the event of adverse weather.
Licences and insurance / Failure to apply for or obtain appropriate licences, permissions and insurance cover. / It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that appropriate licences or permissions have been obtained. For more information check with the Health and Safety Team and the Insurance section in Finance Division.