Convenor : Gillian Allan

30 Rigghead Avenue


Cumbernauld G67 2AY

Tel : 01236 457732

Mobile :07731 994144

E-mail :

9 September 2010

Dear Team Manager

Welcome to the start of another exciting season and congratulations to all the winners from last year. I hope everyone enjoyed all our events – I know I certainly did. Thanksagain to all my helpers - I couldn’t do it without them.

The dates for your diary are as follows:-

Singles No 1 EventSunday 31/10/10 9.30am – finishCockburn Centre, Glasgow

Inter Team EventSunday28/11/10 9.30am – finishKelvin Hall, Glasgow

Singles No 2 EventSunday 06/02/119.30am – finishCockburn Centre, Glasgow

Doubles EventSunday 13/03/119.30am – finishCockburn Centre, Glasgow

Singles No 3 EventSunday 03/04/11 9.30am – finishCockburn Centre, Glasgow

I have enclosed the relevant forms for your use. The entry forms can be e-mailed to me (at the above address) and I will try, where possible, to use e-mail as much as I can.

The fee for entering the events will be £5 per player for singles / doubles event and the Inter Team event will be free of charge again this year. Feather shuttles will be used in all events. This year we are trying to encourage some of the older children to keep the score / umpire for some of the younger ones and there will be a tick box added to the entry forms if case anyone is interested in this. Please encourage some of your older kids to consider this.

Could I please ask that the closing date for all entries be adhered to as much as possible as it is really difficult to organise the groups when I get phone calls one / two nights before an event which happened quite frequently last year. Where possible I always try to accommodate the kids but it can make things really difficult to organise.

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Yours sincerely

Gillian Allan
