Session Objectives

·  To introduce self, participants and the background to mental health first aid.

·  To explore the key mental health issues in Wales and introduce the five basic steps of MHFA (Wales).

· To explain the impact of mental health problems and to clarify what depression is, the signs and symptoms of depression and how it affects people.


Activity 1 Mental Health Continuum.

Activity 2 MYTH cards/Mental Health Quiz (Optional)

Case Studies

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Topics /






Introductions and Setting the scene

/ Welcome everyone.
Introduce self. / Show slide 1 as participants arrive.
Explain own background and involvement in mental health. /


5 min
/ Introduce MHFA (Wales). / Slide 2. Aims of physical/mental first aid
Explain origins of MHFA – slide 3-4.
Explain course outline, 4 sessions – slides 5-8. / 5 min
(10 min)
Participant introductions and hopes/concerns. / Ask participants to work in pairs to find out about each other – name, organisation, role and involvement/experience.
Participants introduce partner. (Or Ice-breakers on website)
Split participants into small groups and ask them to discuss hopes and concerns – record on flipchart.
Feedback for whole group.
Instructor summarises and highlights what MHFA (Wales) covers and what it does not. This helps to set scene and manage expectations.
Explain that we will keep these in mind and review them as we go – remind participants that they have a responsibility to raise issues themselves. / 15 min
(25 min)
Establish ground rules for the course. / Explain that this can be a place to say what you are thinking, in your own words, although alternatives may be offered when appropriate. Explain that people may want to share sensitive and personal information and experiences and this needs to be a safe place to be able to do so.
However, this is not a therapeutic space or a place to resolve personal problems or difficulties. If someone is on the wrong course, this may be a good point at which to leave.
Use hopes and concerns to discuss/agree ground rules for how you will work together. / 5 min
(30 min)








Mental health awareness / What does mental health mean to you? / In pairs or small groups - discuss what the term ‘mental health’ means to them.
Get people to share and discuss this in the large group. If no-one raises it, ensure that the distinction between mental health and mental illness is made. / 10 min
(40 min)
Definition of mental health. / Show slide 9 – Definition of mental health.
Mental health continuum and
Self-Esteem / The mental health continuum.
Recovery. / Show slide 10 – Mental Health Continuum and explain how mental health can change. Use Activity 1 to illustrate this.
Introduce the concept of recovery.
Show slide 11 to introduce the concept of prevention of mental health problems and slide 12 -13 to introduce the link between healthy self-esteem and good mental health. /

10 min

(50 min)
Introduce Manual / Explain content & structure of manual / Ask them to write their names in inside cover.
Slide 13 - Play Video- job interview /stigma & discuss attitudes to mental health / 10 min
(60 min)
Mental health awareness (cont.) / Mental health quiz.
OPTIONAL. / (Optional) Activity 2 – Mental Health Quiz / MYTH cards
Issue quiz if using, and allow time for completion.
Explain that the mental health quiz is not a test and participants will not be asked to share their responses with others.
MYTH cards can be given out for participants to read out. / 10 min
(1hr 10 min)
Common names for mental health problems. / Split participants into small groups and ask them to discuss the names commonly given to people with mental health problems.
Feedback for whole group and discussion of the issues related to mental health problems (stigma, ignorance etc)
Show slide 14 – Why MHFA? Summarise. /

10 min

(1hr 20 min)
OPTIONAL / Use of video material from anti-stigma campaigns or video ‘I had a black dog’ / 5 min
(1hr 25min)








MHFA (Wales)
The five basic steps in MHFA / Why MHFA (Wales)?
The ALGEE approach to MHFA (Wales). / Slide 15 - Show Wales policy timeline. Refer to Manual pages 1-4
Show slide 16 (ALGEE) and explain basic steps & they can be used in any order. Explain that in the same way as medical first aid uses ABC – Airways, Breathing, Circulation - mental health first aid uses the acronym ALGEE, Steps A-E
Explain that these will be covered in more depth as the course progresses. / 5 min
(1 hr 30min)
5 min
(1 hr 35 min)


Attitudes to mental health the impact of mental health problems


Depression / Explaining the impact of mental health problems.
Reinforcing the message that recovery is possible.
Tackling the myth about crime
Clarifying what depression is.
The signs and symptoms / Show slides 17-21 and explain – these help to build a picture of what mental health is and how it impacts on individuals.
Refer as required to MHFA (Wales) Manual, Section 1
Give the opportunity for questions before moving on
Refer to MHFA (Wales) Manual, pages 16 – 18.
Show slides 22-23
Show slide 24
Refer to MHFA (Wales) Manual, Section 2, page 33.
Show slide 25 and refer participants to the relevant section in the manual and explain the definition.
Show video clips (slide 25) or Glen (YMHFA) video and/or use supporting material such as Case Study 1 or 2.
Split participants into small groups and ask them to discuss signs and symptoms of depression as follows:
Use headings – physical, psychological, behavioural.
Feedback for whole group and discussion.
Show slides 26 and 27 to discuss. Refer to MHFA (Wales) Manual page 34).
Show slides 28 and 29 and explain risk factors. MHFA (Wales) Manual pages 35 and 36). Discuss implications/issues. / 15 min
(1 hr 50 min)
10 min
(2 hrs )
10 min
(2 hrs 10 min)
20 min
(2 hrs 30 min)








Risk factors and depression in the workplace / Risk factors and depression in the workplace. / Ask participants for examples of signs and symptoms of depression in the workplace, e.g. how might you tell if someone you work with might be developing depression?
Show slide 30 and explain. / 10 min
(2 hrs 40 min)
Summary of Session 1 / Summary of key points covered in Session 1. / Recap on key points covered in the session
Show slide 31.
Deal with any questions/queries, remembering that Session 2 will deal with depression and ALGEE in much more detail.
Invite participants to reflect on the content/format and comment where appropriate.
Ask people what they will be taking away from this session
Ask people to read this section in the MHFA (Wales) Manual and to remember to bring the manual to the next session. Suggest homework if appropriate. / 20 min
(3 hrs)
Lunch/end of Session 1 / Remind people at what time you want to restart.