Box 3015, Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 4R8

Phone: 1-888-917-3783, local: (250)832-2754, Fax: (250)832-4379

E-mail: , Webpage:



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The apprenticeship program is offered in secondary schools across British Columbia. There are over 100 current B.C. trades available.

Students begin an apprenticeship after they have turned 15 and satisfy the entry requirements.

What is Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship is work-based training combined with post-secondary education.

Apprenticeship students:

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•Are registered apprentices with the Industry Training Branch of the Ministry of Advanced Education?

•Earn credits toward graduation up to 24 of 28 electives needed.

•Get a head start in a trade.

•Acquire the skills employers are looking for.

•Earn money while in high school - good money!

•Are eligible for a scholarship worth $1,000 if they maintain a C+ and remain working in the trade for 6 months after graduation.

•Get a head start in your career - apprenticeship students can be journeypersons by the time they are 21.

•Gain valuable work experience.

How do I get involved?

•First start researching at, the Industry Training Authority website. Go to Youth Programs Secondary School Apprenticeship.

•Talk to your parents about your interest in the apprenticeship.

Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) Scholarship Information

As an added bonus, secondary school apprentices can qualify for a $1000 scholarship if they:

•Been registered with Anchor Academy’s Secondary School Apprenticeship Program prior to graduation and registered with the Industry Training Authority (ITA) as a youth apprentice no later than 3 months after graduation.

•Graduated with a Grade 12 Dogwood Diploma or Adult Dogwood

•Successfully completed SSA11A, SSA11B, SSA12A, and SSA12B

•Maintained a C+ average or better on Grade 12 numbered courses

•Reported a minimum of 900 work-base training hours to the ITA within 6 months of secondary school graduation.

Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) scholarships awarded to those SSA students who meet the eligibility criteria - there is no need to apply. All students with 4 SSA courses within 3 months of graduation are automatically considered for the award.

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The B.C economy is in transition, and labor market analysts are predicting that over the next decade

60 % of job openings will require trades and technical skills. Those jobs include the traditional trades such as construction, but they also include new economy job sectors such as information technology.

The need for more trades and technical training is now, so tomorrow’s employers will have the employees with the knowledge and skills needed to replace retiring workers over the next decade.

SKILLS SHORTAGE = OPPORTUNITY.Anchor Academy Apprenticeship can give you a big head start in your chosen career.

IF YOU CAN... answer “Yes” to the following questions, an apprenticeship trade may be the right step for you!

Are you 15 years of age or older and enrolled at Anchor Academy?

Do you have a Social Insurance Number?

Do you have an interest in an apprenticeship trade? Have you researched that trade?

Do you have your parents/guardians permission?

Are you a mature and responsible student?

Do you complete assignments on time and in an organized manner?

Are you ready to commit two or more years to completion of your apprenticeship after graduation?

See the website and for a list of the apprenticeship trades.


  1. Complete the Anchor Academy Apprenticeship Application Form.
  1. Complete Anchor Academy Student Education Plan.
  1. Please attach one reference letter.
  1. Get verification from your employer’s work site that they have WCB coverage.
  1. Return all documents to SSA teacher.

Registering Students as Youth Apprentices with the ITA

  1. Students find an employer willing to be a sponsor for their apprenticeship. Note that employers are not required to sponsor the apprentice for the entire length of their industry training program. It is hoped that sponsors will retain their Youth Apprentices for a minimum of 480 hours allowing completion of the SSA program.

2. Under the guidance of SSA Coordinators, students, along with their sponsors must complete the Youth Apprentice and Sponsor Registration Form found at:

3. School district staff will collect the completed form and submit the information to ITA using the Youth Industry Training on-line registration system:

4. To confirm registration, the ITA Customer Service (ITA CS) sends a registration card to the

sponsor that has the apprentice’s ITA identification number (ITA ID). Sponsors are also sent a

welcoming letter and a sponsor guide for new sponsors. Students are sent a package that includes

a SSA welcoming letter and an apprentice guide.

Students at the School level must complete the following once accepted into the program:

  1. Planning 10 or at least the WCB portion of the planning 10 course.
  2. Submit the Youth Apprentice and Sponsor Registration Form. (this must be done before starting)
  3. Create a student learning plan with the sponsor that articulates the skills and areas of knowledge to be developed, based on the Program Outline for their particular trade.
  4. Pre Apprenticeship assignment and checklist on safety in the worksite.
  5. Keep a weekly journal of skills learned or tasks done.
  6. Submit a SSA employer evaluation form after each 120 hours of work.
  7. Post Apprenticeship written or oral assignment completed.

Preparing Students for SSA on the worksite.

SSA students need to understand the importance of doing the following at the work site:

• asking the supervisor for training before beginning work if unsure how to do something safely

• participating in all required health and safety education and training at the workplace

• using all provided personal protective equipment and clothing

• correcting any unsafe conditions if it is safe to do so, or immediately reporting the conditions to the supervisor and reporting any injury to a first aid attendant or supervisor

Standards for Students in Relation to SSA

In order for SSA to be effective, students must:

• abide by the behaviour standards and practices of the workplace;

• understand the rights and responsibilities of employees in the workplace;

• understand and meet the expectations of sponsors;

• work the days and hours of work as agreed to with sponsors;

• notify their sponsors when unable to report to work;

• adhere to all safety-related rules and regulations at the work site;

• notify work site supervisors immediately of any injuries, emergencies, or problems at the work site;

• respect the confidential nature of information at the work site;

• participate in evaluation meetings as required by work site supervisors or SSA Coordinators; and

• continue to attend all in-school courses at times other than those assigned for SSA work.



Eighty credits in Grades 10 - 12 (equivalent to 20 four-credit courses) are required for graduation.

48 credits are required courses, including:
Language Arts 10 / 4 credits
Language Arts 11 / 4 credits
Language Arts 12 / 4 credits
Social Studies 10 / 4 credits
Social Studies 11, Canadian Civics 11 or
B.C. First Nations Studies 12 / 4 credits
Science 10 / 4 credits
Science 11 or 12 / 4 credits
Mathematics 10 / 4 credits
Mathematics 11 or 12 / 4 credits
Physical Education 10 / 4 credits
Fines Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 / 4 credits
Planning 10 / 4 credits
Graduation Transitions / 4 credits
Elective courses:
WEX12A, WEX12B may also be used
1 elective course of student’s choosing / 16 credits
8 credits
4 credits
Minimum of 16 credits at the Grade 12 level including Language Arts 12.
All ministry - authorized and board / authority - approved courses count.



Box 3015, Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 4R8

Phone 1-888-917-3783 Fax 1-250-832-4379

Name: ______Phone: (____)______

Address: ______

Date of Birth: ______/______/______P.E.N. ______

Month Day Year

Email address: ______Fax: (____)______

Parents/Guardians name(s):______

Career Interest Area (The Apprenticeship Trade) ______

List high school course requirements for the trade: (what does the college need for courses to enrol you in their program)




Please give the reason you have selected the above trade and why you feel you should be considered for acceptance into the Anchor Academy Apprenticeship Program.




Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Date: ______

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Name: ______

Current grade: ______Date: ______

Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12

Student Signature: ______

If the program detailed above is followed, and all courses passed, ______

will graduate in ______with a “Dogwood Certificate”.

Counselor: ______

Parent: ______

Pre SSA Safety Assignment

(You will need to interview your sponsor to find out some of these answers)

What are the potential dangers of my job and how will I be protected from these dangers?

  1. Are there any hazards (such as noise or chemicals) that I should know about, and what are the appropriate steps to take to avoid these hazards?
  1. What site-specific safety orientation and training will I receive before I start work?
  1. Is there any safety gear that I am expected to wear, and who is responsible for providing it?
  1. Will I be trained in emergency procedures for things like fire or chemical spills?
  1. Where are the fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and other emergency equipment located?
  1. What are my workplace health and safety responsibilities?
  1. Who do I talk to if I have a workplace health or safety question?
  1. What is the procedure if I am injured on the work site?
  1. Who is the first aid attendant? How do I contact the attendant?
  1. Will I be working with a supervisor, or alone?
  1. What machinery/equipment/power tools will I be required to operate? Will I be trained in their operation?

PRE SSA safety checklist for Student safety

Student’s name:

Work Site Employer:


  1. I was given an orientation regarding workplace safety
  2. Hazards and risks specific to this workplace were identified
  3. I have reviewed the fire exists and fire drill with my employer
  4. I know the location of the fire extinguisher and alarm
  1. Describe Location ______
  1. I have discussed WorkSafeBC accident or injury procedures
  2. I know where the incident report forms are stored
  3. I have been informed that Personal Protective Equipment is or is

not required

  1. I have reviewed worksite policies on dealing with robberies
  2. I have requested that I will be trained on any machinery or

equipment prior to use.

  1. When in doubt about how to do something safely, I will ask before

I begin

  1. I have been taught proper lifting procedures / ergonomics
  2. I have reviewed worksite policies on how to deal with shoplifting
  3. I have reviewed the generic risks of this job with my employer
  4. Have you been made aware of any potential danger or hazards?
  1. Describe ______


  1. I have been informed of the WHMIS procedures at my worksite
  2. I know who I should report workplace hazards / injuries to
  1. Name of person ______
  1. I know where the First Aid Station is located.


Student signatureEmployer signature

Training Plan for SSA student

Student name:Employer name:

Trade name:Onsite safety orientation provided? Y/N

Days or hours to be worked ______

Sentence or paragraph outline of duties:

List of duties/tasks:

Workplace specific skills to be developed:

Employability Skills to be developed:

We agree to this training plan:


Teacher nameParent/Guardian nameSponsor name


Signatures Signatures Signatures



Anchor Academy

Apprenticeship Evaluation Form

Date: ______Employer: ______Student: ______

Number of hours worked to date:______

Aptitude Application to Work ( ) Outstanding in enthusiasm ( ) Very interested and industrious ( ) Average in diligence and interest ( ) Somewhat indifferent
Initiative to Work ( ) Self-starter (seeks work) ( ) Goes ahead independently at times ( ) Does all assigned work ( ) Lacks motivation
Sense of Responsibility ( ) Exceptionally responsible ( ) More responsible than average ( ) Adequate ( ) Rarely accepts responsibility
Technical Proficiency ( ) Better than expected ( ) As expected ( ) Less than expected
Organization and Planning ( ) Ability to manage/organize tasks ( ) Adequate ( ) Disorganized; fails to plan
Relations with Others ( ) Works very well with others ( ) Gets along satisfactorily ( ) Has difficulty working with others ( ) Works very poorly with others / Judgment ( ) Exceptionally mature in judgment ( ) Above average in making decisions ( ) Usually makes the right decision ( ) Often uses poor judgment
Ability to Learn ( ) Learned to work exceptionally well ( ) Learned work readily ( ) Average in understanding work ( ) Very slow to learn work
Quality of Work ( ) Excellent ( ) Very good ( ) Average ( ) Below average
Quantity of Work ( ) High output ( ) More than average ( ) Average ( ) Below average
Safety Procedures ( ) Satisfactory ( ) Unsatisfactory / Communication Skills ( ) Very good ( ) Satisfactory ( ) Needs improvement ( ) Unsatisfactory
Attendance ( ) Regular ( ) Irregular
Punctuality ( ) Regular ( ) Irregular
Grooming/Personal Hygiene ( ) Appropriate ( ) Inappropriate

Further comments:

The student’s outstanding qualities at this time are: (Please list) ______

The items (if any) the student should improve upon at this time are: (Please list) ______

This report has been discussed with the student: (Please circle) yes no

Employer’s signature: ______Date: ______

Employer’s name (please print): ______

Mail or fax this form to : Anchor Academy, Career Coordinator

Box 3015

Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4R8

Phone: (250) 832-2754 Fax: (250) 832-4379

Post SSA Student Assignment

There will need to be one report for every 120 hours worked (for each SSA course taken)

  1. The student will need to send in a written report or agree to an oral interview of what skills they have learned during their apprenticeship. At least one employ-ability skill and one trade specific skill. Why are they important?
  1. Identify at least one workplace problems that was encountered and explain how it was resolved. Explain some steps that were used to solve the problem.
  1. Explain what the next steps are toward your graduation plan or your transition plan to employment. What is the technical training you need to take to reach your journeyperson status in the trade you have chosen.
  1. How was team work important to the work site? Give an example.
  1. Give an example of how feedback from your employer improved your performance.
  1. What equipment did you use or learn to use for your task?
  1. What skill did you learn in school that was transferable to the work site?
  1. What further skills will you need to obtain in order to meet your career goals?

At the end of your placement you must answer the following questions (so answer only once).

  1. What are you short and long term goals now?
  1. What are the employment options open to you now?
  1. List 4 courses that you took in school that will assist you in reaching your goals
  1. Explain how the SSA training supports your goals and focus.

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