Healthy Futures: Initial Evaluation
Completed: August 2011
Catherine Paterson, Senior Educational Psychology, Kevin Ward, Research Assistant
‘Healthy Futures’ was one of eight pathfinder Healthy Weight Communities (HWC) in Scotland established from the Scottish Government’s ‘Healthy Eating: Active Living: An action plan to improve diet, increase physical activity and tackle obesity.’
The aim of establishing these pathfinders was to demonstrate ways in which ‘…. joined up community wide approaches to engaging children and families in healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight activities may have a greater impact on long term health outcomes.’
This evaluation was in collaboration with the ‘Healthy Futures’ coordinator. It covers the first full year of the project and the beginning of the process of involving the community in exploring motivators and barriers to engaging in health behaviours within the community of Stevenston.
The overall approach of the project was positive, collaborative and future oriented. A focus upon identifying individual, family and community views on health and well-being i.e. identification of what is working already and how this could be built upon underpinned the ethos and direction of the project.
An action research model was implemented, whereby information gained as part of the evaluation was viewed as an integral component of the project effecting on-going planning and direction as well as gathering of information in relation to ‘distance travelled’ by the project.Questionnaires were distributed to stakeholders (local community and partner agencies) throughout the first year of the project.
Information was gathered from people from the community attending a variety of activities in Stevenston with a focus upon: perceptions re health and what makes a person healthy, activities people were already engaged in and what they enjoyed about them and views as to how ‘Healthy Futures could contribute in building upon existing approaches/activities.Information gathered from Partner agencies focused upon factors people felt played role in promoting a healthy lifestyle and how ‘Healthy Futures’ might support them in their role within the community.
A consistent theme to emerge was a request for more knowledge of what was available and greater opportunities for families to participate in financially accessible activities, particularly those with a focus upon ‘fun, family and community’.
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