Curriculum Vita, Linda McWhorter
Linda McWhorter
Academic Advisor – Dr. Virginia Gil-Rivas
810 E. Franklin Street
(704) 493-4236 Monroe, NC 28112
In progress –Ph.D. Clinical Health Psychology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
1991 – M.A. Communication Disorders, California State University, Los Angeles, California. Concentration: Speech-Language Pathology.
1991 – Certificate in Child Maltreatment and Family Violence, California State University, Los Angeles, California.
1987 – B.S. Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama. Concentration: Speech Pathology and K-12 Education.
Student Member – American Psychological Association, divisions 38 and 56.
Student Member – International Society for Traumatic Stress and Dissociation
Student Member – American Orthopsychiatric Association
Member – American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association
2010 – present – Behavioral Health Intern, Elizabeth Family Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Matthew Alexander. Provide consultation and brief intervention to patients in primary care for a diverse low income population; provided individual counseling for patients with a variety of mental and physical health issues; provided training and consultation to residents in family medicine.
2010 – Practicum Student, UNC Charlotte Counseling Center, under the supervision of Dr. Terri Rhodes and Ashley Boester. Conducted intake assessments, provided individual counseling, participated in outreach – writing an article for the parent newsletter, entering and analyzing outreach evaluation data, building relationships with campus resources.
2009 - 2010 –Health Psychology Practicum Student, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Section of Neuropsychology, under the supervision of Dr. Cecile Naylor. Participated in pre-assessment interviews, performed neuropsychological and psycho-educational assessments, scored and entered results into database, wrote integrated assessment reports, interpreted results, met with patients and families to discuss results.
2008-Present – Clinical Health Psychology Doctoral Student. Received clinical training in Behavior Disorders supervised by Dr. Lawrence Calhoun; Intellectual Assessment, supervised by Dr. George Demakis; and Treatment, supervised by Dr. Rich Tedeschi and Dr. Amy Peterman.
2004-Present – Speech-LanguagePathologist/Owner. Bilingual Speech Therapy, Monroe, North Carolina. Provide speech and language evaluation, consultation, and therapy to Spanish-speaking children birth – 8 years old within their home environment; develop and implement home programs for families to address their children needs; provide consultation to Head Start, Children’s Developmental Services Agency and Union County Public School staffon multicultural and bilingual issues.
1998-2003 – Speech-Language Pathologist. Mecklenburg County Infant, Toddler, Preschool Services, Charlotte, North Carolina. Provided speech and language services in English and Spanish for children ages birth – five years, including evaluations, treatment, consultation, family/caregiver education, staff training; participated on multidisciplinary teams, including mental health, medical, educational and rehabilitation professionals.
1995-1997 – Speech-Language Pathologist, American Therapy Services, Charlotte, North Carolina. Diagnosed, treated, and developed programs for adult patients with brain injury, cerebrovascular accidents, cognitive deficits/dementia, hearing loss, and motor speech disorders in skilled nursing facilities. Provided family/caregiver education and support in understanding the communication and feeding needs of the patient.
1992-1996 – Director of Clinic Services/Owner. Collaborative Communication Services, Charlotte, North Carolina. Provided clinical supervision for speech pathology staff; designed and coordinated publicity and marketing efforts; fostered and maintained professional relationships with contracting agencies; provided speech and language evaluations and treatment for clients with a wide range of ages and disorders.
Principal Investigator –The Effects of Brief Relaxation on Needle Anxiety,under the direction of Dr. Virginia Gil-Rivas, UNCC. Designed the audio intervention, created an intervention manual, coordinated all aspects of the study at the Student Health Center at UNCC, supervised four undergraduate research assistants, in data collection and entry. 2009-present
Research Assistant – Factors Associated with the Flu and Vaccines,under the direction of Dr. Virginia Gil-Rivas at UNCC.Assisted in the development of the study, coordinated data collection, assisted with data analysis. 2009-Present
Research Assistant – fMRI with Mild TBI,under the direction of Dr. Cecile Naylorat Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Participated in the development meetings to design the study; will participate in data collection. 2009-2010.
Advisee/Lab Member– in the Promoting Healthy Adjustment Across the Lifespan lab, under the direction of Dr. Virginia Gil-Rivas - 2008-Present
Research Assistant - Performed assessments for National Evaluation of Systems of Care in Spanish for Dr. Jim Cook’s Systems of Care lab. 2008-2010.
Illness Representation, Risk Perceptions and Intention to Vaccinate for H1N1, GRAD Research Fair, UNC Charlotte Graduate and Professional Student Association, March 20, 2010
Factors Associated with the Flu and Vaccines, American Psychological Association,August 13, 2010, San Diego, California.
Illness Representation with the Flu and Vaccines, American Psychological Association,August 13, 2010, San Diego, California.
Awarded Summer Doctoral Teaching Initiative Fellowship, Summer 2010, UNC Charlotte, North Carolina.
Awarded Psychology Department Research Grant, Summer 2010, UNC Charlotte, North Carolina.
Awarded Interdisciplinary Health Psychology Student Research Grant, Fall 2009 UNC Charlotte, North Carolina.
1998, 1999, 2000 –Red Flags for Feeding Disorders. St. Mark’s Special Day Program, staff training, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1999 –Multicultural Issues in Children with Special Needs. Developmental Evaluation Center, Charlotte.
1996 –Phonological Disorders Assessment and Treatment. North Carolina Speech Language and Hearing Association, Spring Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1996 –Phonological disorders: Effective evaluation and treatment. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools speech pathologist training, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1996 –Successful Classroom Collaboration: Making it Work. North Carolina Speech Language and Hearing Association, Spring Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1995 –Baby Signs: Learning to Communicate with Your Infant. La Leche League of North Carolina, Area Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1988-1991 –Collaborative Service Delivery Model: Best Practices. Whittier Area Cooperative Special Education Program staff and area teachers. Whittier, California.
1988-2003 – Presented numerous in-service trainings to parents and caregivers on topics ranging from parent/child interaction and behavior modification, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
1988-2003 – Presented in-service trainings to preschool teachers, and special education professionals to speech and language stimulation, and sign language, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
Povenmire-Kirk, T., McWhorter, L., & Lindstrom, L. (submitted). La transicion: Transition from school to adult life – unique needs of Latino youth with disabilities and their families. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners.
McWhorter, L. (in press). Temporomanibular joint disorders. In Encyclopedia of Clincial Neuropsychology, Kreutzer, J.; Caplan, B.; DeLuca, J. (Eds.) Springer Press.
1988-1990 – Co-developed Family Learning Activity Groups projects, a service delivery model for at-risk and mildly delayed preschoolers in the predominantly bilingual Whittier Area Cooperative Special Education Program, Whittier, California.
1988-1992 – Co-led parenting classes as part of the Family Learning Activity Groups, using the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting program. Whittier, California.
1988-1989 – Co-developed the Play-Based Developmental Screening and Assessment Tool, used in Head Start programs in Whittier, California.
2010-PresentWebmaster, Health Psychology Graduate Student Association
2010-PresentMember, Philanthropy Committee, Health Psychology Graduate Student Association.
2009-2010 Chair, Philanthropy Committee, Health Psychology Graduate Student Association.
2009-PresentMember, Executive Committee, Health Psychology Graduate Student Association.
2008 – 2009Member, Social Committee, Health Psychology Graduate Student Association.
2008-Present – Coordinated and participated in various philanthropic activities through the Philanthropy committee of the Health Psychology Graduate Student Association, including volunteering for Make a Wish Foundation, Regional AIDS Interfaith Network, Charlotte Greater Enrichment Program at Merry Oaks Elementary School, and Habitat for Humanity.
2007 – Provided a speech and developmental one-day clinic in Pochahuisco, to a variety of children with special needs in a rural town where special education access is limited. Guerrero, Mexico.
2007 – Consulted with Special Education Director, Profesor Pablo Luna Martinez, and Communication Teacher, Marta Cecilia Tejeda Garcia, at the Centro Multiple de Educacion Especial school in Chilapa; provided information on service delivery in the United States, consulted about service delivery ideas for a student with Down syndrome. Guerrero, Mexico.
2003-present – Interpreted for special education meetings with Spanish speaking families, Union County Head Start Program and Union County Public Schools, Monroe, North Carolina.
2003-present – Interpreted for Spanish speaking community, accessing government and medical services. Encouraged participation in the educational process for Spanish speaking families, through advocating at their child’s educational planning meeting, Monroe, North Carolina.
1996-1997 – Metrolina AIDS Project: Delivered meals to terminally ill AIDS patients, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1992-Present – Speech Language Pathology License #2616, North Carolina,
1991-Present – Certificate of Clinical Competence, Speech Language Pathology, American Speech- Language and Hearing Association #001100362-03
2001 – Certified Bilingual Spanish, for speaking and writing (advanced level, per ACTFL).
1991 – Certificate in Child Maltreatment and Family Violence, California State University, Los Angeles.
Dr. Terri Rhodes, Assistant Director of Training, UNC Charlotte Counseling Center, Charlotte North Carolina. (704) 687-2128, .
Dr. Rich Tedeschi, Professor, Interdisciplinary Health Psychology Ph.D. Program, University of North Carolina, at Charlotte, North Carolina. (704) 687-4754, .
Dr. George Demakis, Director of Clinical Training, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Health Psychology Ph.D. Program, University of North Carolina, at Charlotte, North Carolina. (704) 687-4750, .
Dr. Virginia Gil-Rivas, Director, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Health Psychology Ph.D. Program, University of North Carolina, at Charlotte, North Carolina. (704) 687-4747, .
Dr. Ryan Kilmer, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Health Psychology Ph.D. Program, University of North Carolin, at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina. (704) 687-3689, .