Senate and Council
Subject:Report of the Ethical Advisory Committee 2011/12
Origin:Secretary, Ethical Advisory Committee
Date:March 2012
1. Terms of Reference
Information regarding the Terms of Reference of the Ethical Advisory Committee (EAC) is available on the EAC’s web-site at
2. Membership
Due to the change in University structure from Faculties to Schools, six members are now appointed to represent the ten Schools. The membership remains the same until July 2014, when new members will need to be appointed. Dr SMastana returned as Chair after the end of his study leave (February – July 2011).
3. Approval of Research Proposals and Generic Protocols
During 2011/12, the EAC met on three occasions and the Ethical Advisory Sub-Committee (EASC) nine times. In addition, some proposals were considered by Chair’s action, to facilitate urgent approval where required.Clearance to proceed was issued for 3generic protocols and223 research proposals (listed in Appendix II). This represented a slight increase in the number of proposals submitted, compared to2010-11. The table below shows the number of research proposals and generic protocols approved in each year since 2001-02.
Academic Year / Research Proposals / Generic Protocols2001-02 / 46 / 14
2002-03 / 65 / 6
2003-04 / 105 / 17
2004-05 / 146 / 5
2005-06 / 131 / 4
2006-07 / 156 / 6
2007-08 / 136 / 8
2008-09 / 178 / 14
2009-10 / 154 / 12
2010-11 / 194 / 5
2011-12 / 223 / 3
Senate and Council
Subject:Membership of Ethical Advisory Committee 2011/12 (Appendix I)
Origin:Secretary, Ethical Advisory Committee
Date:March 2012
Position / Member / Term of OfficeCommittee Secretary / Z Stockdale
Chair / Dr S Mastana / until 31.7.2014
Members appointed to represent 6 of the 10 Schools / A Chandra (WS) / until 31.7.2014
Dr A El-Hamalawi (CV) / until 31.7.2014
V Haines (DS) / until 31.7.2014
Dr G Ragsdell (SC) / until 31.7.2014
Dr S Shirreffs (PS) / until 31.7.2014
Dr C Butler (SR) / until 31.7.2014
Ethical and Environmental Officer, LSU (ex-officio) / I Maslovs
Health Safety Officer
(ex-officio) / C Moore
Co-opted members
(up to four places) / M Alonso / until 31.7.2012
T Ellis / until 31.7.2012
Rev K Elliott / until 31.7.2012
S Coney / until 31.7.2012
Regularly in attendance / A Crawford
Author: Zoe Stockdale
March 2012
Copyright © Loughborough University. All rights reserved
Senate and Council
Subject:Summary of Proposals Approved 2011/12 (Appendix II)
Origin:Secretary, Ethical Advisory Committee
Date:March 2012
Research Proposals
R11-P62 / Are young people encouraged to use their local libraries by projects run within the library?R11-P63 / Audience response to the Punch and Judy Show
R11-P64 / Study of using truthful/biographical stories within theatre to promote change. In collaboration with the political play The Art of Silence (Interviewee's include author of play, and whom the play is based upon).
R11-P65 / Experiences of Low Income in Later Life
R11-P66 / The everyday lives of young people with disabilities in Ghana
R11-P67 / How parents pick out library books for their children, aged 0-5
R11-P68 / A physical activity intervention in middle-aged people with insomnia symptoms
R11-P69 / Investigating athlete and coaching beliefs about influences on athlete eating behaviour
R11-P70 / Explosive strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle at different knee joint angles
R11-P71 / Parent and player psychosocial responses to release from professional football academies
R11-P72 / Effect of acute tyrosine supplementation on prolonged exercise capacity in a warm environment
R11-P73 / The effect of an 'Assessment for Learning' (AfL) intervention on 'talented' girls' motivational responses in physical education
R11-P74 / Do gender issues affect students' attitudes towards, and physical educators' approaches to, fitness testing? Can fitness testing help to increase physical activity levels in boys and girls?
R11-P75 / A study into the effect of direct interventions on key stressors on Key Stage 4 Gifted students
R11-P76 / A comparison of the effect of continuous moderate intensity cycling vs spring interval cycling on appetite, energy intake and circulating levels of gastrointestinal hormones
R11-P77 / The relationship between physical activity, physical fitness, body composition, resting metabolic rate, appetite perceptions, and appetite hormones in men and women
R11-P78 / The influence of exercise on numbers of circulating T-regulatory cells
R11-P79 / Effects of a probiotic supplement on salivary antimicrobial proteins at rest and in response to an acute bout of prolonged exercise
R11-P80 / Regulating exercise intensity during wheelchair propulsion using perceived exertion and music in novice participants
R11-P81 / The reliability of Teacher Observation as a formal assessment tool for GCSE examination
R11-P82 / Understanding students' perceptions of personal wellbeing - comparing the relative influence of PSHE and PE in an independent school
R11-P83 / En route to recovery: Climbing one's personal mountain through exercise
R11-P84 / Physical activity amongst teenage girls at an international boarding school
R11-P85 / The presence and duration of reactivity to pedometers in children
R11-P86 / A Curriculum Intervention aimed to assist girls to overcome barriers to Physical Education
R11-P87 / Recruitment and Retention of Competitive Race Walkers within the UK
R11-P88 / Facilitating delivery of enhanced design quality of NHS heathcare buildings. "An investigation of the extent to which the design quality of NHS heathcare buildings can be improved by engaging and collaborating with NHS staff and patients"
R11-P89 / Thermal Comfort in Nigerian Domestic Dwellings
R11-P90 / The Umbrella Project - a citywide pervasive storytelling experiment
R11-P91 / An investigation into the effect of increased tuition fees in the UK on student mobility
R11-P92 / Studying the effect of real human hands on energy absorbed inside a phantom head when using mobile phones
R11-P93 / The rhythm of life is a powerful beat: Flexible domestic electricity demand
R11-P94 / The effect of insulative clothing on muscle temperature and sprint performance
R11-P95 / The influence of ad libitum versus prescribed intake of sports beverage on 10 mile running performance
R11-P96 / The impact of socio-political and socio-economic factors on young people consumers of health and physical activity
R11-P97 / Does Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Affect Bone Health in Male Athletes?
R11-P98 / Girls' attitudes towards and barriers to school-based physical activity before and after transition to secondary school
R11-P99 / The Role of the One-Carbon Cycle and Methyl Group Donors in Central Fatigue and Time to Exhaustion in a Warm Environment
R11-P100 / A study of motivation in teenage rowers
R11-P101 / The motivational environment in PE and its effects on children's well-being and behaviour across the primary-secondary school transition
R11-P102 / Assessing the effects of an eccentric strength training protocol on the force-velocity relationship in the quadriceps group of muscle in man
R11-P103 / Exploring the Psychosocial Needs of Adolescent Tennis Players within a Tennis Academy
R11-P104 / The effect of high intensity cycling training on running performance post 1 hour variable power cycling
R11-P105 / The contribution of parental support in determining adolescents levels of physical activity
R11-P106 / The Use of Biometric Technologies in School Libraries
R11-P107 / Trapped Human' simulation for urban search and rescue operations
R11-P108 / Aging Simulation, Experiential Learning and Design for Developers
R11-P109 / Standardisation of skin conductance for thermophysiological research using iontophoresis and its relationship with thermal comfort
R11-P110 / How do children's experiences influence their aspirations regarding Further Education
R11-P111 / Transnational Activism and the Intimate Effects of Dissent in Israel
R11-P112 / Analysis of the factors influencing children and teenagers decisions to play tennis in Kalev Tennis Club in Estonia
R11-P113 / Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in blind adolescents
R11-P114 / Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and adolescents' well-being
R11-P115 / Understanding the impact of physical activity on the psychological health and identity construction of spinal cord injured adults: A qualitative study
R11-P116 / Does negative mood interact with eating style to predict attention bias towards food stimuli?
R11-P117 / The Assessment of Training Status and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Elite, Senior Football Players
R11-P118 / Cricket Foundation Evaluation - Chance to Shine
R11-P119 / Cricket Foundation Evaluation - Non Turf Pitches
R11-P120 / Evaluation of the 'Matalan yoUR Activity' Programme
R11-P121 / Participative Organizational Stress Management: A Season-Long Intervention with a Professional Rugby Union Academy
R11-P122 / Adaptive Accessibility - Confirming Requirements
R11-P123 / In what ways might early gender socialization determine children's future educational choices?
R11-P124 / Breath Potential Biomarkers of Sleepiness and Sleep
R11-P125 / The dynamics of the Lower Limb in Sprinting with Changes to the Longitudinal Bending Stiffness of Sprint Shoes
R11-P126 / Understanding Children's Approximate Number Systems
R11-P127 / Cricket Foundation Evaluation - StreetChance
R11-P128 / Effects of Yakult on common cold infection and mucosal immunity in endurance athletes
R11-P129 / The interpersonal environment and immune function in an athletic population
R11-P130 / Perceived exertion, training load and immunoendocrine responses during self-selected and imposed-intensity arm crank exercise in novice participants
R11-P131 / The effects of rear wheel camber on hand rim forces and mechanical efficiency during wheelchair propulsion
R11-P132 / Experiences of family mealtimes and anorexia nervosa
R11-P133 / Familial and intergenerational factors that shape nutritional status of urban Maya households in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
R11-P134 / Ambient Assisted Learning (AAL) HOST Project - Research into elderly users' requirements for a TV based information service and evaluation of pilot system
R11-P135 / Investigation into the patient's experience of the NHS service provision of prosthetics
R11-P136 / Effect of gender and school subject on learning styles
R11-P137 / Recreational vs habitual drug use: why some people become addicted
R11-P138 / The influence of changes in plasma osmolality on the measurement of haemoglobin concentration and haemocrit in whole blood
R11-P139 / Responsiveness testing of the single-item physical activity measure.
R11-P140 / User's acceptablility of Shared Sanitation facilities in low-income urban areas, Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa - Main study in Ashaiman, Ghana
R11-P141 / Sus-IT Accessibility monitoring and adaptation system - longitudinal study
R11-P142 / Validation of PROPSIE clothing system as a physiological monitor of heat strain that utilises newly developed algorithms to predict heat strain from non-invasive physiological measures
R11-P143 / Living at the New Margins of Europe: Identity, Place and Memory in the Estonian-Russian Borderland
R11-P144 / Establishing optimum number of stimuli to assess maximal voluntary and stimulated isometric, concentric and eccentric muscle actions
R11-P145 / An investigation into the time course of the effects of a mid-morning bout of exercise on adolescents' cognitive function
R11-P146 / High intensity exercise and postprandial triacylglycerol concentration in overweight boys and girls
R11-P147 / The acute angiogenic response to low load resistance exercise with continuous and discontinuous blood flow restriction
R11-P148 / Quantifying blood flow restriction; what factors influence the BFR stimulus?
R11-P149 / Male Student Bodies in Physical Education: How constructors of physical culture relate to negotiations of Physical Education
R11-P150 / Measurement and feedback of conformance to a target movement pattern of the arm and hand
R11-P151 / Developing domestic thermal comfort model for UK
R11-P152 / Observations of adolescent family mealtimes
R11-P153 / Effect of prior warm-up on pacing and rowing performance
R11-P154 / The influence of gender and family structure on secondary school pupil's preferences of PE teacher
R11-P155 / Assessing the factors that have an affect on extracurricular sports participation, in a secondary school
R11-P156 / Human hydration: Prevalence of under- or over- hydration and primary contributing factors
R11-P157 / Parental Influences on Adolescents' Physical Activity Behaviour
R11-P158 / The effects of repeated bouts of exercise on cardiovascular disease risk markers in men of South Asian descent
R11-P159 / Appetite and hormonal responses to exercise and food restriction in women
R11-P160 / A comparison of the effect of continuous moderate intensity cycling vs high intensity interval cycling on appetite, energy intake and circulating levels of peptide YY3-36
R11-P161 / Email stress and training
R11-P162 / Enabling daily living: learning and play, help us to design better products for you
R11-P163 / Conflict in parent-child relationships during the transition from childhood to adolescence
R11-P164 / Impact on the taste and odour of increased amounts of recycled water in drinking water supplies
R11-P165 / Improving GCSE mathematics examinations
R11-P166 / Skills Underlying Maths: Executive Function skills and the performance of mathematical operations (Experiment 1)
R11-P167 / Skills Underlying Maths: The relationship between Executive Function skills and different components of mathematical proficiency (Experiment 2)
R11-P168 / Skills Underlying Maths: The role of Executive Function skills in the learning of mathematics (Experiment 3)
R11-P169 / The public health value of a weekly community run in the park: preliminary outcome and process evaluation of parkrun
R11-P170 / Previous day recall of children's fruit, vegetable and snack intake: agreement beteween parent and child reporting.
R11-P171 / A survey of body weight status in Loughborough school children and adolescents
R11-P172 / Examining the Impact of Toys on Children's Physical Activity
R11-P173 / Glucose uptake signalling in human skeletal muscle: the role of the interleukin-6 receptor
R11-P174 / Participation of Disabled Children in Physical Activity Using a Self-Determination Theory Framework
R11-P175 / The influence of lateralised processing of the baroreceptor signal on cardiac cycle-related modulation of pain thresholds
R11-P176 / Afferent neural contributions to maximal isometric muscle performance
R11-P177 / Physiological and Anthropometric Characteristics as Predictors of Playing Level and Position in Women's Football
R11-P178 / The presence and duration of reactivity to pedometers in children
R11-P179 / Football and levels of anxiety and depression in people with varying levels of mental health
R11-P180 / An examination of personality and coaching behaviours from a self-determination theory perspective
R11-P181 / The influence of achievement goals in predicting the use of self-handicapping in 11-16 year old pupils
R11-P182 / Evaluating the effectiveness of dietetic service provision within the eating disorders
R11-P183 / An investigation into transformational teachers in Physical Education effects on leisure time physical activity participation
R11-P184 / Does Inpatient Weight Restoration Prior to Outpatient Family Therapy Improve Outcomes in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa
R11-P185 / Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity (SFON): Is it a stable sub-process in enumeration?
R11-P186 / Reluctant Readers: Can the provision of modern technology in the form of e-readers enhance their fluency and enjoyment of reading and change the way they experience reading as a whole?
R11-P187 / Gender portrayal in books for boys and girls and its impact on children
R11-P188 / Athlete Pre-cooling and its ability to improve cycling performance in hot conditions
R11-P189 / Cost of a Child in the 21st Century
R11-P190 / A baseline minimum income for older pensioners - an exploratory study
R11-P191 / Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance in Athletes
R11-P192 / The influence of friends and peers on children's food intake
R11-P193 / What factors can potentially predict the number of oocytes obtained during an IVF cycle? Can these factors also predict successful fertilisation and pregnancy?
R11-P194 / Understanding the psychological health and wellbeing of spinal cord injured adults who are in a care home: A qualitative study
R11-P195 / The effect of protein supplementation on the recovery from strength training
R11-P196 / Human muscle derived cells in 3-D tissue engineered constructs and their response to stimulation
R11-P197 / Investigating Strategies to Increase the Physical Activity Participation of Muslim Girls
R11-P198 / Heart rate, VO2 and lactate measurements/changes for non elite indoor rock climbers during increasingly harder climbs
R11-P199 / The effect of repeated short-sprints on postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations and endothelial function in adolescent boys
R11-P200 / An investigation of the relationship between children's self-determined motivation, self-efficacy and motives for comparison in physical education
R11-P201 / Investigating how Sport Education develops Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills
R11-P202 / "We want our say!"…Do girls find PE more enjoyable when provided with an opportunity to negotiate the content and structure of their PE experience?
R11-P203 / Extent to which education and everyday activities influence cognitive functions in later life
R11-P204 / Exploring students constructs of bereavement through use of memory-work
R11-P205 / The organization of 'flash mobs': Can physical or sporting activity be marketed by this new social phenomenon
R11-P206 / The Effects of Polyunsaturated Omega 3 fatty acids supplementation on the response of well-trained athletes to repeated bouts of anaerobic sprints and muscle soreness and inflammation
R11-P207 / The effect of vitamin D supplementation on the blood vitamin D concentration and bone health of young males
R11-P208 / The effect of vitamin D fortified foods on vitamin D status
R11-P209 / Measurement height and weight in a sub-sample of students at Woodbrook Vale High School who have voluntarily completed the PE-Survey
R11-P210 / The effect of caffeine on cognitive performance whilst simulating batting in cricket
R11-P211 / The Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Organizational Stress in Sport Performers
R11-P212 / An investigation into the teacher-pupil relationship: Does it have an effect on pupil's academic performance and wellbeing?
R11-P213 / Young People's experiences of counselling
R12-P1 / Lifestyle Migration in East Asia: A Comparative Study of British and Asian Lifestyle Migration
R12-P2 / Infowork
R12-P3 / Effects of physiological stress on the reproducibility of a standard fingerprint development technique
R12-P4 / The effects of psychological stress on the reproducibility of a standard fingerprint development technique
R12-P5 / Ergonomic Evaluation of Parking Breaks
R12-P6 / Comparing the physiological and kinetic responses to various modes of wheelchair propulsion
R12-P7 / Developing skills as Independent Enquirers through curriculum negotiation - How does increased involvement in decision-making impact on reducing girls' disengagement within KS4 Physical education lessons?
R12-P8 / Assessment of physiological, immuno-endocrine and subjective exertional responses to traditional and novel exercise modalities in persons with a spinal cord injury
R12-P9 / A Survey of the Reading Habits of Turkish High School Students and an Evaluation of the Efforts to Encourage Them to Read
R12-P10 / An Investigation into children's use of politeness strategies within an institution, a school
R12-P11 / A Sociological Study of the Persistance of Iconic Crime in Family Memory
R12-P12 / Young Suspects, Defendants and Offenders with high functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder: To what degree can the criminal justice response be considered appropriate?
R12-P13 / Cricket Foundation Evaluation - Comic Relief Sport for Change - StreetChance Dewsbury
R12-P14 / Attitudes towards ageing and participation in social, mental and physical activities
R12-P15 / A Multi-cultural Comparison between Two Interventions among Frail Elderly: The Effectiveness of Aerobic and Resistance Training versus Yoga Exercise
R12-P16 / A Multi-cultural Investigation for Risk Factors of Frailty Using Physiological and Psychological Assessments
R12-P17 / A comparison of metabolic rate responses to two high intensity exercise protocols matched for exercise intensity
R12-P18 / The effects of high intensity interval exercise on appetite, energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate
R12-P19 / A Longitudinal Investigation of Organization Stress in High Performing Swimmers
R12-P20 / The relationship between coach and athlete well-being: A diary study
R12-P21 / Importance of multiple joint rate of force and power development for functional explosive sports actions
R12-P22 / Acute moderate intensity exercise, mild dietary energy intake restriction and postprandial triacylgycerol concentration in adolescent girls
R12-P23 / The Age that Libraries forgot: A young person's perception of libraries
R12-P24 / Work-Life Balance: Young Peoples' Family Experience, its Impact on their Future Aspirations and Changes Over Time
R12-P25 / The nature and circumstances of injuries to older users of public transport in the UK
R12-P26 / Young people in care
R12-P27 / Does physical activity have an impact on emotional and cognitive functioning in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy?
R12-P28 / A pilot study utilising metabonomics in the diagnosis of asthma
R12-P29 / Understanding Emotion from Technology using a Multi-Modal Approach
R12-P30 / Assessing the Impact of Reading for Blind and Partially Sighted Adults
R12-P31 / The use of technological equipment in helping those with Special Educational Needs (S.E.N) to progress to Higher Education; the aid given once reaching H.E; and the impact that technological developments have on the educational system as a whole
R12-P33 / Nurse Moral Distress
R12-P34 / Effect of chronic exercise energy expenditure on metabolic and behavioural compensation in overweight adolescents: a feasibility study
R12-P35 / An evaluation of the optimal period of neuromuscular electrical stimulation using OnPulse technology for recovery following damaging muscle contractions
R12-P36 / Ventilatory and lactate threshold analysis and body temperature during intermittent exercise in able-bodied and wheelchair athletes
R12-P37 / Intensive Mothering, Early Years Learning and children's orientation towards the Body, Physical Activity and Health
R12-P38 / Evaluation of the 'Matalan yoUR Activity' Programme
R12-P39 / To what extent is increased fat consumption a major factor in weight gain of first year university students in the UK
R12-P40 / Investigating the psychosocial characteristics and experiences of youth tennis players
R12-P41 / Development of a sensitive, computerized diagnostic tool for children with learning disabilities
R12-P42 / Gatorade Sports Science Institute Research Laboratory
R12-P43 / Investigating the asthmatic inflammatory response to exercise
R12-P44 / Evaluation of The Prince's Trust 'Opportunity Inspired' by London 2012 Project
R12-P45 / The effect of physical activity on adolescents' cognitive function
R12-P46 / The effects of high intensity interval exercise training on inflammation, appetitie regulation and glycaemic control in obese males
R12-P47 / How self-esteem and shyness are related to achievement motivation in school, university and the workplace
R12-P48 / Seat Belt Clip Trials
R12-P49 / Evaluation and comparison of three e-commerce websites (A usability study from the perspective of students and older adults)
R12-P50 / OSH knowledge and its management in Healthcare, Construction and Logistics
R12-P51 / Development of a new training aid for use be age-group swimmers
R12-P52 / Do 15 and 16 year old children with better health knowledge have more positive health behaviours on leaving school?
R12-P53 / Excretion patterns of octopamine after ingestion of trace levels of octopamine supplement
R12-P54 / The validity and reliability of a wheelchair gyroscope
R12-P55 / Are there additive effects of nitrate and caffeine on exercise performance?
R12-P56 / The Effects of an Acute Dose of a Dopamine Precursor on Time to Exhaustion in a Warm Environment
R12-P57 / The association between physical fitness level, physical activity and sedentary behaviours among Singaporean primary school children
R12-P58 / The influence of exercise on circulating T cell inflammatory responses
R12-P59 / The effect of sampling frequency on the distances and speeds calculated by a portable global positioning satellite (GPS) system
R12-P60 / Neural contributions to voluntary muscle contractions
R12-P61 / The effect of moderate energy deficits induced by either exercise or energy restriction on appetite and gut hormone responses
R12-P62 / Effect of pre-exercise meal sodium content on the sweat response to exercise
R12-P63 / Physical activity intervention to improve cognitive functioning of older adults living in homes for the elderly
R12-P64 / Exploring the impact of surfing upon the health and well-being of combat-veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A qualitative study
R12-P65 / Role of parents in development and success of youth tennis players in India
R12-P66 / The effect of hydration status and fluid availability on appetite regulation
R12-P67 / Predictors of psychological wellbeing among transgender patients
R12-P68 / Evaluating the implementation of a 'student leader' programme
R12-P69 / Investigating the Physical Activity Patterns of Girls' and Subsequent Pedagogical Implications: A Case Study of a Dubai British Secondary School
R12-P70 / The effects of acute low-volume, sprint-type interval and continuous cycling on angiogenic growth factors and skeletal muscle cell signalling in highly-trained cyclists
R12-P71 / The influence of the contraction type and speed on torque production and neural activation during explosive voluntary contractions
R12-P72 / Attentional biases in eating psychopathology: The role of vigilance and avoidance
Generic Proposals