ECU Workplace Inspection Template
Workplace Inspection DetailsSchool / Centre / Area / Business Unit
Campus / Date of Inspection
Location Inspected / Inspection Team members
Inspector Details / Acknowledgement of Inspection
OSH Rep/Inspector Name / Person in control of the workplace1
Contact Number / Contact Number
Signature / Signature
Date / Date
Inspection Review
WHS Committee Chair
Person in control of the workplace may be the Manager, Head of School, Director, Dean, or member of the Executive team.
Boxes to be ticked as items are sighted ()or not present (), or otherwise NA indicates the item is not applicable to this area.
No. / Question / //NA / Corrective Actions / Responsible Person / Completion Date1.0 / Previous Inspection
1.1 / Has the previous inspection been reviewed?
1.2 / Are there any outstanding actions?
2.0 / Emergency and Fire Prevention
2.1 / Emergency evacuation maps located near exit doors?
2.2 / Emergency evacuation plans located near exit doors?
2.3 / Exit signs visible and working?
2.4 / Exits clear of obstructions?
2.5 / Fire extinguishers and fire hose locations clearly marked and clear of obstructions?
2.6 / Fire extinguishers been inspected and tagged within the last 6 months?
Check punch-out mark on tag.
2.7 / Are Fire extinguishers secured?
Check they are secured to the wall eg hooked or if stored chained or within a cage.
2.8 / Staff aware of who their Fire warden is?
2.9 / Fire warden currently trained?
2.10 / Staff aware of the emergency assembly area location?
2.11 / Staff aware of the nearest exit and alternative exit to their workstation?
3.0 / First Aid Facilities
3.1 / Staff aware of nearest First Aid Officer and are they accessible?
3.2 / Staff aware of the location of first aid cabinets?
3.3 / First Aid cabinet regularly serviced?
3.4 / First Aid cabinet contents within date?
3.5 / Emergency numbers displayed and readily accessible?
4.0 / Walls, Floors, Stairwells and Ceilings
4.1 / Floors free from trip hazards?
4.2 / Corridors clear of clutter and obstructions?
4.3 / Floors and carpet free from fraying and damage?
4.4 / Walls free of damage?
4.5 / Footpaths and walkways in good condition?
4.6 / Stairways and stairwells kept clean and clear of obstructions?
4.7 / Stair guards and handrails present and in good condition?
5.0 / General Lighting
5.1 / Good natural lighting in area?
5.2 / Reflected light from walls, ceilings, windows not causing glare for staff?
5.3 / Lights in good working order?
6.0 / Electrical Safety
6.2 / General Power Outlets (GPOs) in good order? Not cracked, broken plugs/switches
6.3 / Power cords not damaged or frayed?
6.4 / No power cords across walkways?
6.5 / No double adaptors in use on GPOs or piggybacked power boards?
6.6 / Electrical equipment (photocopiers, faxes, printers and shared white goods) in good working order?
6.7 / Portable electrical equipment tested and tagged?
6.8 / Cords are stored correctly and not caught under or pinched by furniture?
6.9 / Portable power tools in good condition?
7.0 / Kitchen and Meal Areas
7.1 / Area clean and hygienic?
7.2 / Cupboards tidy and clean?
7.3 / Rubbish bins regularly emptied and cleaned?
7.4 / Fridge(s) clean, regularly defrosted and contain no expired food items?
7.5 / Bench tops, sinks, uncluttered and clean?
7.6 / Is microwave position at suitable height, clean and operational?
8.0 / Common meeting rooms
8.1 / Adequate lighting?
8.2 / GPOs and electrical equipment in good working order?
8.3 / Adequate access and egress
8.4 / Emergency evacuation information available and appropriately located?
8.5 / Furniture in good condition?
8.6 / Doors open and close easily, are not stuck or broken?
9.0 / Toilets
9.1 / No overflowing bins or rubbish?
9.2 / Toilets and washbasins hygienic and clean?
9.3 / Adequate bathroom supplies?
9.4 / Ventilation working?
9.5 / Lighting adequate and working?
10.0 / Open Office and Work Areas
10.1 / Floors, carpets and walls free from damage and fraying?
10.2 / Floor and access areas free from trip hazards, obstructions and clutter?
10.3 / Furniture in good working order?
10.4 / Bins clean and emptied regularly, including paper recycling bins?
10.5 / Sufficient bins available for the work area?
10.6 / Foodstuffs appropriately stored/disposed of? No open containers of food left on desks?
10.7 / Files and equipment stored safely in cupboards and shelves?
10.8 / Frequently used items stored above knee height and below shoulder height?
10.9 / Storage furniture and equipment in good working order?
10.10 / All electrical cords stored safely and in good working order?
10.11 / No double adaptors or piggybacked power boards?
10.12 / Electrical equipment tested and tagged?
10.13 / GPOs, plugs, leads and power boards in good working order?
10.14 / Sufficient natural lighting available?
10.15 / Lights working?
10.16 / No glare from walls, ceilings and windows?
10.17 / Desks tidy and clear of clutter?
11.0 / Hazardous Substance / Chemical Safety
11.1 / Hazardous substances register complete and available?
11.2 / Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?
11.3 / Are Safety Data Sheets current? Must not be more than 5 years old.
11.4 / All containers labeled correctly?
11.5 / Unused substances disposed of?
11.6 / If applicable, are special storage conditions followed?
11.7 / Are any gas cylinders appropriately secured?
Eg chained, in cages
11.8 / Are staff trained in the use of the hazardous substances?
11.9 / If required, is PPE available?
11.10 / Is adequate ventilation provided?
11.11 / Are eye wash stations and safety showers easily accessible and in good working order?
11.12 / Are eyewash stations plumbed to allow for flushing of eyes for 20 minutes?
12.0 / Ladders
12.1 / Are all ladders Industrial strength? (Non-household rated, check label.)
12.2 / Are ladders in good condition?
12.3 / If used for electrical work are they non-conductive? (Wood or fibre glass.)
12.4 / For extension ladders are ropes, pulleys and treads in a good state of repair?
13.0 / Work Benches
13.1 / Clear of rubbish?
13.2 / Tools not in use kept in place?
13.3 / No damaged hand tools in use?
13.4 / No damaged power tools in use?
13.5 / Work height correct for the type of work and the employee?
13.6 / No sharp edges?
14.0 / Machines
14.1 / Are they kept clean?
14.2 / Are the floors around the machines kept clean with adequate space between machines to enable their safe operation?
14.3 / Guards fitted and in good condition?
14.4 / Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?
14.5 / Waste/off cuts removed and stored safely?
14.6 / Drip pans on floor to prevent spillage?
14.7 / Adequate work space?
14.8 / Is lighting adequate?
14.9 / Noise levels controlled?
14.10 / No bending or stooping required?
14.11 / Duck-boards in good repair?
14.12 / Operators trained/inducted into the operation of the machines?
14.13 / Is the training recorded?
14.14 / Do operators comply with the training?
14.15 / Are lockout procedures implemented and followed?
14.16 / Are flashback arresters installed on all oxygen and acetylene welding/cutting equipment?
ECU Workplace Inspection Template Page -1
Updated 21-11-2014