

Double click with the left mouse button on the eTIMEsheet icon. This icon is found on the desktop.

A screen will come up asking for your Employee Badge Number and Password. All employees are assigned a six-digit Employee ID number. This number is used for your badge number and password.

There is an option to change your password. We encourage you to change your password.

If you forget your new password, call Jackie at extension 1005 and she can reassign a new password for you.

Once you have signed in a timesheet will appear on your screen.


LABOR ACCOUNTS -- defined as Location and Job Class

Location is defined as the building you are assigned to.


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Board Office

Job Class is defined as the job classification from the hourly pay schedule.

It will be listed as the four-digit code. For example 0010 is Office Associate.

HOUR PAY CODES are defined as additional hours paid to employee. Doesn’t include regular working hours. Only the employees who are entitled to paid leaves should use these extra hour pay codes.

BereaveApproved paid leave for funerals

EmergencOnly Custodian/Maintenance-time that is not be deducted from yearly total

HolidayEligible paid Holidays

OtherPaid leaves for Professional leave or Jury Duty

OutactivOnly Custodian/Maintenance-time that is not be deducted from yearly total

(Use this for any nonschool activity hours)

PersonalApproved paid Personal leave

SickEligible paid sick leave

Use compPaid leave for Comp time being used

VacEligible paid Vacation time


After you have signed in a timesheet will appear on your screen

At the top of your timesheet screen you will see the above buttons.

To use the File, Edit, Tools or Help, move your mouse to that word and click with your left mouse button. Then the different options will appear.

By moving your mouse to the other buttons (icons), a small box will appear to let you know what each icon will do. Then left click with your mouse to continue with the procedure.

Below the icons on the timesheet screen there are four different tabs. You can click on any of these by using the mouse and clicking with the left button.

Start/Stop -- This is the screen for putting in your actual time worked.

Hours Summary/Dollars --This will give you a summary of hours for each day you have showing on the screen. We are not using the Dollars portion of the program

Employee Information -- This screen shows your name, badge number and home labor account. There is also a section that your weekly standard timesheet will show your normal working hours.

Audit Trail – Once you have entered and saved information into the start/stop screen, this screen will show any information that has been changed either by you or your supervisor.

To look at different dates then what appears on the screen, use the arrow buttons that are towards the bottom of the timesheet. The single arrow will move one day at a time and the double arrows will move seven days at a time.


At the end of each week have all of your time recorded and then you must sign off by either clicking each day or there is a box that says all which will sign off on everyday showing on your screen. At the end of the pay period, your supervisor will also sign off on your timesheet. Once your supervisor has signed off, you will not be able to make any changes to your timesheet. If you need to make a change, your supervisory can remove the sign off so changes can be made.


Light blue boxes. The computer will highlight in light blue, today’s date.

Review the activity box to the left, to make sure your location and job class is correct. Then enter your time. Click with the left mouse button on the day you want to start entering.

For example: If you started working at 8:00am – you can enter 8:00am then the enter key or enter 800a and then enter (the computer will put in the colons). Once you push enter the cursor will move down to the next box.

After entering 12:00pm and hitting enter another line will appear and then you can enter your time after lunch.

You will notice the computer will total your hours to the right and also at the bottom of the screen for each day. Now you are ready to enter the next day. Be sure to click your mouse on the box that you want to enter your time.

Lunch break -- You must clock out if you take a 30-minute or more uninterrupted lunch break. If it is less then 30 minutes DO NOT clock out. This is required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Workweek – is defined as Sunday through Saturday. Overtime is any physical time worked over 40 hours in the given workweek.

Maintenance Department Work week – is defined as Thursday through Wednesday.Overtime is any physical time worked over 40 hours in the given workweek.

Overtime – Workweek hours over 40. Any time WORKED (physically) over forty hours is compensated at time and one-half (Compensation will be either paid or given as comp time). Workweeks that total over 40 hours will show on your timesheet as regular hours. Jackie will divide the hours into regular time and over time. This division will show on the lotus spreadsheets. These sheets are handed out a couple times a year.

Comp time –All hours over 40 in a workweek for secretaries and paras will be earned comp time.

Comp time earned will still be kept manually on a lotus spreadsheet. Any exceptions must have prior approval from your Supervisor. Your supervisor must also add a note to the employee’s timesheet.

Working past midnight -- This program will not allow working until midnight or past midnight as time worked for that day. Below are examples.

On Monday May 5th & Tuesday May 6th, the employee worked from 3:00pm until 12:00am with a half-hour lunch break. In order for the program to accept the time it must be recorded as start time of 2:59pm and ending time of 11:59pm. Which is a total of 8.5 for that day.

On Wednesday, May 7th, the employee worked until 12:30am. Any time after midnight needs to be recorded as a separate entry. See the example at the bottom of page 5. The employee clocked in at 2:59pm, clocked in and out for lunch. Then they clocked out at 11:59pm, clocked back in at 12:00am and then clocked out at 12:30am. This time is all recorded as time worked on Wednesday.

Once you have saved your information, the computer may rearrange the time sequence. Looking at Wednesday, the time worked after midnight has now been moved to the top. It may look a little confusing, but the total daily time is correct. The above example also shows this employee was called in for an emergency early Saturday morning. The employee also attached a note for the emergency time worked.


A quicker way to enter your weekly time would be to apply the standard timesheet. Click on this icon.

The screen shown on page 6 will appear. Be sure the screen is showing the dates you want the standard timesheet to fill in. You can change the date ranges by clicking on the little calendar on the Start Date and also on the Stop Date or you can type over the dates listed. Then click on OK.

The computer will automatically fill in all of the days. You can then make any changes. For example if your lunch was a different time or you worked later. Just click on the time you want to change and make the changes.



There are two ways to save your information. Click on this icon

Or Click on File then Save.


There are two ways to close out your timesheet. Click on File then Close. If you haven’t save the information the computer will prompt you to save before closing. A second screen will appear and just click on File then Close.

Or you can click on the X -- which is on the far right of timesheet screen.

Please be sure you’re choosing the timesheet X. It should be in the blue box. A second screen will appear and just click on the blue X.


From your timesheet screen you can choose File and Print. This will display a report for the dates that are currently showing on your screen. Or you can click on the icon

If you want the report to print, click on the print icon. To close the report click on the X in the right hand corner.

To print more than one week, close the first screen of your timesheet. The second screen will look like this.

You can either click on Reports or the reports icon. The following screen will appear.

You can choose the date range by clicking on the small calendars or by typing over the dates. Then choose Print Preview to view the report on your screen. Then you can print the report. When you are done printing, click on Cancel to close out this screen.

From the screen below you can get back into your timesheet by Clicking on File then Open Timesheet

or by clicking on this icon


If you are assigned to two different buildings or jobs and/or you currently fill out two timesheets this is how to record your time. You will only have one timesheet but you must change your location or job class. When you need to record time at a different location, left click your mouse in the right hand corner of the activity box. A small box with . . . will appear. Left click on that box.

The next screen is below. In the location box, left click on the down arrow and a list of all the locations will show. Click on the location you want. If your Job Class changes, left click on the down arrow and a list of all the job classes will show. Click on the job class you want. Then click on OK.

Your time sheet will now show differently in the activity box. Be sure that the rest of the week you record your time in the correct activity areas.


PLEASE NOTE: only use these hour pay codes if your position is eligible for PAID leaves. Call Jackie in the Board Office if you have any questions. LEAVE FORMS MUST be filled out for Bereavement, Personal, Other, Sick, Use of comp, and Vacation.

In order to use a different hour pay code, you must record that time on a different line then your regular time. Left click your mouse in the right hand corner of the activity box. A small box

with . . . will appear. Left click on that box.

The next screen is below. Make sure the location and job class are correct. If you need to make a correction click on the down arrow and select the correct one. Click on the down arrow for Hour Pay Codes. Click on the Pay code you want to use.

Your timesheet will now show differently in the activity box. Be sure the rest of the week you record your time in the correct activity areas.

When you save the information, the computer will reorganize the time by putting it in alpha order according to the activity and not by the time.


You can attach a note to any certain time on your timesheet. We ask that you do this as an extra reminder as to why you were gone. Please remember to always fill out a leave sheet when you aregone. The time will need to be already entered in your timesheet. Have the cursor on the time period you want the NOTE.

Then click on Edit, then on Notes Manager. Below is the box that will appear

Type your message. Click save after typing. Your supervisory will be able to see your message.

Your timesheet will now have a yellow box around the time that has a note attached. If you want to read the note, place your cursor on that time, Click on Edit, then Notes manager and then you can see the note or make changes.

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