Administered by the Town of Taos Fair Trade Steering Committee July/August 2008
Merchant/Organization Survey for inclusion in the Taos “Buy Fair, Buy Local” Directory.
This will be shared online and in print form with tourists as well as locals. It is a free directory (to you and to users) that will better enable customers to buy Fair Trade and locally produced goods and services, and locally grown items, in addition to patronizing those businesses and organizations that support these market orientations.
There is no obligation from you other than to honestly fill out the survey and return it to Steve Fuhlendorf at the Taos County Chamber of Commerce, Cathy Connelly at the Town of Taos Town Hall, or to any of the other Fair Trade Steering Committee members listed with this survey. Then, you’ll be considered for ‘membership’ in this new, unique directory. It should be popular – and actively used –by anyone seeking to “Buy Fair, Buy Local”.
Name of business/organization and contact/title:
Physical street address/location:
Mailing address:
1) Type of business/organization:
□Grocery store/seller of produce
□Retail store
□Restaurant/café/food service
□Nonprofit organization
□Other (please specify):
2) Do you currently carry Fair Trade certified products?
If no, please explain:
□Don’t know enough about them
□Customers don’t ask or care
□Products are not certifiably Fair Trade in my place of business.
□Other (please explain):
3) Would you be interested in learning more about Fair Trade for your business/organization?
If you don’t carry Fair Trade products, please skip to question #8.
4) What types of Fair Trade Products do you carry?
5) What would you say your annual sales total in Fair Trade Products?
6) Approximately what percentage of your merchandise is Fair Trade?
7) Approximately what percentage of your total annual revenue comes from Fair Trade Products?
8) Would you make Fair Trade literature available to your customers?
□I already do.
□I would be interested.
9) Are you a local organization, or locally owned Taos area business (headquartered in Taos)?
10) What types of local products/services do you provide? Please list:
11) What would you say your annual sales total in locally produced goods/services?
6) Approximately what percentage of your merchandise is locally produced?
7) Approximately what percentage of your total annual revenue comes from locally produced products/services?