Supplementary Table 1. Additional characteristics of the selected case-control studies for rs17878362 (TP53 PIN3) polymorphism.

Population / Study numbers and Study× / Country / Genotyping method / Mean age of cases (SD) / Mean age of controls (SD) / Adjusted method / Ref.
Indian / 1 / Jha et al., 2011 / India / Sequencing / nd* / nd* / Gender, age, BMI+, smoking status / (1)
2 / Umar et al., 2011 / India / Gel retardation / 57.3 (11.9) / 55.8 (9.4) / Gender, age / (2)
4 / Mittal et al., 2011 / India / Gel retardation / 64.4 (5.6) / 64.4 (7.1) / Gender, age / (3)
5 / Malik et al., 2011 / India / Gel retardation / 60.4 (8.4) / 58.0 (12.7) / nd* / (4)
6 / Malik et al., 2011 / India / Gel retardation / 55.9 (9.7) / 58.0 (12.7) / nd* / (4)
22 / Mitra et al., 2005 / India / Gel retardation / 55.0 (12.0) / 50.4 (11.5) / nd* / (5)
Mediterranean / 10 / de Feo et al., 2009 / Italy / Gel retardation / 66.7 (11.7) / 63.5 (13.1) / Age, alcohol consumption, family history of cancer, fruit, vegetable intake, addition of salt to meals / (6)
13 / Costa et al., 2008 / Portugal / Gel retardation / 53.4 (nd*) / 53.1 (nd*) / Age / (7)
15 / de Vecchi et al., 2008 / Italy / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / nd* / (8)
20 / Perfumo et al., 2006 / Italy / Gel retardation / 60.1 (nd*) / 66.7 (nd*) / nd* / (9)
21 / Perfumo et al., 2006 / Italy / Gel retardation / 68.4 (nd*) / 66.7 (nd*) / nd* / (9)
23 / Gemignani et al., 2004 / Spain / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / nd* / (10)
Northern Europe / 7 / Naccarati et al., 2010 / Czech Republic / Gel retardation / 62.2 (10.4) / 60.5 (10.7) / Gender, Age, BMI+, smoking status / (11)
8 / Polakova et al., 2009 / Czech Republic / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / Age, sex / (12)
11 / Hrstka et al., 2009 / Czech Republic / Gel retardation / 59.7 (nd*) / 58.86 (nd*) / nd* / (13)
17 / Tan et al., 2007 / Germany / Gel retardation / 68.2 (nd*) / 66.9 (nd*) / nd* / (14)
19 / Hung et al., 2006 / Central Europe / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / nd* / (15)
24 / Wang-Gohrke et al., 2002 / Germany / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / nd* / (16)
United States / 12 / Gaudet et al., 2008 / USA / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / Age / (17)
14 / Ye et al., 2008 / USA / Taqman / nd* / nd* / nd* / (18)
16 / Chen et al., 2007 / USA / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / Age, sex, smoking status, alcohol consumption / (19)
18 / Wang et al., 2007 / USA / Gel retardation / 61.7 (11.1) / 61.4 (9.4) / nd* / (20)
25 / Wu et al., 2002 / USA / Gel retardation / 61.4 (9.7) / 60.6 (9.8) / Age, sex, smoking / (21)
Not classified / 3 / Alawadi et al., 2011 / Kuwait-Syria / Gel retardation / 48.7 (nd*) / 54.7 (nd*) / nd* / (22)
9 / Ashton et al., 2009 / Australia / Gel retardation / nd* / nd* / Age, BMI+, HBP§, diabetes, HRT#, personal history of cancer, smoking status, alcohol consumption / (23)

×: Number corresponds to Table 1, *nd: not described, +BMI: Body Mass Index, §HBP:High Blood Pressure, # HRT: Hormone replacement therapy

Supplementary Table 2. Meta-analysis results after removing all studies one by one for A1A2 and A2A2 genotypesof TP53rs17878362. The name of the study corresponds to the removed study.

A1A2 vs A1A1 genotypes / A2A2 vs A1A1 genotypes
Study Numbers and Study* / Heterogenity
P value / OR / 95% CI / Heterogenity
P value / OR / 95% CI
1 / Jha et al., 2011 / 0.03 / 1.08 / [0.99-1.19] / 0.05 / 1.47 / [1.16-1.86]
2 / Umar et al., 2011 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.05 / 1.45 / [1.15-1.85]
3 / Alawadi et al., 2011 / 0.03 / 1.07 / [0.98-1.17] / 0.15 / 1.52 / [1.27-1.82]
4 / Mittal et al., 2011 / 0.03 / 1.09 / [0.99-1.19] / 0.05 / 1.49 / [1.18-1.88]
5 / Malik et al., 2011 / 0.02 / 1.07 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.06 / 1.41 / [1.18-1.70]
6 / Malik et al., 2011 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.08 / 1.40 / [1.17-1.68]
7 / Naccarati et al., 2010 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.99-1.19] / 0.04 / 1.47 / [1.16-1.87]
8 / Polakova et al., 2009 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.05 / 1.46 / [1.15-1.86]
9 / Ashton et al., 2009 / 0.03 / 1.09 / [0.99-1.19] / 0.05 / 1.49 / [1.17-1.89]
10 / de Feo et al., 2009 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.99-1.18] / 0.04 / 1.47 / [1.16-1.87]
11 / Hrstka et al., 2009 / 0.02 / 1.07 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.04 / 1.48 / [1.17-1.88]
12 / Gaudet et al., 2008 / 0.02 / 1.09 / [0.99-1.19] / 0.05 / 1.50 / [1.18-1.91]
13 / Costa et al., 2008 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.08 / 1.42 / [1.19-1.70]
14 / Ye et al., 2008 / 0.11 / 1.10 / [1.01-1.19] / 0.10 / 1.51 / [1.26-1.82]
15 / de Vecchi et al., 2008 / 0.02 / 1.07 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.06 / 1.42 / [1.19-1.71]
16 / Chen et al., 2007 / 0.02 / 1.07 / [0.98-1.18] / 0.04 / 1.49 / [1.16-1.89]
17 / Tan et al., 2007 / 0.05 / 1.09 / [1.00-1.20] / 0.06 / 1.48 / [1.23-1.77]
18 / Wang et al., 2007 / 0.02 / 1.07 / [0.97-1.18] / 0.12 / 1.55 / [1.28-1.86]
19 / Hung et al., 2006 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.98-1.19] / 0.07 / 1.37 / [1.12-1.66]
20 / Perfumo et al., 2006 / 0.04 / 1.07 / [0.98-1.17] / 0.08 / 1.43 / [1.20-1.71]
21 / Perfumo et al., 2006 / 0.02 / 1.08 / [0.99-1.18] / 0.05 / 1.44 / [1.20-1.73]
22 / Mitra et al., 2005 / 0.04 / 1.09 / [1.00-1.19] / 0.14 / 1.53 / [1.27-1.83]
23 / Gemignani et al., 2004 / 0.05 / 1.06 / [0.99-1.13] / 0.04 / 1.47 / [1.16-1.87]
24 / Wang-Gohrke et al., 2002 / 0.03 / 1.07 / [0.97-1.17] / 0.05 / 1.47 / [1.15-1.87]
25 / Wu et al., 2002 / 0.12 / 1.06 / [0.99-1.13] / 0.05 / 1.43 / [1.20-1.72]

* For study number, number of cases and controls excluded and details of publications see Table I


Supplementary Table 3. The evolution of the meta-analysis results for rs17878362 depending on date of publication of study.

Genotype / Study / Heterogenity
P value / OR / 95% CI
A1A2 / 2005 (4 studies) / 0.01 / 1.30 / [0.94-1.78]
2006 (7 studies) / 0.01 / 1.23 / [0.99-1.52]
2007 (10 studies) / 0.01 / 1.15 / [1.00 1.33]
2008 (14 studies) / 0.01 / 1.09 / [0.96-1.23]
2009 (18 studies) / 0.01 / 1.08 / [0.97-1.20]
2010 (19 studies) / 0.01 / 1.08 / [0.97-1.19]
2011 (25 studies) / 0.03 / 1.08 / [0.99-1.18]
A2A2 / 2005 (4 studies) / 0.13 / 1.27 / [0.82-1.96]
2006 (7 studies) / 0.10 / 1.67 / [1.23-2.27]
2007 (10 studies) / 0.06 / 1.37 / [1.07 1.76]
2008 (14 studies) / 0.03 / 1.41 / [1.03-1.94]
2009 (18 studies) / 0.10 / 1.40 / [1.14-1.71]
2010 (19 studies) / 0.13 / 1.40 / [1.15-1.71]
2011 (25 studies) / 0.06 / 1.45 / [1.22-1.74]

Supplementary Table 4. Meta-analysis results for rs1042522 (TP53 PEX4)and rs1625895 (TP53 PIN6) polymorphisms in the selected case-control studies following Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Genotypes / Cases
n (%) / Controls
n (%) / Heterogenity
P value / OR / [95% CI] / P trend#
rs1042522(Study numbers: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; MAF = 0.29)
Total / 8 517 (100.0) / 9 311 (100.0)
R72/R72 / 4 227 (49.6) / 4 833 (51.9) / 1.00 / - / <0.01
R72/P72 / 3 340 (39.3) / 3 586 (38.5) / <0.01* / 1.16 / [1.05-1.18]
P72/P72 / 950 (11.1) / 892 (9.6) / 0.02+ / 1.06 / [0.91-1.24]
rs1625895 (Study numbers: 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 25; MAF = 0.19)
Total / 5 011 (100.0) / 5 100 (100.0)
GG / 3 180 (63.5) / 3 522 (69.1) / 1.00 / -
GA / 1 312 (26.2) / 1 192 (23.4) / 0.01* / 1.19 / [1.02-1.40] / <0.01
AA / 519 (10.3) / 386 (7.5) / 0.46* / 1.19 / [0.89-1.60]


Supplementary Table 5: Haplotype distributions for rs17878362*, rs1042522 and rs1625895 in 261DNA samples from three HapMap populations (African: Nigeria (90 individuals); Asian: China (81 individuals) and Caucasian: Northern or Western European (90 individuals)) based on published data (24).

Polymorphisms / African
(%) / Asian
(%) / Caucasian
rs17878362* / rs1042522 / rs1625895
A1 / R72 / G / 31.67 / 53.70 / 78.13
A1 / P72 / G / 38.33 / 43.83 / 11.46
A1 / R72 / A / - / - / 0.52
A1 / P72 / A / 3.89 / 0.62 / 0.52
A2 / R72 / G / - / - / -
A2 / P72 / G / - / - / -
A2 / R72 / A / - / - / -
A2 / P72 / A / 26.11 / 1.85 / 9.37%

*tagged by rs2909430


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