Wrenthorpe Pre-school Summer Newsletter 2017


Our annual Sports Days will be held on the morning of Wednesday 5th July and the afternoon of Thursday 6th July.Parents, carers and grandparents are invited back at 11.15am for the morning session and 2.15pm for the afternoon session to watch the children participating in a few fun activities.

We will also be saying goodbye to the children who are moving onto school in September by having a sing-along and a leavers’ celebration at the end of their last keyworker session. A letter will follow shortly with more details.


If your child is taking medication, please leave it in the office where it must be signed in and out. Medicines must not be left in the children’s bags in the cloakroom. A staff member will be able to assist you with the forms we need you to complete.


If your child is moving onto school and you would like to donate their uniform back to Pre-school, please place it in the box provided in the cloakroom.


If you intend going on holiday during term time you need to let us know in writing beforehand so it does not affect your fees.

Also, if your child is ill with a cold, cough or sickness or is absent for any other reason, please ring as soon as possible on the first day.


To encourage the children to be more confident, could we ask that you allow your child to walk independently or with a member of staff to the register area.


Can we remind you to check, on a daily basis, whether there is any mail that needs to be taken home. All mail is marked with your child’s name and left on the table in the cloakroom. Also, please remember to take home any artwork on the rack in the cloakroom.


Just a reminder to let you know that our trips to Ponderosa will be taking place on Wednesday 24th May in the morning and Thursday 25th May in the afternoon. If you haven’t yet brought the permission slip back and paid the donation, please do so immediately.


Please dress your child in clothing appropriate to the weather. We can still have very wet or chilly days even in the summer months so please send your child with a light coat. On sunny days, can we please remind you to put sun cream on your child before attending

Pre-school, and to also bring a sun hat.

If your child attends Pre-school for a full day we can apply sun block provided by us in the afternoon session. Please make sure that all allergies are known to staff.


As part of our healthy eating strategy, we would like parents to bring in fresh fruit everysession or a bag each week, to put in our snack bowl which is in the cloakroom. We also welcome vegetables, breadsticks, dried fruit and crackers, but not crisps or chocolate please! We hope this will encourage the children to eat avariety of food – subject of course to any known allergies!


Over the next few weeks, we will be asking children and parents to help with our fundraising event “Sponsored Stick”.


We are sorry to have to say goodbye to Sam Cawthray, who is leaving for pastures new at the end of summer. We wish her good luck for the future.


The doors open at 11.55am for you to collect your child from morning session. The doors open at 3.00pm in the afternoon so you can collect your child any time after this but please arrive by 3.10pm.

Please be aware that Night Owls After School Club starts at 3.15pm and allPre-school children, not attending Night Owls, must be collected before this time


Wednesday 24th(AM)May and

Thursday 25th(PM) May


Wednesday 5th(AM)July and

Thursday 6th(PM) July

Sports Days

Week commencing 17th July

Leavers’ celebrations

We close on

Friday 21st Julyand

re-openWednesday 6th September


Pre-school has plenty of toys to play with, so we discourage children from bringing in toys from home. These often get lost or broken and children become very upsetwhen this happens