Application for Graduate School Writing Boot Camp
I am applying to attend (check one): The Boot Camp I wish to attend is:
___ Dissertation Writing Boot Camp ___ Summer Boot Camp (June 2016)
___ Thesis Writing Boot Camp ___ Winter Boot Camp (January 2017)
___ Proposal Writing Boot Camp
Name ______Net ID ______
Field ______
First date of graduate/professional school registration ______
Date A Exam completed (for PhD students) ______
Date committee approved your proposal (if applicable) ______
1. Please list your work/progress on your research and writing up to this point. For students applying to Proposal Writing Boot Camp, provide your anticipated schedule with steps to degree completion.
For example: Since my proposal was approved in May 2013:
June 2013 – IRB approval secured June 16
July 2013 – Travel to New Orleans to interview subjects
July to August 2013 – Interviews and coding continued
September 2013 to January 2012 – Data analysis
April to October 2014 – draft chapters 1 and 2
2. What are the obstacles you have encountered in your writing thus far?
3. What are your expectations for your Boot Camp experience? What do you want to learn? What do you hope to accomplish?
4. Please indicate which of these issues you want help with (and the degree to which this is an obstacle for you).
I need help with/ information about dealing with / 5= very much / 4 / 3 = somewhat / 2 / 1 = not much / 0 = not at allSetting and meeting goals/deadlines
Overcoming procrastination
Getting feedback from my advisor
Overcoming perfectionistic tendencies
Avoiding and overcoming writer’s block
Writing skills
Revising and editing skills
Staying motivated
Making and sticking to a schedule for writing
Forming a writing support group
Others: Please list and rate
Please note the following conditions of successful participation in Boot Camp:
1. You should attend all sessions/days of Boot Camp.
2. You must participate in the group meetings. (On the first morning, there is an introduction and orientation for about two hours…depending on the size of the group.)
3. The Graduate School will provide breakfast, lunch, and refreshments throughout the day.
4. Plan to bring a laptop and any books, articles, and other materials you need for productive writing.