CARE by Grade level

Full Plan: “Big Picture”

C- What is it we want our students to learn? What knowledge, skills, and dispositions do we expect them to acquire as a result of this course, this grade level, and this unit of instruction?

Step 1 How is this determined, explicit and intentional?

ELA and Science units are planned through UBD and in math the district units of study.

We use the standards and DOK to determine what students will know and be able to do. Plan with the Standards and DOK in hand.

Step 2 How is the learning tracked? (how do students and teachers know their progress?)

K – LN and LS and sight words , chapter tests mid and final, math fluency

1st comprehension and vocabulary, chapter tests mid and final, fluency

2nd Comprehension/standards test, chapter tests mid and final, fluency

3rd Comprehension (formative assessments) chapter tests mid and final, fluency (kicking it/First in Math/Reflex) (graphed) and formative (graph chapter test and formative)

4th Comprehension (formative assessment) chapter tests mid and final, fluency(reflex charts) and formative (graph chapter test and formative)

5th Comprehension (formative) chapter tests mid and final, fluency (reflex charts/ First in Math) and formative (graph chapter test and formative)

Step 3 Scales or rubrics?

K – Rubric for general understanding – adding math scale - conventions checklist

1 – Writing Rubric, Quality of work - conventions checklist

2 Quality work rubric, math rubric, Writing rubric - conventions checklist

3 Standards progressions in math and reading, Writing Rubric and conventions checklist

4. Standards progressions in math, Writing Rubric and conventions checklist

5. Scalebrics in math, Writing Rubric

Step 4 Documentation - In plans and UBD outline of quarters (CARE planning sheet and Assessment Analysis)

A - How will we know if each student is learning each of the skills, concepts, and dispositions we have deemed most essential?

Step 1 – Which assessments will determine student success?

Reading –

K-5 Rigby three times per year

LLI biweekly on even days for all below level students

K- sight words, LN/LS

1 – Comprehension/vocabulary sight words for fluency

2- Comprehension/standards

3 - Formative assessments – comprehension assessment

4 - Formative assessment

5. – Formative assessment

Writing –

K-5 Weekly language and conventions mini assessment

Monthly prompt K-3

Weekly prompt or writing task 4 and 5


K-5 Fluency assessment mid quarter and end of quarter

First in Math 1-5 and Reflex 1-5 (computer programs)

K-2 chapter tests and mid chapter tests

3-5 Formative assessments

Science –

Chapter assessments

Mini- assessments (district)

Step 2 – Which formative assessments are recorded and shared?

ELA and Math – Biweekly assessments, Rigby, LLI

Formative assessments grades 3-5

Writing task/prompt

Science assessment

**Daily Singapore math problems lead to weekly assessment

Step 3 – Summative assessments – Which summative assessments are given?(chapter, BAFS/MAFS, FSA, Mid year K-2)

Step 4 – How are assessments recorded and analyzed ? Who, When, Where submitted and to whom?

Grade level representative for the subject is responsible to collect and record data

3-5 Formative assessments

ELA – by student, class, by grade, by standard

Math– by student, class, by grade, by standard

K – Using regular data base for LN LS sight words

Math – excel

1 Math – excel

ELA – paper chart – turn in after PLC

2. Math – excel

Reading – paper – turn in after PLC

3 – 5 – Math – Excel

Reading Excel

All Writing- Excel

Rigby must be put in VC and our school based database


R- How will we respond when some of our students do not learn? What process will we put in place to ensure students receive additional time and support for learning in a way that is timely, precise, diagnostic, directive, and systematic?

As a result of C and A there is now a systematic process in place to identify the students that did not acquire learning as a result of classroom instruction. In order to increase student achievement, remediation must be provided to these students.

Step 1 – Use data (assessment as well as rubric data) to identify students in need of remediation

Step 2 – When will students be remediated?


pull out immediately to reteach in small group based on daily formative assessments

Based on mid chapter and formative

Centers, small group,

Plan a day of remediation

Step 3 – What resources will be used? Reteach same lesson, manipulatives, review the test items

Step 4 – What assessment will be used to monitor student progress towards mastery? (Think Central??? Retest items missed?) Form A or B, or book test

E- How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are already proficient?

(Could be daily activity or a larger research project, activity – DOK 3 or 4)

Performance tasks, research on content area study, Gizmos, Center activities (see Burrows)