How to Maintain the Supplier Portal SharePoint Site

Adding Content

To begin maintenance on the Supplier Portal, start by signing in with the “Sign In” link in the top right corner.

To edit content on a page, choose “Edit Page” under “Site Actions” then select “Edit” and “Modify Shared Web Part” on web part you wish to edit.

Once you have the modify pane open you can choose the “Rich Text Editor…” button to bring up a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor. In the editor you can make your content changes and create links, the Rich Text Editor is similar to editing a document in Word.

Managing Files and Links

To upload a document that you want to link to you have to upload the file directly to a folder on the server. This is because the SharePoint is open to the public. To do this select Start -- > Run, from here you will type in “\\lnwxv08\files” (Without the quotes); this brings up the file hierarchy for the Supplier Portal SharePoint files.

Add your files to the correct spot in the hierarchy which is organized by web page. Keep in mind where you put the files because it will be important when you create the link.


/_layouts/files/North America/Business Requirements/(YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE) Amway Distributor (Manufacturer Info and Records Compliance).xls

Here I have the files in the “How to contact us” folder under the “General” category on the European Portal. To link to this page you would use a URL that starts with “/_layouts/files/” (without the quotes), then add the path to the file you’ve uploaded. In this case it would be “/_layouts/files/Europe/General/How to contact us/UK Office Directions – (PDF).pdf” (without the quotes). The spaces will be filled in with the symbol “%20” which represents a space in a URL. It is important to make relative links, this means do not add the “” prefix to the link.

Updating Site Settings

When choosing “Site Actions” on your page you have the option “Site Settings”, within here you can manage the left navigation bar known as the Quick Launch. Choose the “Quick Launch” link and you’ll have some simple options for editing what links show on there and what order they appear in.

Created By: Kyle Saari – Intern Date: August 4, 2008

For more information contact Tom Stephenson – System Support Advisor.

Creating New Pages

To add new pages you select “Create” under the “Site Actions” link. This brings up a menu with many options, to create a new page you want to choose “Portal Web Part Pages” from the leftmost column.

The link to “Portal Web Part Pages” brings you to an options form for the new page. Choose a link with no spaces in it for the “Name:” option, you will want to choose the “Normal Portal Template” layout to be consistent with the rest of the site.

Created By: Kyle Saari – Intern Date: August 4, 2008

For more information contact Tom Stephenson – System Support Advisor.

Setting up New Pages

When you edit the new page you need to add the “Login” web part to the right column; as well as the “Page Content” and “Copyright” web parts to the left column. Once you’ve added these web parts you can begin adding content, the login box and copyright web parts are already populated with the necessary information.

Created By: Kyle Saari – Intern Date: August 4, 2008

For more information contact Tom Stephenson – System Support Advisor.