Medium Term Plan: Mars Term 2 2017-2018
Subject / Week 1W/B 30.10 / Week 2
W/B 06.11 / Week 3
W/B 13.11 / Week 4
W/B 20.11
Tales from Other Cultures poetry (including narrative and performance) / Recounts - Watch ‘Roads end’
Children use spoken English and comprehension to establish features of a recount. Focus on chn's descriptive language, including vocabulary of atmosphere and emotion as well as what they can see. Look at how recounts (chronological reports) retell events in time order while (non-chronological) reports do not. Use the film to create a newspaper report
Comprehension, grammar, composition and spoken / Recounts -Watch the piano man
Children to use this short film to look at features of diary writing and the written features. Look at creating a biography of this person’s life. Look at structure and language choices. Focus on connectives and adverbials of time
Composition, grammar and punctuation. / Recounts -This week children will be focusing on recapping all the different features of a recount. Revising diaries, newspaper articles, grammatical feature.
By the end of the week children will write their own recount on ‘The murder mystery of year 5’
Setting up a crime scene children have to solve the mystery by interviewing writing recounts of other people’s whereabouts.
Comprehension, grammar, composition and spoken / Tales from other cultures - Using the story ‘Gallimoto’ children begin to look at Malawi (partner school) and the cultural differences they have.
Using the book children highlight the features that identify it as a story from another culture.
Discuss the grammar used.
Retell the book to recreate it in our culture. Identifying the changes.
Grammer, spelling, punctuation and comprehension
Hamilton Trust/Maths Hub
(Number-place value, Number-addition, subtraction, multiplication & division, Fractions) / Mental multiplication and division and Fractions
Find common multiples
Find factors of 2-digit numbers
Division problems. Round up or down after division
Find equivalent fractions; Simplify fractions
Compare fractions with related denominators / Fractions
Introduce mixed numbers, turn improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa
Compare and order fractions with related denominators
Add fractions with related denominators
Subtract fractions with related denominators
Find unit and non-unit fractions of amounts / Shape
Sort 3D shapes according to their properties; Visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings
Visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings; Describe properties of prisms and pyramids
Describe properties of 2D shapes including polygons
Describe properties of polygons
Classify quadrilaterals / Formal methods for Written Multiplication and division
Recognise multiples; use rules of divisibility
Find prime numbers less than 50
Division using long division and chunking
Divide using long division. Remainders as both decimals and fractions
Long multiplication 2 digit by 3/4 digit
Science / · Recognise Sir Isaac Newton and his third Law of Motion
· Identify and label gravity and resistance forces, identifying balanced and unbalanced forces
· Compose forces scientific enquiry questions based on observations of the world around them / · Explore parachutes and air resistance, identifying enquiry questions for investigating effective parachutes
· Set up and carry out a parachute investigation to determine which one travels the slowest (and safest), recording data and drawing conclusions
· Calculate the area of the parachute and its scaled up speed / · Investigate how levers work and how the position of the fulcrum impacts on its effectiveness
· Scale weights and lengths
· Investigate how pulleys work and note the correlation between effort required and the number of pulleys
· Set out instructions for forces on the ground to help them implement findings from investigations / · Explore gears noting how they help cyclists ride
· Calculate gear ratios
· Recommend gear combinations that relate to specific terrains
Anglo Saxons / Read the story of Beowulf based on the ancient Anglo Saxon story. Discuss as a class about the story answering questions.
Then talk about the stories origins;
Why do you think this story was often told at feasts?
Do you think the story is true?
Do you think we could find out any useful information about Anglo-Saxon times from the story?
Begin to create a storyboard for the main events in Beowulf. (template)
EXT: plan their own Anglo Saxon Tale / Viking invasions and Viking influence during the Anglo Saxon era.
Discuss using powerpoint about when and where the Vikings invaded England and their influence on the country at that time, Inform about Viking Kings and Danelaw, which was then ruled by Vikings in England. Use the map to draw the Viking Invasons in Europe. / Viking invasions and Viking influence during the Anglo Saxon era.
Discuss the Viking invasions on Lindisfarne monastery. How it happened / why it happened and the effects of.
Task to create a news script for the Viking invasion on Lindisfarne and perform. (templates and example available)
EXT: true or false Vikings coming to England sheet / The Bayeux Tapestry
The children look at the Bayeux Tapestry, identify what it is and why it is so significant in the context of history.
Children begin to create their own.
ICT / Using Hyperlinks to extend understanding of PowerPoint.
Create a hyperlink story on PowerPoint. / Using Hyperlinks to extend understanding of PowerPoint.
Create a hyperlink story on PowerPoint. / Present and share hyperlink stories. / Uses of Databases
Children understand and evaluate the use of databases, looking at what they are used for and what happens if they are wrong
Art & DT / Link to topic – Anglo Saxons / Art Skills / Link to topic – Anglo Saxons / Art Skills
PE / Invasion Games / Invasion Games / Invasion Games / Invasion Games
RE / To understand the importance of Harvest, and investigate Harvest suppers. / AT1Know what a church building is used for and by whom. Write questions to help pupils find out more
AT2Discuss the ideas of the church as God’s house; sacred place and also pupils’ experience of what is sacred or special / AT1 Develop further pupils’ understanding of worship and religious expression at an Anglican church building
AT2Explore further the concept of what is sacred and what this means in practice for Christians and for pupils / AT1Know the names of other Christian denominations. Be able to identify difference styles of worship between the various denominations
AT2explore further the concept of what is sacred and what that means in practice for Christians and for pupils
Subject / Week 5
W/B 27.11 / Week 6
W/B 04.12 / Week 7
W/B 11.12
Tales from Other Cultures poetry (including narrative and performance) / Tales from other cultures - Discussing other stories from Mlawi identify features of their culture and country.
Children to look at the narrative features before creating their own Malawian short story.
Grammer, spelling, punctuation and comprehension / Poetry - The Walrus and the Carpenter? from Alice Through the Looking Glass (1871) by Lewis Carroll - the chn will be thinking about the features of the text and exploring the poem through performance!
Comprehension 1/ Spoken language 1 / Identify features of poetry.
Prepare and memorise sections of a classic poem.
Recite a classic poem as a group.
Write expanded noun phrases to describe a character.
Write a Christmas tale (poem).
Use a thesaurus.
Use a rhyming dictionary
Hamilton Trust/Maths Hub
(Number-place value, Number-addition, subtraction, multiplication & division, Fractions) / Measures/Data
· Convert between grams and kilograms, millilitres and litres (mainly to one decimal place)
· Convert between metres and kilometres; know approximate conversion between miles and km; begin to draw line graph and read intermediate points
· Know regularly used imperials units and approximate metric equivalents
· Read timetables using the 24-hour clock; calculate time intervals
· Calculate time intervals using the 24-hour clock / Maths mastery week
Investigations in all area of mathematics using Nrich / Access and review
Science / · Investigate the effect of ground friction on the force needed to move a toy car
· Recommend a ground covering that creates the right level of friction for the safe onward journey of a bike
· Predict the likely speed of a bike on different surfaces, based on findings from friction investigation / · Investigate and identify which shape of boat is best to beat the water resistance of a river, offering an explanation
· Make recommendations for the best boat shape and waterway to get the meteorite across, based on scientific evidence / Access and review
Anglo Saxons / William the conqueror
Children draw a basic picture of ‘William the conqueror’ Can the children produce a picture from their imagination?
Discuss the general theme of their drawings –what features are similar or differ?
Using the information cards give the children time to read make clear notes and sentences they are able to understand about ‘William the conqueror’ / Children do a round robin of activities –
present our knowledge of Anglo Saxon Britain
Hamilton Trust / Uses of Databases
Children understand and evaluate the use of databases, looking at what they are used for and what happens if they are wrong / Database Project
Find and correct errors in databases. Children create their own databases following the steps before finding and correcting errors. / Database coding
Learn some ways in which databases help us and ways of coding to do this.
Art & DT / Link to topic – Anglo Saxons / Link to topic – Anglo Saxons / Art Skills
PE / Invasion Games / Invasion Games / Invasion Games
RE / AT1Know the names of other Christian denominations. Be able to identify difference styles of worship between the various denominations
AT2Explore concept of what is sacred and what that means in practice for Christians and for pupils / AT1research other Christian denominations. Be able to identify differences between the various denominations
AT2Explore further the concept of sacred and what is sacred to them / Review Terms learning and discuss harvest in other countries including Malawi