Project INSTAR
10th Year Anniversary
K-12 Science Teacher Institute
Investigate Nature through Science Teacher Active Research
INSTAR is a 10-day science institute of engaging, current marine science research activities that allow teachers the opportunity to develop lesson plans for use when they return to the classroom. Project INSTAR focuses on technology training in the coastal and atmospheric environments of South Florida. The mission of the program is to bridge the gap between scientific research and K-12 education by enhancing the content knowledge, skills, and field techniques of K-12 teachers by offering laboratory, field, and technology training in various coastal science themes. Teachers actively participate in research projects with real scientists to produce activities and lessons that can be implemented in the classroom.
DATES: June 4-15, 2007
SITE: University of MiamiRosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS)
Virginia Key, FL
Benefits:Graduate credits, instructional tool kits, FCAT skills training, content knowledge, and exciting research.
Participants will receive 3 graduate credits from the University of Miami for attending the Institute and the follow-up day. They will not receive a stipend. If the participant has an outstanding financial obligation with the University of Miami, graduate credit will be withheld. Master Plan Points will not be awarded in lieu of graduate credit.
The ten-day summer institute will be offered for two (2) graduate credits. Participants are expected to attend the entire Institute and complete the following course requirements:
- Research paper or grant proposal
- Homework assignments
- Lesson Plan
The follow-up day will be offered for one (1) graduate credit in the fall 2007
For more information visit or contact
Genevieve Healy, Coordinator, at .
Project INSTAR 2007 10th Anniversary
June 4 – 15, 2007
Register on-line at:
by filling out this application
Name: ______
School Name: ______
Mail Code: ______
School Address: ______
City: ______Zip: ______
Home Address: ______
City: ______Zip: ______
Cell Phone: ______E-mail: ______
For description and selection of the following modules check the Project INSTAR web-site
and select your first two choices:
___ Earth Systems Science___ Coral Reefs & Nearshore
___ Marine Animals___ Tropical Meteorology
Pre-Registration deadline: May 4, 2007
Final Registration deadline: May 25, 2007
Limit 50 participants
(first come first serve upon receipt of registration)
Mail registration form to:
RosenstielSchool of Marine and Atmospheric Science
Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL33149
Fax it to: 305-361-4632