Huntingdon Nursery School

September2017 Newsletter

A very warm welcome back after the summer holidays. It’s been lovely to see all the children again and to meet our new children and families too.

We also welcome two new Students to the Nursery. Karen and Kayleigh will be based at Huntingdon Nursery School and will support teaching and learning this term.

Claire, Headteacher

I am pleased to say that all our children have settled well into Nursery life.

Children who are staying all day have coped well with having lunch with us. Please make sure that your Child’s lunch box is named. You do not need to provide the children with a drink as we will provide water for them.Packed lunch guidance

Thank you for the time you have spent completing essential paperwork, we like to ensure that contact numbers etc. are updated regularly in case we need to contact you.

We have been busy……..over the holidays we have been improving our facilities. The new outdoor play area near yellow room is almost completed. We’re just waiting for our canopy. Yellow room also have a set of new toilets which were installed over the summer. Thank you to Tony our Caretaker who was able to remain on site to allow these works to be completed.

New Parents

We will arrange a meeting for new parents in October to formally welcome you to the Nursery and answer any questions you may have since your child started in September. Date to be confirmed.But please come into the office if you have any questions before then.


We hope to be able to take the children ‘out and about’ during the week to visit the library and primary school grounds. If you have spare time and would like to volunteer to helps us in the Nursery with local walks then please do let the office know and I will contact you.

2 year olds places:

As you know we offer some places for two year olds.If you think you know someone entitled to a place – pop in and speak to Lin or Gill in the office who will check for you.We have places available for a January start in yellow class. You can check the criteria for funding at

Wraparound care:

Our breakfast club runs from 8.00 to 9.00 when your child will be escorted into their Nursery Class.

The Breakfast Club fee is £5 (from 30th October). This includes a healthy breakfast and fun activities with friends.

Currently our after school club is open to ‘30hr’ children who have the opportunity to extend their day to 3.30pm.

If you would like to access an after school club which finishes later e.g 4.30pm then do let us know. If there are enough parents who could use this after school we will look into extending the day further to meet your needs.

A reminder:There is some time left for you to respond to the Children centre Consultation. Please follow the links to add your ideas: .

Uniform. If you would like to order uniform, you can fill in a form and Gill in the office will order it for you, or you can order direct from . The link is also on our website.

Huntingdon Nursery School Website:

Please be patient with us while we review and update our website. Do come into the office and speak to us if you are unsure about anything.

Parent view

is an Ofsted site which records parent’s views about schools/nursery. If you have a few spare moments – please goon the site and make a comment about your child’s experiences at Nursery.

Finally to finish on a sad note ………. Next month we say farewell to Nadine Shipp who has worked in the Nursery and Children Centre for a number of years. Some of you may know her from visiting our Happy Hippos group in town. Nadine has been a valued member of the team and she will be greatly missed.I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nadine for all her hard work and support of our families and children. We wish her all the best as she begins a new job and hope she will always pop in to visit us when she can.


Nursery is closed for staff training 12th and 13th October


Half Term: Monday 23rd – Friday 27th October