(july 2011 – december 2012)






Four partners are involved in this subproject

Ø  Pays de Guéret – Limousin – France (Lead Partner)

Ø  Province of Savona – Liguria – Italy

Ø  Pollino National Park – Calbria – Italy

Ø  Municipality of Ciumani – Harghita - Romania

The four partners met themselves in Calabria in march 2011. The four partners have joined forces to build a subproject awareness and education to the forest on the assumption that it should educate the stakeholders to respect, protect and better manage the forest.

After a short meeting in Calabria, they communicate by email to build the partnership from March to May.

The subproject began the 1st of July 2012. The kick off meeting was in Savona in September 2012.



Pollino National Park

1)  Awareness and Environmental Education on the theme of sustainable forest management through the social history of the forest.

2)  Enhancing tourism in the area with the construction of the trail "The route of wood."

Municipality of Ciumani

1)  To involve the local people in the activities referring to the project. The inhabitants of the municipality participated in a large number at the Earth Day International Conference organized in Ciumani. By the editing of the Book of the Forest in Ciumani, many specialists in forestry, local experts, biologists helped in writing it.

2)  Collaboration with the local school and starting the programme of the education of the children. Through their education, the raising of the awareness of the adults. Themes that were presented during the workshops: environmental education, information about the multifunctional role of the forest.

Pays de Guéret

1)  Awareness and Environmental Education on the theme of sustainable and multifonctionnal forest management

Province of Savona

1)  Improve the knowledge of the forest ecosystems by the different target groups: young people (schools), tourists, forest owners, representants from the timber industry and local population.- Create an environmental awareness based on the historical knowledge of the use of the forest, in order to promote the responsible use of forest resources according to the criteria of the Sustainable Forest Management (GFS) for the benefit of local people and the community

2)  Identify common activities

3)  Enriching experiences in terms of environmental education through the exchange of experience and good practice between the partners.


Pollino National Park

·  Secondary school "Primo Levi" of Saracena (CS)

·  Tourists

·  Local community

Municipality of Ciumani

·  To emphasize the importance of the multifunctional role of the forest and also the main idea of living from and with the forest.

·  Education and information of the children to deepen their behaviour referring to the nature and their environment.

Pays de Guéret

·  Private forest owners to enhance a better forest management

·  Elected councilors to better understand the forests issues

·  Children and local communities to understand the multifunctional role of the forest

Province of Savona

Young people (schools), tourists, forest owners, representants from the timber industry and local population.



Pollino National Park

The recipients of the activities of the subproject have been involved through meetings (1 meeting with students in the classroom, 3 nature excursions with students, institutions and the local community on the path "The path of the wood"), through information and communication using the promotional material (posters, brochures, flyers) on Sharewood, articles in local newspapers and video services on Web TV.

During the meetings, students were stimulated with a participatory approach in that they were free to discuss and express their ideas. During outdoor activities along the nature trail, students were directly involved through games and other recreational activities.

The identification of the nature trail that bears the marks of the past uses of the forest in the Park was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Office of Tourism Promotion of the town of Saracen (CS), which provided material (old photos and books) and suggested to contact some experts.

Municipality of Ciumani

The relationship with the stakeholders was fine. We worked with 4 groups of children, each having a mentor, a teacher to lead their work. We had monthly workshops with them, interactive activities and excursions.

Number of meetings: 16 workshops with children.

By organizing the study tour to France 4 meetings with children and their parents.

Number of the meetings with experts in writing the book: 10 occasions.

Pays de Guéret

We had workshops with the private forest owners association, with the schools’ headmasters and with the logging association.

The relationships with the stakeholders were excellent for several reasons:

-  The project was included in the action plan of the Pays de Guéret’s forest charter

-  An European project has a good impression for the stakeholders

-  For the stakeholders, Sharewood appeared as a good solution to the local issues

Province of Savona

The methodology used was to involve in the project activities the local bodies interested in the environmental education especially schools. It was created a wood database and were organized exhibitions and guided tours for citizenship, tourists and in particular to students.

Were organized an event open to the citizenship on the 9th June 2012 of presentation of the wood database at the Adelasia reserve. We also participated in an event of dissemination of the project last 23rd October 2012 within "Educambiente" - annual review dedicated to environmental education where it was distributed the material produced by the project.

Lead partner

The four partners had excellent relationships with the stakeholders.

J Positive points

- The subproject sharewood came as a very good solution to resolve issues in the different areas

- All the actions implemented have been implemented with the participation of the stakeholders and not only by the partners.

L Negative points

Some meetings were not formal and the partners forgot to fill minutes and timesheets.


21) Meetings between partners

The first mission of the Sharewood’ subproject is the communication between the partners; getting to know and discover each other’s best practices. For this reason, short stays were carried out in each of the four areas so that each partner could demonstrate his knowledge and explain the peculiarities his forests. These visits were an opportunity to discover the forests’ traits ranging from productive Douglas forests, to the natural Spruce forests. The partners have also visited local industries that export and also those who use traditional methods in regard to their wood.

During these visits, working sessions allowed all the partners to take time to improve technical issues and deal with any administrative queries. They allowed for the exchange of documentation and the regular updating of the progress of all actions taken. Managed by the lead partner, these six meetings have largely contributed to the success of the ‘Sharewood’ subproject.

6 meetings organized

Ø  Kick-off meeting of the subproject, 15-16 September 2011 Savona (Italy);

Ø  Second meeting, October 26, 2011, Arenzano Genoa (Italy);

Ø  Third meeting on 17 to 19 April 2012 in Ciumani (Hargita, Romania);

Ø  Fourth meeting on 12 to 15 June 2012 in Vuokatti (Kainuu, Finland) at the second international meeting with all beneficiaries of Robinwood Plus took place on June 13

Ø  Fifth meeting of the subproject on 9 to 11 September 2012 in Gueret (Limousin, France);

Ø  Sixth meeting of subproject for 16-18 October 2012 in the Pollino National Park (Calabria, Italy)

6 reports and timesheets joined with progress reports. Website to download the reports :

Feeling about communication between partners

Pollino National Park

Communication took place primarily through e-mail.

J Positive points

There was a very good feeling with the partners and in our opinion this produced good results

L Negative points


Municipality of Ciumani

Communication mostly by e-mails.

Through the meeting in each territory we had the opportunity to see as many best practices as we could. Like this, also the communication was more intense, things went more dynamically after the meetings. By sending a lot of e-mails, we could ask for the help an opinion of our partners, this lead us a lot of times to the solution of the problems.

J Positive points

We have sent a lot e-mails and each time we received the answers to our questions in time.

L Negative points

Near the opportunity to send e-mails, we did not have any dial-up connection for the most urgent questions.

Pays de Guéret

The feeling was excellent between all the teams. The welcome was very nice from all the teams.

J Positive points

- A lot respect from all the teams, no disagreement, no cry.

- Very constructive exchanges

L Negative points

- It’s a lot of work to welcome foreign delegations.

- It would be better to have more phone calls

Province of Savona

The communication between partners was made mainly through the exchange of e-mails and also through the partners meetings that took place during the project.

At this meetings were discussed the activities developed by each partner, the problems to be solved as well as the organisation of the activities to develop in order to reach the project objectives.

The partner meetings represented also an opportunity to organise guided visits in the forests and to the best practices as well as conferences open to the citizenship (earth day conference at Ciumani for example)

The Province of Savona participated in all meetings and for each one prepared a report of the activities developed in all meetings day by day and posted them in the webpage.

J Positive points

-  There was a good communication between the partners and a good working atmosphere during all the project duration.

-  The willingness to proceed the collaboration after the end of the project with “Shareland” which promotes the collaboration between schools of the territory involved.

-  At local level it was useful the periodical meetings to monitor the progress of the sub-projects

L Negative points

-  Since the kick-off meeting took place at Savona it was a pity that we were not able to organise a meeting with the citizenship to promote a direct exchange of experiences with the partners.

-  Frequent translation of the information English/Italian and vice-versa in a short period of time

Lead partner

J Positive points

The feeling was fantastic

The meetings were efficient.

We planned one full day for the exchanges on technical and administrative points between partners.

L Negative points

The communication by e-mails was efficient but would be better with more phone calls.

We would have created a common exchange platform (Google drive or else) to exchange the big files.

I think that I could be more present in the partners’ territories to help them to resolve some technical points outside of the meetings.

22) Exchange of best practices

The second line of work is to share best practices from one territory to another

a)  Discovering the forest by orienteering activity

The discovery of the forest via the orienteering activity as carried out in Pays de Gueret is a good practice thus communicated to the Pollino National Park and the Municipality of Ciumani.

From Pays de Guéret à To Pollino National Park

à To Municipality of Ciumani

One best practice, two exchanges

b)  Design and publishing leaflets for awareness of the people (good behaviour)

To Build on the achievements of the province of Savona and Pays de Guéret in order to design a brochure concerning good a behavior policy in the forest in the Pollino National Park.

From Pays de Guéret à To Pollino National Park

From Province of Savona

One best practice, one exchange

c)  Implementation of specific educational programs in schools of the territory

Didactic laboratories

To benefit from the experience had by the province of Savona and the Pollino National Park. Implementing educational initiatives, targeting the schools in Pays de Gueret and Municipality of Ciumani.

From Pollino National Park à To Pays de Guéret

From Province of Savona à To Municipality of Ciumani

Two best practices, two exchanges

d)  Using the local wood for building houses

The use of local wood in construction as is demonstrated by the municipality of Ciumani, which has already inspired Pays de Gueret to train its local councilors in this matter and to convey the message to the general public.

From Municipality of Ciumani à To Pays de Guéret

One best practice, one exchange

e)  Editing posters on the forest for Children

The use of the posters designed by the National Forestry Commission in order to edit the Province of Savona’s educational material.

From Pays de Guéret (ONF) à To Province of Savona

One best practice, one exchange

f)  Hiking network maintenance

The use of the experience of the Province of Savona to manage the hiking network to help the municipality of Ciumani to buid his new network.

From Province of Savona à To Municipality of Ciumani

One best practice, one exchange

Website to download the details of the best practices:

Feeling about exchange of best practice

Pollino National Park

1)  Orientation activities for students during the visit along the nature trail (from Pays de Gueret): clues and traces scattered along the path, producing a poster and a leaflet containing a map of the route and points of interest that students had to search along the path to guidance activities, production of games-related guidance activities;

2)  Design a leaflet to raise awareness and increase the responsibility of the community (from Pays de Gueret and the Province of Savona): taking inspiration from the good practices presented by the partners, has produced a leaflet containing a "code of conduct" for students and visitors to the trail.