PO Box 169, Nichols, WI 54152
Office Phone # 525-2717
Linda, Clerk/Treas. # 419-1843
Roger, Utility Op. # 525-2104
==== 03/31/2017 ====
SPRING ELECTION: April 4, 2017 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Nichols Community Center. If you have not registered to vote, you can register with proof of residence. Reminder: Voter I.D. is the law, in order to vote you must present a photo I.D. Contact the clerk for absentee voting.
DOG / CAT LICENSES: All dogs and cats in the Village must be licensed before April 1st of each year. The fee to license spayed or neutered pets is $5.00 and unspayed or unneutered pets is $10.00. A Certificate of Rabies Vaccination must be presented to obtain a pet license. After April 1st a $5.00 late payment fee will be added to the license. Unlicensed dogs will be referred to Outagamie County for prosecution.
PET Reminder: Pets are not allowed to run at large within the Village. Owners must have pets tied, in a proper enclosure, or on a leash. When walking your dog, you are required to have a bag with you and pick up any solid fecal matter.
MONTHLY UTILITY PAYMENTS: Would a monthly utility payment be easier on your budget? You can make an average payment each month. Call Linda if you have any questions or would like help to set-up an average. The Utility bill will continue to be sent quarterly, and late charges apply to any unpaid current balance after the billing due date.
TIRE PICK UP: Free tire pick up for residential tires 17” or less only. Place the tires on the curb by 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18th.
OPEN BOOK / BOARD OF REVIEW: The date has not been set. The Village assessor will be conducting a revaluation this year. Please watch the website and local postings for more information.
SUMP PUMPS: It is illegal to discharge sump pumps into the Sanitary Sewer system.
SEWER UTILITY: Do NOT flush diapers, feminine products, rags, etc. down the toilet.
YARD WASTE: Contact Roger if you have brush or other yard waste to dispose of.
GRASS CLIPPINGS: Do NOT blow grass clippings into the streets. These clippings wash into and clog up the storm sewer catch basins.
NOXIOUS WEEDS: All lots in the Village must be kept mowed. If grass/weeds exceed 12” the Village will have it mowed and the property owner will be charged. Unpaid bills will be put on the tax roll.
RECYCLING INFORMATION: For more info, check out: