Pre-AP Chemistry2016-2017

Ms. Kyle Winnsboro High School



This course is designed to provide an understanding of the major principles and concepts of chemistry. Topics will include:

  • atomic structure
  • bonding
  • VSEPR theory
  • acid-base chemistry
  • nuclear chemistry

  • chemical names and formulas
  • chemical reactions
  • periodicity
  • behavior of gases
  • stoichiometry

The nature of Chemistry requires the student to know certain basic facts that MUST be committed to memory. Mathematics is an integral part of this class. Problem solving strategies will be stressed through-out the year and this course also requires the student be able to solve problems WITH and WITHOUT a calculator.

This class is a Pre-AP level class. As such, students will learn skills that will prepare them for success in AP science classes. An integral part of this preparation will be the study of certain topics in depth and the interconnection of topics. The amount of homework will not necessarily be more than non-Pre-AP classes; however, it will be of a more advanced nature. Students will be doing questions from previous AP Chemistry exams.

Materials Needed:

The following are the materials needed for this class.

  1. Spiral (approximately) 100 pages and/or loose-leaf notebook for taking notes.
  2. Scientific Calculator
  3. Black or blue pens and #2 pencils with erasers.
  4. Willingness to ask questions and participate in class.
  5. Alert and active human brain.


Tests / Quizzes / Daily
50 % / 20 % / 30 %

Your grade will be determined by the following method:

Within a grading period there will be generally no more than four major tests, and several short quizzes.

Computer Use Policy: Students are expected to follow the computer use policy outlined on the (salmon) sheet. Unacceptable use will result in limited access (up to and includingno usage at all).

Course Expectations:

  1. ALL students are expected to actively take notes during teacher presentation. Although a textbook will be given to students, much material will not be found in the book. It is important to pay attention in class and ask questions when you do not understand.
  1. Homework is either due at the beginning of the class period (and this will be announced) or must be turned in to the “in basket” before I leave the building that day. No late homework is accepted (unless extenuating circumstances,) Homework will be graded on correct problem solving methods and not strictly on the answer. NO WORK-NO CREDIT- NO KIDDING!!!
  1. All tests are closed book and notes. As Chemistry is a course that builds upon itself, tests are cumulative.
  1. Students are expected to take notes, be attentive, and contribute to the class. Although extra credit is rarely given, students that honestly try and cooperate will always be given consideration when borderline grades occur.
  1. Labs are very serious and each student is expected to follow the Laboratory Safety policies. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the student from the lab area and alternative written work will be assigned.
  1. Calculator use is a privilege, not a right. Using a calculator to cheat will result in loss of the calculator privilege. Students will not be allowed to use their own programmable graphing calculator on ANY test or quiz as long as I have cleared the programming applications.
  1. Please see the sheet entitled “Classroom Procedures” for a list of the procedures and rules for my classroom.

Points to Ponder:

  • Please do not be afraid to make mistakes! If you were not supposed to make mistake, the erasers would not be on the pencils!
  • I get paid to answer your questions…PLEASE make me earn my pay.

Parent Signature:______Date______

Student Signature:______Date______