Buckinghamshire Lady Captains’

Golfing Society

Founded 1983

Dear Member


Listed below are the matches that the Bucks Lady Captains’ Golfing Society are playing in 2014. All members areinvited to play regardless of handicap. These are inter-county matches with the Lady Captains from Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire and London Ladies. All these matches include a meal after the games. Also in the list is the match at Lambourne with the Buckinghamshire Men’s Captains’, with dinner and wine afterwards.

Please indicate if you are available and would be interested in being selected to play in any of these matches. The Society shirt and jumper with navy shorts or trousers are required to be worn at these matches.

29th May - Thursday / Lambourne Mixed Event with Men / Mixed Stableford
Drawn Partners / £54
16th June - Monday / Berkshire @ Harleyford Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA
30th June - Monday / London Ladies @ Harleyford Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA
21st July - Monday / Bedfordshire@ Away Venue TBA / 4 ball match play / TBA
11th August - Monday / Hertfordshire @ Knebworth Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA
18th August - Monday / Oxfordshire @ Southfields Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA

Please INDICATE BELOW if you are available and would be interested in being selected to play in any of these matches. do not assume by ticking that you are automatically playing, the captain will invite you to play by e mail or telephone, so please make a note of the dates in your diary.

(a confirmation of the team will be sent before the match either, written or By E Mail.)

29th May - Thursday / Lambourne Mixed Event with Men / Mixed Stableford
Drawn Partners / £54
16 th June - Monday / Berkshire @ Harleyford Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA
30th June - Monday / London Ladies @ Harleyford Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA
21st July - Monday / Bedfordshire@ Away Venue TBA / 4 ball match play / TBA
11th August - Monday / Hertfordshire @ Knebworth Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA
18h August - Monday / Oxfordshire @ Southfields Golf Club / 4 ball match play / TBA

Name (please print)…………………………………………………………………….

Address(please print)……………………………..……………………………………


Telephone No………………………………CURRENTHandicap……….

Present Club…………………………………CLUB OF CAPTAINCY……………………………

Please indicate any dietary requirements. Thank you for your co-operation.

Please return this form to Mrs Pat Elwell, 24 Hyde Green, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1QL. Tel: 01628 299469

E Mail