This narration is divided into two categories: junior secondary and senior secondary.

The first part (junior secondary), covers ESL materials and lesson plans on communication.

The section exclusively focuses on the classes’ mathayom one (1), two (2) and three (3).

The second segment (senior secondary), which covers the classes mathayom four (4), five (5), and six (6), dwells on reading and speaking.

This piece, equally, presents ESL topics, with design materials and lesson plans tailored towards reading and speaking.

This theoretical work plan will run for two weeks.

During these periods,materials will be fully taught and exhausted by the said ESL teacher.

Each topic will be preceded by an evaluation exercise that aims at gauging the level of understanding of the students.

(Lesson plan will be submitted every after two weeks)


Section One: Junior Secondary


M. 1, 2, and 3

A) Mathayom 1/ Week One, Monday-Friday

Countries, Nationalities, and Continents.

Lead in

Ask students how many country names they know in English. Ask them if they’ve visited these countries and which one they like best and why?

Lesson/ Activity one

Students should identify the names of the countries representing the flags display herein. Students can help each other by working in pairs to see how many they can answer, before checking the answers as a class. Drill pronunciation of the country names while checking. (Copies of downloadable flags of countries required)

Example: Below are flags of some East Asian Countries

Activity two

Lead in by asking the students to name the 7 continents, drill pronunciation of each continent and let students find them on the world map.


Africa / Asia / Europe / North America / South America / Australia and New Zealand

Activity Three

Elicit the difference between country and nationality. E.g. ask “What country are you in now?” “What is your nationality?”

Write answers on the board.


Country / Nationality
England / British
America / American
Canada / Canadian
Japan / Japanese
Thailand / Thai
South Korea / South Korean
Germany / German

Let the students know that nationality is most often than not form by either adding: “ian, ish, ese, an, etc.” For example: Cambodian, British, Vietnamese, American.


Order students to stand up and reside the 7 continents.

Endeavour to ask each of the students to name one country in the world and Nationality.

Student Materials

Write on the board the names of the 7 continents in the world.

Also write a list of some of the countries in the world and nationalities.

Construct sentences using the continents, countries and nationality.

E.g. there are seven continents in the world, namely: Africa, Asia, and Europe…

I am from England. Therefore, I am a British.

I am from Thailand. Therefore, I am a Thai.

Students should then copy in their exercise books. It will help during individual studies – END.

Week Two, Monday – Friday



As warm up activity, the teacher should play the video (images) or song on different types of animals.


After the presentation, the teacher should ask the students to name their favourite animals. The student should equally state why they like or hate one animal to the other. The teacher should guide the students by writing a sentence on the board.

“My best animal is Cat. I like cat because it’s a domestic animal”.

“I do not like Dogs. They scare me…”


Students should role play by asking each other of his/her best or worse animal.


Tom: Hello, Kim !

What’s your best animal?

Kim: Hello, Tom!

My best animal is cat.


Tom: I hate dogs. They scare me.

Kim: I hate sheep. It’s dirty.

Make sure students copy both the dialogue and giving examples on the board in their exercise books. This will facilitate study at home.

It’s a prerogative to either download (from the Internet) either video, or images on different types of animals, before kick-starting the class.

B) Mathayom 2, Week One, Monday – Friday:


Zoo Animals:


Time: / 0 – 50 minutes
Objectives: / Saying zoo animals and animal noises
Structure: / “Let’s go to …”
“What will we see at…?”
Target Vocab: / Zoo, lion, elephant, monkey, tiger, snake, birds

Lesson Procedure:

Warm up:

Before the class, make a collection of zoo animal’s flashcards (print), and place them in a bag. Bring out the bag and peer in – make surprised noises to get the full attention of your students. Slowly, inch by inch, pull out the animals flash cards – elicit/teach/chorus the animal name “e.g. What’s this? It’s a (lion). (Lion), (Lion), (Lion)”. Then teach/chorus the animal noise (E.g. “what noise does a lion make?” “Roar!”). Pass one of the animal or animal flash cards to the nearest student. As you pass, say “(lion) (roar)”. Have the students pass all the animals around the circle, all the while saying the animal’s name and noise.

Sing the “Let’s Go to the Zoo” song

Before the song run through the actions in the correct order of the song. It will help to have the flashcards in order on the board or use the song sheet. Play the song and have everyone doing the actions as they sing along.

Lyrics for the “Let’s Go to the Zoo” song
Zoo, zoo,
Let’s go to the zoo,
What will we see at the zoo?
Zoo, zoo,
Let’s go to the zoo,
What will we see at the zoo?
Verse 1:
Lion, we will see a lion,
Elephant, we will see an elephant,
Monkey, we will see a monkey,
Let’s go to the zoo!
Verse 2:
Tiger, we will see a tiger,
Snake, we will see a snake,
Birds, we will see some birds,
Let’s go to the zoo! / Gesture for the “Let’s Go to the Zoo” song
The gestures are fun and mimic the animals being sung about:
  1. For the “Zoo, zoo, let’s go to the zoo”, have everyone walking on the spot as they walk to the zoo.
  2. For the next line “What we will see at the zoo?” have everyone put their hand above their eyes as they search for animals.
  3. For the animal parts do the following:
  • Lion: look fierce and roar
  • Elephant: make a trunk with your arm and make the trumpet noise
  • Monkey: do the monkey scratching head and armpit gesture whilst saying “ooh-ooh”
  • Tiger: look fierce and roar
  • Snake: make a snake shape with your hands and hiss like a snake
  • Birds: flap your arms like wings and say “tweet-tweet”

Play “Animals Walk” game

Have everybody stand at one end of the classroom. First model: hold up a flashcard of a lion. Shout “Run like a lion!” – Then get down and crawl across the room like a lion all the time roaring. Then have everyone do it. Do for all the other animals (e.g. “stomp like an elephant!”, etc.).


Rehearse the different types of animals found in the zoo with the students. Do this by raising up the flashcards for the students to identify the various animals.

Sing and do the actions of “Let’s Go to the Zoo” song.


Week Two

Recognizing Common Traffic Signs

Lesson Overview: Students will learn to recognize, name, and tell the meaning of various traffic signs.

The lesson includes:

Traffic Sign Handout

Pictures of Traffic Signs

Approximate Time: 50 – 1 hour

Prerequisite Skills:Students must be able to read and write simple sentences and follow simple oral instructions.


Crossroads Ahead
Do Not Pass
Keep Right
No Right Turn
No U-Turn
Pass With Care
Railroad Crossing
Yield / Rest Area
School Crossing
Sharp Curve Ahead
Side Road Ahead
Speed Limit
Traffic Light Ahead
Turning Lane
Wrong Way


Provide students with the Traffic Signs Handout that contains all the signs for this unit. Discuss the importance of being able to read and understand traffic signs. Write on the board, “Why is it important to understand traffic signs”?

Write down student responses.

Show Pictures of Traffic Signs and discuss what each means. Invite students to pronounce each one. Repeat as necessary.

Wrap Up:

Recap of the day’s lesson.

C) Mathayom 3, Week One, Monday – Friday




Time: / 50 minutes – 1hour
Objectives: / Talking about different clothes
Structures: / “Let’s get dressed”
“Put on your”
“Quick, get ready”
“He/She is wearing”
Target Vocab: / Shirt, pants/trousers, socks, jacket, shoes, hat (plus other clothing vocab for other clothes you can bring to class, such as skirt, dress, coat, jeans, shorts, blouse, sweater, neck tie, t-shirt, vest).

You will need to download:

Flashcards /
  • Shirt, pants/trousers, socks, jacket, shoes, hat (plus other clothing flashcards for other clothes you can bring to class, such as skirt, dress, coat, jeans, shorts, blouse, sweater, neck tie, t-shirt, vest).

Printables: /
  • Dress up craft (for lower levels) or clothes craft (for higher levels).
  • Colourful clothes or jungle clothes worksheets (depending on the level of your students)
  • Warm up and Wrap up lesson sheet

Readers: / Let’s Get Dressed
Songs: / Let’s Get Dressed

These can be downloaded at

Notes: This is an active lesson with a really fun dressing up game.

You will need to prepare some old clothes to use in the lesson.

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Prepare as many old (adult-sized) clothes as possible

Before class you need to collect as many old (adult-size) clothes as you can. Have at least the following: Shirt, pants/trousers, socks, jacket, shoes, hat – however, other clothes will be useful as well, such as skirt, dress, coat, jeans, shorts, blouse, sweater, neck tie, t-shirt, vest. If you can’t get enough, ask students to bring in some old clothes for the lesson. The clothes need to be adult-size as the students are going to put them over their own clothes – having such big clothes actually makes the activity more fun!

  1. Introduce the Clothes Vocabulary

No doubt the large pile of clothes in the classroom will have attracted a great amount of attention, so you’ll have little difficulty in introducing the topic!

Settle the class down and get everyone to sit down. Ask for a volunteer and have him/her stand at the front of the class with you. Tell the class the volunteer is going to get dressed-up with as many different types of clothes as possible! Pull out the first item clothing (e.g. a t-shirt). Elicit/ teach and chorus the word for the item. Then help your volunteer to put it on. Only put on each item of clothing when you are satisfied that everyone has chorused the word correctly.

  1. Practice the clothing vocabulary with flashcards

Help the volunteer undress and then get everyone to look at the board. Make sure you have the same clothing flashcards as the old clothes you are using. Stick the first flashcard on the board and elicit the vocabulary and write the word clearly below it. Do this for the rest of the other flashcards.

  1. Rally “Team Racing”

Divide the class into 2 teams. Line up the teams at one end of the classroom with the old clothes on the floor at the other end. You will shout out an instruction (e.g. “Put on some socks!”) and one member from each team will race against the other to the pile of clothes, put on the clothing item and run back to their team. The person who gets back first wins a point for his/her team. At the end, the team with the most points is the winner.

  1. Sing “Let’s Get Dressed”

Prepare everyone for the song first. Make sure the following clothes are on the floor: shirts, pants/trousers, socks, jacket, shoes, and hat. If you have enough to get everyone dressed at the same time you can do the song with everyone participating with the actions. If not, have a few students do the song actions while everyone else sings along (the words are simple) – you can give everyone a go by playing the song a few times.

The song is also an active listening exercise - good for learning.

“Lyrics for Let’s Get Dressed”
It’s time to go to school
Let’s get dressed!
Put on your shirt, put on your shirt,
Quick, get ready, put on your shirt.
Put on your pants, put on your pants,
Quick, get ready, put on your pants.
Put on your socks, put on your socks,
Quick, get ready, put on your socks.
Put on your jacket, put on your jacket,
Quick, get ready, put on your jacket.
Put on your shoes, put on your shoes,
Quick, get ready, put on your shoes.
Put on your hat, put on your hat,
Quick, get ready, put on your hat.
It’s time to go to school,
It’s time to go to school,
Quick, get ready, let’s get dressed! / Gesture for “Let’s Get Dressed”
Depending on how many clothes you can find, you can either have everyone dress up at the same time or you can have a few students come up to the front of the class to do the activity.
Pile the clothes in a big heap and start the song. As the first clothing item is mentioned (shirt) the students have to scramble in the pile of clothes to find a shirt and put it on before the next item of clothing is mentioned. As the song is played the students put on all the clothes until they are fully dressed. Then finish the game by getting the students to race in taking off their adult-sized clothes-the first to remove them all is the winner.

Wrap Up:

Conclude the class by having the students practices the clothing vocabulary.

Remember to download your flashcards for this lesson.

Week Two


Hailing a Cab

Objective: Teaching students how to politely hail a taxi
Method: Lecture
Evaluation: Exercise through Dialogue
Instructor: Edwin Ndangoh

DIALOGUE: Hailing a Cab

Mikhail:Taxi! Taxi!

Taxi Driver:You need a cab?

Mikhail: Yes.

Taxi Driver:Do you have luggage?

Mikhail: Yes, I have two bags.

Taxi Driver:There is an additional charge for the extra luggage. I’ll load this.

[Taxi Driver loads the trunk. Mikhail gets in the back seat.]

Taxi Driver:Where to?

Mikhail: Los Angeles International Airport, please.

Taxi Driver: Right away, Sir. But remember, I am using the meter.

Mikhail: No problem.

[After arrival]

Taxi Driver: Here we are, Sir.

Mikhail: Great! How much is the fair?

Taxi Driver: According to the meter readings, its 50 dollars.

Mikhail: Here you are (stretching out his hands to hand over the money to the cab)

Taxi Driver: Thanks, Sir.

Wrap up:

Endeavour students practice the dialogue by role-playing in front of the classroom.

Remember to download the “hailing a cab” ESL flashcards.

Section two (Senior Secondary)

Mathayom 4,5, and 6

Week One, Monday – Friday

Mathayom 4


Places in my Town (Locations)

Time / 50 - 1 Hour
Objectives: / Talking about places in your town using the structures “Where are you going”? and “I am going”
Structures: / “Where are you going?”
“Where are you going right now?”
“I’m going to”
“Over here”
Target vocabulary: / School, the park, the shops, the beach, my friend’s house, the station, the zoo, home
Review vocabulary: / On foot, by bus, by bicycle, by car, by train, by boat, by airplane, by rocket

You will need to download:

Flashcards /
  • School, the park, the shops, the beach, my friend’s house, the station, the zoo, home

Printables: /
  • “Where are you Going” (blown up to A3 size, if possible)
  • Where are you going? Write worksheet
  • Where are you going? Song poster
  • Warm up and wrap up lesson sheet

Songs / Where are you going?

These can be downloaded at plans.html

Lesson Procedure

  1. Play the “Snake Follow” game

This lesson starts in a really fun way. Get everyone to line up behind the teacher. Get everyone to shout “where are you going?” and on that prompt the teacher shouts back "over here!” - then start walking to a different part of the classroom, with everyone following in a line behind you (like a snake).

Keep doing this as you snake your way around the classroom at different speeds. Other students can also have a go at being the head of the snake.