Dillard Academy Charter School

Board of Education Meeting


February 21, 2017

6:00 pm

Dillard Academy’s Multi-PurposeRoom

Regular Session

Board Members in attendance John Stokes, David Simmons, Phyllis Palmer, Thomas Smith, Bernice Simmons, Christine Robles
Board Members not in attendanceJames Williams
Administrative Staff in attendance Hilda Hicks, Richard Knight, Danielle Baptiste, Pearlie Whitfield
  1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by John Stokes at 6:00 pm with a quorum of 6 of 7 board members present.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
  3. Approval of Minutes – minutes of the January 17thminutes,board meeting minutes were distributed. The board was given time to read them. John Stokes called for a motioned to accept the January 17thminutes. Thomas Smithmotioned to accept the minutes. Bernice Simmons seconded the motion. Vote 6 yes O no. Motion carried.
  4. Confirmation of Public Notice - Public notice was confirmed by Danielle Baptiste. Notice was posted on school website, newsletter, and Remindme.com.
  5. Acknowledgement of Visitors: Ms. Dempster, Mrs. Burns, Ms. Moore, and Tyrone Bell
  6. Statements – Conflict of Interest Statement – Dillard Academy has in place procedures to protect the agency’s interest against conflicts of interest, either real or perceived, and nepotism. Each board member and administrator signs an annual conflict of interest statement.

Mission Statement – To positively provide a safe and quality education so that we can excel & grow!

  1. Principal/Leadership Team Report–

-Mid-year iReady test scores are ready. See chart below:

Class / Expected
Growth / Mid-Year
K / +30 / +13
K / +36 / +9
1 / +45 / +15
1 / +63 / +40
2 / +34 / -3
2 / +36 / +4
3 / +44 / +23
3 / +40 / +56
4 / +40 / +24
4 / +40 / +9

Dr. Knight reported that math scores are not strong. He will address issues with the teaching staff.

Reading 3D grade 5 & 6 do their own testing but not at state site. Mr. Stokes asked what are you using for testing and where do you get the numbers? Knight said we use pre-test scores and evaluations. Dr. Knight asked the board to look at the beginning scores and current scores and stated "you can see the growth”.

  1. Director’s Report

-Storm update - We are still dealing with damages impacted from the October 8-10 storm. FEMA is scheduled to visit the school Saturday 02/25/17 and 03/04/17. FEMA is helping us to correctly apply for emergency funds through their application process.

-Budget – There is 44.72% left in the budget to finish the year. We are hoping to receive help from FEMA. Ms. Palmer asked if we had another storm would we make it. It would really hurt us replied Mrs. Hicks.

  1. Operations Director/Federal Programs –

-Sports teams havegames every Saturday

-The NAEP is a national test that compares student in all states. 4th graders will take the national test. Half will take the math and half will take the reading part. Good news is the scores will not count for or against the school for statewide accountability.

-The Black History program will be held on February 24, 2017 at the Herman Park Center at 1:30 pm. The Black History parade is on February 25, 2017 in Mt. Olive NC. Dillard Academy will participate in the parade. St. Mark Church is hosting DA Black History program during their Sunday service on the February 26th.


  1. Governance/Dinner

-Performance Framework

-Mrs. Hicks reported on 2016 Performance Framework Review. The initial pilot year was a learning experience to drive and improve the process the make it more efficient for schools. The Office of Charter schools (OCS) collects evidence of operational, financial, and academic compliance through the Charter School PF annually. It also considers academic outcomes of which certain criteria are necessary and need to be met.

-The schools PF report card measures operational monitoring criteria A1 through A18. Allsectionsare compliant with the exception of accountability.

  1. Building and Grounds – David Simmons reported that he and other partners had looked into the acquisition of the old Coke Cola building. He added that the charter school might benefit from this acquisition. DA could grow its educational programhorizontally Pre-K through eighth grade. The facility could also support a vocational high school. Other ideas include an incubator to support projects such as mini houses or safety shelters, an event center, auditorium, theater, kitchen, concession stand, and a gym. Dillard Academy could conceivably become an anchor tenant. Any issues with zoning would be taken care of. Mold clean up will occur. Mr. Stokes asked “Can you move forward without Dillard Academy? ”Yes" replied David Simmons.

Mrs. Hicks mentioned that leasing the Wooten Property is still a possibility. It could be obtained for a lease with purchase option. "It’s good to have options",said Thomas Smith.

  1. Technology -

-Submit all papers for E-rate at end of week to help recoup all monies lost last year.

-All Student Ipads are being upgraded.

-During the summer DA will be switching over to Free Google App. This will reduce the cost of email.

  1. Parent/ community Involvement

-Parents were extremely interested in the Washington DC field trip. We hope we can get sponsors to help with funding this field trip.

-Behavior alternative school – Thomas Smith informed the board of an alternative school. It would take long term suspended students during suspension days. Students would not lose any academics during suspension. The program is through the Juvenile Justice System and has licensed staff. This has to be a parent decision to send a student there.

-Hoops for troops fundraiser will be held April 15 and 16 if those days are available to use Dillard Middle facilities. Last year fundraiser raised $1,100.

-Two former students Kadijah Pearsall is a top performingStudent at Goldsboro HS. Destiny Dawson is a junior at Elizabeth City College.

  1. Next meeting – April 11th
  2. Meeting Adjourned

Dillard Academy Board meeting action taken