4. Submit to God’s authority.

Overcome rebellion by submitting to the authority of God and those He has placed over you.

We are called to submit under the authority of:

Civil government. Rom. 13:1-7

Church leadership Heb. 13:17 F.A.T. Faithful-Available-Teachable Saints bring joy.

Parents Eph. 6:1-3

Husbands 1Pet. 3:1-4

Employers 1 Pet. 2:13-23

God Dan. 9:1-9

History of rebellion- Satan Is. 14:12-14. Rebellion starts in the heart and is a decision of the will. Ezek. 28. Rev. 12

There is a human tendency to rebel against God, whether individually or collectively.

Genesis 3:1-7Adam

Before Adam’s fall, his loss of innocence, he did not know about good and evil, right and wrong. They just knew that the Lord says “Yes” or “No”.

Genesis 3:1-5, Satan sows a seed of rebellion in the heart of humanity.

In verse 6, Adam and Eve chose in their hearts to rebel.

Then, they ate the fruit (a deliberate act)

The same situation happens in verse 5. Satan said “you will be as God.”

The same way Satan fell from heaven is the same way man fell from the Garden and the Treeof Life.

Genesis 11:1-9 Tower of Babel

The seed of rebellion has already been planted in their hearts since the fall in Genesis.

In verses 3 and 4, they decided in their wills to build the tower to exalt themselves.

They took the right action (v. 3). They did bricks instead of stones and tar for mortar.

The Lord recognized that this unity of rebellion would result in danger to His purpose. (Verse 6)

To avoid the unity of rebellion, God separated the people, until now we have different tribes,

languages and people.

One day, Satan will try again to exalt his throne above God’s throne. Through the Antichrist, he will unify the rebellion in the world to get power.

The humanity rebellion is universal (Rom 3: 10-18). Everybody has the influence of rebellion that we got from Adam.

Rebellion: Violation of God’s authority. The act of rebelling; open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government (kingdom of God) to which one owes obedience, and overt or covert resistance to its officers and laws.

National rebellion.

Ps 2:1-4

1. The building of the Tower of Babel was outright disobedience to the commands of God.

2. Adoption of programs contrary to biblical principles-efforts to destroy the Jewish people.

3. Rejection of God as an official policy- as in the former Soviet Union.

Verse 4 - God’s derision is His scorn.

Personal Rebellion

Judges 17:6

1 Sam 15:22-23

Acts 5:1-16

The saint of God has to choose to get apart from rebellion.

2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 7:1

Righteousness and wickedness have nothing in common.

We have to clean ourselves.

Romans 6:19

Rebellion produces more rebellion.

We have to present ourselves in righteousness instead of wickedness

Rebellion to come

2 Thess. 2: 3-12

Satan will try again to take possession of God’s Place. It will be through the man of sin

This man of sin will exalt himself over everything proclaiming himself to be God.

As the same way as in the times of Babel, The Lord has limited the devil to prevent him from unifying the rebellion.

There is a hidden activity of rebellion that is taking place right now.

It will be a moment in which all people are trapped in rebellion.

Matthew 24:12 - Wickedness has been multiplied.

Authority: Strong’s concordance says privilege, delegated influence. W.E. Vines says this… "power of authority," the right to exercise power. Authority isdelegated power. Authority in itself is not power, but the bestowed right to use and yield that power.


God’s Medicine for Rebellion

Meaning of the word submission: Hupo – under, Tasso - to put. To be put “under” means to function in the sphere of the authority of God.

The alternative is clear for everyone: Come under the authority of God (Submit) or belong to the rebellion of Satan.

James 4: 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Three ways of submitting to God’s Authority.

The Word - The maximum authority.

The Holy Spirit - The specific authority (Moment to Moment).

Delegated Authority - The most common.

The authority of Jesus as son of God is the foundational basis of the saint of God’s authority.

Matt. 21:19-23

John 14:10-15

Jesus was and is the Son of God, but He made Himself of no reputation and took on the likeness of men. Phil. 2: 5-8

Jesus made this choice to be obedient. Obedience if not by choice is not obedience at all. Jesus chose to be a servant. He chose to be obedient. John 10:18, Luke 22:42

Isaiah 1: 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

This is not only just the act of obedience, but an attitude as well. When we tithe, God’s Word says we should not give grudgingly or of necessity, God loves a cheerful giver. This isn’t saying not to give, it’s saying to give with the right motives, it is the willing and obedient that shall eat the good of the land.God looks at both our motives as well as our obedience. There is balance in the things of God. You can be a servant and have a bad attitude about what you are doing. You can be a giver and yet not be a cheerful giver. God loves a cheerful giver!

Matt. 8:5-13 The Centurion

The Centurion said, I also am a man under authority. He recognized the authority that Jesus walked in. This soldier also was a man under authority given to him by the Roman State to exercise power. Without the authority granted him by the Roman State, he would have no power at all. Any soldier knows and recognizes authority. It is one of the basic principles taught to them from the time they enter the military. Without the chain of command, there would be chaos. Orders come from the top and work their way down through the entire chain of command. Their purpose is to bring about the will of the ones who have the ultimate decision making responsibility. Following orders is what will bring about the will of the ones who have the ultimate responsibility. This natural principle has spiritual applications. Learning to walk in authority in this natural way is very similar to learning to walk in authority in the spiritual. When you are obedient and follow orders you are walking in the plan God has ordained to bring success. This is where God’s grace is and where His anointing is. This doesn’t mean that we always have to agree with things, but whether we agree or not there is a God ordained chain of command that He expects His children to walk in.
This Centurion had soldiers under him and he expected them to follow his orders just as he followed the orders of the ones above him. This is just the way it works. Everyone doesn’t just get to do their own thing. Sometimes a saint of God complains because they don’t get to do their own thing. We have the choice to do our thing, or God’s thing. Obey and respect those that are in authority, even if you do not agree with them. Pray and intercede for them, not criticize and complain.

In my own salvational walk I have seen God open many doors and opportunities of ministry that simply would not have happened if I had developed a bad attitude. If you are faithful in the little things, more will be given. This is Gods principle and we will have greater blessings if we learn to walk in it. It is also a sign of maturity.
When we have learned to submit to authority, we can then be given a place of authority over others, just like this Roman Centurion. He submitted to higher authority and others under him had to submit to his authority. Authority is tied in with submission and faith is tied in with authority, this is just the way it works.

Jesus walked in this kind of authority and when He spoke to sickness, it had to go. When He spoke to death, it had to go. When He spoke to demons, they had to leave. Recognizing this earthly principle, the Roman Centurion simply said; But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. Jesus marveled at this mans faith.