Application for change of conditions for a biocidal product
Information about the change of conditions
No / Information /1 / Type of change
a) Change of conditions for use([1])
b) Other changes([2])
2 / Specify the change of conditions (Describe the intended changes of the biocidal product)
Information about the product
No / Information /3 / Product name (Fill in the complete name of the product. In case of an intended change of name – fill in the proposed new name) / Swedish product authorisation No
4 / Original name of the product (Fill in the complete name of the product. Fill in when a change of name is intended)
Appendixes to the application([3])
Appendix no / Attach the necessary study/report/risk assessment for the intended change of conditions. For application for extensive change of conditions that may require a new assessment, the data requirements as are made for an application for authorisation/re-authorisation of a biocidal product have to be met. Data requirements must be met either through new documentation or justification of why the original assessment also covers the change of conditions applied for.Information about the applicant
Company name / Organisation numberPostal address / Telephone number / Fax number
Postal code and town / Contact person
Country / E-mail address
A registration certificate is attached
Yes, appendix no: / A registration certificate must be supplied by all companies that are not, or have not been, a registration holder/permanent representative or notifier of additional name for an authorised biocidal product in Sweden over the past year. Registration certificates can also be required if there have been changes since the last product authorisation or if a long time has passed since a registration certificate was submitted.
Information about representative
Company name / Organisation number noPostal address / Telephone number / Fax number
Postal code and town / Contact person
Country / E-mail address
A registration certificate is attached
Yes, appendix no: / A registration certificate must be supplied by all companies that are not, or have not been, a registration holder/permanent representative or notifier of additional name for an authorised biocidal product in Sweden over the past year. Registration certificates can also be required if there have been changes since the last product authorisation or if a long time has passed since a registration certificate was submitted.
Invoicing address for application fee
The invoice shall be addressed toApplicant´s address above
Representative´s address above
Another address, specified here / Complete company name
Invoicing address / Contact person (name/e-mail/tel)
Postal code and town / Country
Place and date / Signature([4])Name (please print) and company
Send the application to:
Box 2
172 13 Sundbyberg, Sweden / About payment of the application fee:
The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) makes a decision on the application fee and sends the decision together with an invoice. The invoice states the amount to be paid and how to pay it.
A list of application fees is available at KemI’s website. There is also a tool that helps you estimate the fee.
2 (2)
[1] For example, change of packaging conditions, use, dosage, application, composition etc.
[2] For example, change of name, authorisation holder, representative, addresses, company name etc.
[3] Please observe that all of the studies referred to in this application must be made available to the Swedish Chemicals Agency in full text, also those that a Letter of Access provides for. A Letter of Access attached to this application should be written according to the guidance provided for Letter of Access on the website of the Swedish Chemicals Agency (
[4] Applicant or representative (with valid attached letter of authorisation) must sign this application form.