Gland / Hormone / Target tissue / Action / Hypo/hypersecr.
Hypothalamus / Releasing Hormones
Inhibiting Hormones / Adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) / Stimulate or inhibit the release of ant. Pit. hormones
Adenohypophysis (anterior pituituary) / Growth Hormone (GH) / Liver, muscle, bone, cartilage, other tissues / Stimulates growth / ¯ dwarfism in children
­ gigantism in children; acromegaly in adults
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) / Thyroid gland / Stimulate release of thyroid hormone / ¯ cretinism in children; myxedma in adults
­ Graves’ disease; goiter
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) / Adrenal cortex / Release of adrenal cortex hormones
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) / Ovaries and testes / ♀: stimulates ovarian follicle development and estrogen production
♂: stimulates sperm production / ¯ failure of sexual maturation
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) / Ovaries and testes / ♀: triggers ovulation
♂: promotes testosterone production
Prolactin (PRL) / Breast secretory tissue / Promotes lactation
Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) / Oxytocin / Uterus and breast / Uterus: stimulates uterine contractions; initiates labor
Breast: milk ejection
Gland / Hormone / Target tissue / Action / Hypo/hyper
Antidiuretic Hormone / Kidneys / Stimulates kidney tubules to reabsorb water / ¯ diabetes insipidus
Produces the major metabolic hormone / Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thryoxine (T4) / Almost every body cell see p 536 / Normal oxygen use and BMR; glucose catabolism; nervous system development; see p 536 / ¯ cretinism in children; myxedma in adults
­ Graves’ disease; goiter; exophthalmos
Calcitonin important only in childhood / Osteoblasts; inhibits osteoclasts / Lowers blood calcium levels; Stimulates calcium uptake by osteoblasts
Parathyroid / Parathormone (PTH) / Osteoclasts; inhibits osteoblasts / Increases blood calcium levels by releasing from bone, enhancing uptake from kidneys and intestine
Adrenal Cortex / Mineralcorticoids (aldosterone)
Glucocorticoids (cortisol) / Kidneys
Body cells / ­ blood levels of Na+; ¯ blood levels of K+; water retention
Gluconeogenesis, mobilizes fats, assist body to resist stressors, depresses inflammatory and immune response / ______
¯ Addison’s disease
­ Cushing’s syndrome
Adrenal Medulla / Catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) / Sympathetic nervous system target organs / Increase heart rate and metabolic rate; increase blood pressure by vasoconstriction
Gland / Hormone / Target tissue / Action / Hypo/hyper
Pancreas / Insulin: b cells of islets of Langerhans
Glucagon: a cells of islets of Langerhans / Body cells esp. muscle; not found in liver, brain and kidney
Liver / Lower blood sugar levels; inhibits glycogen breakdown
Glycogenolysis to raise blood glucose levels; gluconeogenesis / ­ hypoglycemia
¯ diabetes mellitus
¯ hypoglycemia
Testes / Testosterone
Ovaries / Estrogen

Other Hormone Producing Structures

Structure / Hormone / Target tissue / Action
Heart / Atrial natriuretic peptide / Kidneys / Produce salty urine, decrease sodium uptake
Placenta / Human chorionic gonadotropin / Corpus luteum / Maintains pregnancy
Kidney / Erythropoietin / Red bone marrow / RBC production
Skin / Cholecalciferol (inactive vitamin D) / Small intestine / Calcium absorption
Adipose / Leptin / CNS / Satiety