6531. PRESENT Councillor J M Hodgson Chairman of the Council together with Councillors: D Walton, C G Curry, Mrs J B Fearon, Mrs G Dickinson, D Burnett and M Horn
6532. Apologies for absence – Cllrs M J Stone, A Jenkins and Mrs P Proud.
6533. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Mrs J B Fearon declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 9 as a member of Northumberland County Council’s Strategic Planning Committee and Planning and Rights of Way Committee.
6534. MINUTES. It was proposed by Cllr D Walton, seconded by Cllr Mrs G Dickinson and AGREED the Minutes of the meeting held on the 24 February 2016 having been circulated, be signed as a true record.
a) GLADMAN. Minute 6522a refers. Cllr Mrs J B Fearon wished to have noted that she spoke against and voted against the Gladman Planning Application at the Planning Committee meeting.
b) FLOOD DAMAGE Minute 6518a refers. It was noted that the repairs to the cemetery wall are now complete and the insurance monies for the demolition of the boathouse, amounting to £7811.66, had now been received. A discussion took place regarding the repairs to the damaged headstones. It was noted that the Parish Council were not responsible for the repairs to the headstones however an amount of £5000 had been set aside in the budget to contribute towards the repairs. Two quotes had been provided and it was agreed to accept the quote from J B Colman. It was agreed to place a statutory notice in the notice boards advising that the families were responsible for the upkeep and insurance on any memorial placed in the cemetery. One particular family had requested that their damaged headstone was repaired by Richmond’s as opposed to Colman’s however Richmond’s quote was £1k more than Colman’s. It was agreed that the Parish Council were prepared to pay the cheaper quote however if the family wished the headstone to be repaired by Richmond’s then they would have to make up the difference. It was noted that the insurance pay out from the boathouse would make up the shortfall towards the costs.
c) ISOS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE. Minute 6524 refers. It was noted that ISOS was increasing the rent by £1.58 per week.
d) FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES. Minute 6528a refers. It was noted that Cllr Mrs J B Fearon had not yet agreed the contribution to the Cricket Club. This was still going through the audit process.
e) NALC. Minute 6526 refers. It was noted that copies of the Good Councillors Guide 2016 was now available. Copies will be obtained for all councillors.
f) LED STREET LIGHTING. Minute 6525 refers. A copy of the street lighting map is still to be obtained.
6536. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was proposed by Cllr J M Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Mrs G Dickinson and AGREED accounts on the list as circulated be paid. It was noted that the new self watering tubs purchased on behalf of Corbridge in Bloom would be listed on the Parish Council’s asset register and insurance.
6537. ACCOUNTS UP TO 29 FEBRUARY 2016 and budget report for the period ended 29 February 2016 were presented to the Council. It was proposed by Cllr J M Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Mrs G Dickinson and AGREED to accept the Accounts and Budget Report up to 29 February 2016.
6538. PLANNING DECISIONS. It was proposed by Cllr D Burnett , seconded by Cllr Mrs G Dickinson and AGREED that the Council receive the details of Planning Decisions made by Northumberland County Council, in accordance with the list circulated.
6539. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was proposed by Cllr J M Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Mrs G Dickinson and AGREED to accept the decisions of the Planning Advisory Group in accordance with the list circulated.
Cllr Mrs G Dickinson left the meeting at 7.55pm.
a) Gladman Developments. Northumberland County Council are in discussions with Gladman regarding the S106. It was noted that Gladman’s were not willing to contribute to additional parking via the S106 agreement. Cllr M Horn advised that a meeting is to be held in Corbridge Middle School with the residents affected by the highways issues surrounding Cow Lane/Priory Gardens. Cllr J M Hodgson presented a letter of thanks from a resident thanking Cllr J M hodgson and the Parish Council for their efforts in opposing the application. This is one of many received by Cllr J M Hodgson.
b) Taylor Wimpey Sites. An incident had occurred this morning where a lorry had mounted the kerb and there had been a near miss with a parent and child. The production director of Taylor Wimpey, Health and Safety Manager and police had been involved. Taylor Wimpey are to employ an agency worker to stop wagons delivering to Synclen outside of the agreed hours. Cllr M Horn advised that any incident should be reported to NCC Planning. Cllr J M Hodgson had passed the information to Bart Milburn.
There is to be a planning training event at Hexham Mart on 12 April and Cllrs J M Hodgson, D Burnett, M Horn and C G Curry are to attend.
6540. CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence and information items received since the February meeting had been listed on the agenda and were noted.
6541. CORBRIDGE WAR MEMORIAL. Historic England is considering the war memorial in Corbridge cemetery for addition to the list of buildings of special architectural of historic interest as part of their response to the centenary of the First World War. They are currently assessing the memorial and will be preparing advice for the Secretary of State.
6542. TYNEDALE FLOODING INITIATIVE. Guy Opperman MP had arranged a meeting on Friday 1st April 2016 from 4.00pm – 6.00pm at Hexham Community Centre to discuss the Tynedale Flooding Initiative.
6543. ACTIVE NORTHUMBERLAND. Active Northumberland are proposing changes to the provision of retail products at Tourist Information Centres in Northumberland. The proposals include a reduction in the level of retail provision.
6544. NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES: AREA MANAGER. Temporary changes are being made in the Neighbourhood Services Management Team. Ray Wealleans, Area Manager is taking up a secondment to a temporary position. A temporary area manager is to be appointed however Greg Gavin is to be contacted for the time being.
6545. TYNE VALLEY COMMUNITY RAIL PARTNERSHIP. A drop in buffet lunch has been arranged at Hexham Railway Station on Friday 1st April from 11.00am to 2.00pm to mark the change of the Northern Passenger Franchise. From 1st April Arriva Rail North will be the train operating company for the Tyne Valley Line.
6546. COMMUNITY LED HOUSING. An event is to be held at Stocksfield Community Centre on 20th April from 1.00pmto 4.30pm to set out and stimulate interest in and promote the concept of developing Community Led Housing in rural communities.
· Community Action Northumberland - CAN eNews February 2016
· The Clerk Magazine – March 2016 Issue 47
· Clerk and Councils Direct – March 2016 Issue 104
· NALC – eNews March 2016
· Community Action Northumberland – David Francis Farewell Gathering
· Local Government Pension Scheme – Changes to National Insurance contributions wef 01.04.16
· Active Northumberland – Northumberland Residents’ Festival
a) FLOODING – A Flood Action Group committee meeting had been held on 2nd March with a residents meeting on 10th March. Regular meetings are being held to progress all issues and keep the residents affected informed. Kris Westerby, NCC Highways is to come up with a sensible solution to improve drainage in the area.
b) FORTHCOMING EVENTS – A meeting had been held on 8 March 2016 to discuss the proposed street party to be held on Sunday 12th June 2016.
a) FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES. The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 19th April at 6.00pm in the Parish Hall.
b) PARISH HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. The pre-planning application for additional storage in the Parish Hall had now been registered and was in the system.
Cllrs M Horn and D Burnett will meet with Tommy Gibson to progress the LED lighting project in the Parish Hall.
c) PLAY AREA IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE. It was noted that the fallen tree in the Riggs play area was to be removed by ISOS although not until after 1st April due to budget restraints.
d) COMMUNICATIONS GROUP. The new edition of Corbridge Matters had been delivered and is ready for distribution.
The next meeting is to be held on Friday 22nd March 2016 at 9.30am in the Parish Hall. Four litter bins had been ordered and the positions agreed. Colin Reed is to clear the Stanners Wood and it was agreed to ask Colin to clear the path from St Helen’s Lane to Synclen. Cllr D Walton advised that a resident had requested dropped kerbs on the route to the Health Centre. He is to pass this information to Cllr J M Hodgson who advised they are done on a reactive basis.
f) TOWN AND PARISH LIAISON GROUPS. A meeting has been arranged on 4th April with Dan Fraser, NCC to progress traffic calming on St Helen’s Lane. A further meeting is to be held on 29th March to discuss perimeter parking; Market Place no entry system plus associated improvements; advisory cycle lane. A request had been made from the Traders Association to provide cycle racks around the village especially outside the tearooms.
g) CORBRIDGE IN BLOOM. Preparations are underway for spring judging on 19th April. Marcus Davison had offered two glazed troughs, marked Walkers Pottery, Corbridge.
h) CORBRIDGE HERITAGE TRAILS. Nothing to report.
i) THE CHAINS POS. Nothing to report.
j) CORBRIDGE YOUTH INITIATIVE. Gillian Wood had been invited to the Annual Meeting to give an update on the work of Corbridge Youth Initiative.
k) VISIT CORBRIDGE. The next meeting is to be held on 4 April 2016.
· Town Hall Buildings. The owners of the building are to install CCTV. Phil Soderquest, NCC is now involved.
· Perimeter parking had been discussed with the allotment management committee. Re-arrangement of the allotment site is currently being considered.
· Market Place One Way System. An implementation date is still needed.
· Disabled Parking bays. 4 bays have now been created and are being enforced.
m) RIVER WATCH GROUP. An article is to be placed in the April edition of Corbridge Matters asking for volunteers to help with the Balsam Bashing..
n) DEMENTIA FRIENDLY TOWN UPDATE. Permission from NCC is required to install the defibrillator on the outside of the Tourist Information Centre/Youth and Community Centre.
o) BRIDGE END ALLOTMENTS. Plot 1 still needs to be cleared. Two skips have been requested by the allotment committee and will be arranged.
6550. ELECTION. Cllr J M Hodgson had been approached by David Grundey from The Green Party who apparently have a local policy of contesting every Council election where they know there is a vacancy and they would put forward a candidate. Cllr Hodgson had explained that in Corbridge, the Parish Council is not party political but are more concerned about doing what is right for Corbridge. Mr Grundey asked about the co-option policy which Cllr Hodgson explained. Mr Grundey was told that there were 4 residents interested in being co-opted for the last vacancy to which Mr Grundey stated that the Green Party would consider calling an election and advised that this would cost the Parish Council a lot of money. Mr Grundey implied that should the Parish Council co-opt his candidate, then an election would not be called. Since Cllr Hodgson’s discussion with Mr Grundey an election has been called by 10 residents requesting a by election. If an election goes ahead, this will be held on Thursday 5th May, on the day of the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections. The election could cost the Parish Council between £3k and £5K. After discussion it was AGREED not to issue Poll Cards as this was not compulsory and would reduce costs.
6551. PERMIT/DISC PARKING. It was noted that Health care professionals were struggling with parking when visiting patients in the village. Cllr Mrs J B Fearon is to ask if permits/discs can be supplied for this purpose.
6552. PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. Cllr J M Hodgson is to clarify if the land to the east of the bridge at Byethorn is still a public right of way.
6553. HEXHAM COURANT. It was noted that Brian Tilley, assistant editor of the Hexham Courant is being made redundant after 43 years at the Courant. 6554. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 7.00pm in Room One of the Parish Hall.
19 APRIL 2016
1. PRESENT. Councillors J M Hodgson, D Walton, Mrs G Dickinson.
2. APOLOGIES. Councillor A Jenkins
4. TO REVIEW CEMETERY FEES 2016/17. It costs approximately £30k per year to run the cemetery. £19166 was taken in cemetery fees during the last financial year 2015/16. After discussion it was proposed to increase all fees by 2% for Parish residents and then double the standard charge for non residents. This brings the fees more in line with other cemeteries in the area.