U.S. History

Course Disclosure

Instructor: C. Mason Phone Number: 256-5100

Period: 67 E-mail:

Room #: SS 202 Web Page:

Course Description:

United States History is essential for the continuation of our democratic society. This course will help student make connections between their world and the rich heritage of United States history. The course is designed as a survey of American History with emphasis on post Reconstruction America (1876-present), but will include a review of the earlier period. (USOE Core)

Class Requirements:

Attendance: Because much of the information comes from in class activities good attendance is imperative. It is a student’s responsibility for the work to be made up when and if they miss class. This includes school-excused activities.

●If you are absent you should first check my website to find out what we did and what you missed. If you need further clarification or if there is class work you need to obtain from me you can do so only BEFORE SCHOOL!! Do not come up to me before the bell rings and ask me what you missed. Be responsible and take care of your priorities when it is appropriate.


●You can also check the website for upcoming due dates.

●The website is at the top of the page or it is: or it can also be found by going to the Bingham web page and clicking on Departments.

●Any absent or late work must be given directly to me (BEFORE SCHOOL), otherwise it will not be graded. Students have TWO calendar weeks to make up any absent or late work. If you have extenuating circumstances then please communicate with me so that we can work it out.

●If a student is absent for a test it must be made up within ONE WEEK of the original test date. No make ups will be permitted during class time. Students must make arrangements to schedule a time to make up the test as they will each take a full hour and a half.

●For questions on the Bingham High Attendance Policy please see the Bingham Website or an administrator.

Tardiness:Lateness is not permitted. Punctuality is essential to success in this class. Therefore tardies will be harshly assessed in this following way:

1. First tardy: 5 points reduction of Participation Points

2. Second tardy: 25 points reduction of Participation Points

3. Third Tardy: 50 points reduction of Participation Points

** Tardies may be made up by spending 15 minutes of your time doing service for a teacher or student at the school. Prior arrangements must be made and approved by me.

Late work:Students may turn in late work for 50% reduction in the grade for that assignment. No late work will be

accepted after TWO CALENDAR WEEKS from when it was due. However, late work and absent work can only

be turned in BEFORE SCHOOL.

Participation Points:

Each quarter each student will receive 100 participation points which will count toward their letter grade. The loss of these participation points will result in a grade loss and students may not receive extra credit. If participation points fall below 75 points the student will forfeit their opportunity for extra credit. Penalties come from inappropriate behavior such as tardies, being unprepared, the inappropriate use of cell phones or electronic devices, not respecting the rights of others, not following the school/district dress code, and not participating in class, etc..

Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy:

Cell phones and other electronic devices ARE NOT PERMITTED, except at certain times which will be determined by the teacher. Inappropriate use of electronic devices will result in a loss of participation points and will be confiscated and given to an administrator in accordance with Jordan School District Policy AA419. If a cell phone is given to an administrator the parent or guardian of that student is expected to come to the school to visit with the administrator and to pick up the phone. Please do not disrupt your learning or the learning of others by using your electronic device at an inappropriate time.

Class Activities:

There are certain activities and games done in class that can only be accomplished by being in class. If a student is absent for one of these activities an alternate assignment will be given to make up the points for that assignment. Good attendance is encouraged to benefit student learning through these activities.

Materials needed:

1. Folder, notebook or 3 ring binder with paper to take notes. Bring your notebook EVERYDAY of class.

2. Bring a writing utensil.

Class Work and Grading:

Grading: Students will receive points based on assignments, tests, quizzes, participation, and cooperative learning activities. A penalty fee of 50% will be deducted for handing work in late. No credit for work turned in TWO WEEKS late.

Group work: these assignments will always be worth more points and your best work is expected. These cooperative learning opportunities are done frequently as this is a very important life skill.

TESTS or “GAME DAYS” will be worth more points than regular assignments. An opportunity to demonstrate all you’ve learned and practiced for is definitely worth more!

Extra credit will be available, but students may only earn a maximum of 80 extra credit points per quarter. Most extra credit opportunities are done in class. Extra credit will not be given to students with two or more missing assignments.

STARTERS (bell work): Starter activities CANNOT be made up if you were absent or tardy. However, in order to make up for those points if you were absent you can earn extra credit on future starters.

Grading Scale:

A95 - 100% / C+77 - 79%
A-90 - 94% / C73 - 76%
B+87 - 89% / C- 70 - 72%
B83 - 86% / D+67 - 69%
B-80 – 82% / D63 - 66%
D-60 - 62%

*Please note that you must earn 95% in this class to receive an A.

Classroom Expectations:

1. Rights: You and every person have the right to learn in this class.

2.Respect: You and every person deserve to get and give respect. This includes being on task in class, speaking with respect, participating in classroom activities, and not using electronic devices inappropriately.

3. Responsibilities: It is up to YOU to follow through with your responsibilities to make this class successful.


Positive (If you do) – / Negative (If you do not) –
Good Grades / Visual or verbal warning
Verbal acknowledgment / Change of seating
Special privileges / Individual work or Loss of privileges
Classroom activities / Parent phone call or visit

●Others to be determined by the teacher and administration.

*** Please respond to the google form for this class. The google form can be found on Ms. Mason’s website or under Ms. Mason’s name on the Bingham webpage. (This process is in place of a signature form.)

*** The STUDENT CONTRACT is for each student to complete. The DISCLOSURE FORM is for each parent/guardian to complete.

*** Also, please note that the best way to communicate with me is via email. I will respond as quickly as possible. If students need to talk to me about their work or class they are encouraged to come in before school.

Parent’s DISCLOSURE FORM link:

Student’s CONTRACT link: