I am Mrs. Maureen MStaker
Address: 149 Sandton

8th Avenues North Riding,

Please friend identify us here
Assist us I know how surprise this massage will be to you, I feel quite safe dealing with you though, this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused; I choose to reach you through it because it still remains the fastest medium of communication considering my family situation! But I would advice you a good thought to request from a family in there need of assistance. I am Mrs. Maureen Staker the wife of LATE Mr. Raymond Mwanawasa Staker of Gowanda town inZimbabwe. Your contact information came to me from your country's trade journal during my search for a reliable and God fearing person that can assist me and my only son and daughter, and I quite believe on my own, that you can be of great help in this regard even if I am not acquainted to you before.
The business involves this amount which I want to transfer of us$15.5 Million, In the name of our son Daniel... This fund is inherited from my late husband who was assassinated by the president's ROBERT MUGABE aides in view of taking his lands and property
during the crisis on 18 Nov 2010, which led to the killing and banishing of foreigners white farmers. After the death of my husband on 29 Nov 2010 (A DAY I CAN NEVER FORGET) I was approached by our family Lawyer who told me that my late husband had filed a document with himwhich stipulates his

In this "WILL" he specifically appointed.

And I Quote, Darling, I wish to draw your attention to the sum of US$15.5 Million, which I deposited with a Security Company in South Africawith all the documents filed, by our lawyer. In case of my absence on earth caused by death, only you should solicit for a foreigner partner that can assist you to transfer the money out of South Africa for any good profitable investment purposes. I have saved this money to make the future of my only son Daniel and daughter “and he told me immediately the government started eyeing his business and involvements with the white farmers. Please take good care of "Daniel" and yourself; we shall meet to part no more.
I knew, youreally know and understand that my future especially of my son depends on this money and as much I will be grateful if you can assist us in transferring this fund to your account for our investments. You can contact us;on our private telephone number here +27731055945andwe will direct you to our family lawyer to arrange the modalities of transferring this fund, for your assistance we will offer you 30% of the total sum, while the remaining 70% will be kept for us under your care until our arrival in your country

Please I want to tell you that my family living here in South Africa for now, as refugees which has resulted us to be living in a make shift refugee camp.

I wait your response.

Worm regards

Mrs. Maureen Mwanawasa Staker.