First Author (Times New Roman, 12)

Affiliation (Times New Roman, 10)

e-mail address (Times New Roman, 10)

Second Author (Times New Roman, 12)

Affiliation (Times New Roman, 10)

e-mail address (Times New Roman, 10)

Third Author (Times New Roman, 12)

Affiliation (Times New Roman, 10)

e-mail address (Times New Roman, 10)

Abstract (Times New Roman, 9,5, justified)

The paper should start with an abstract of approximately 200 words, summarizing the objective, contents, results, and conclusions as specifically as possible. Begin the heading of the abstract two lines below the authors and affiliation section. First, position the heading of the Abstract as a chapter heading on a line by itself, use 9.5 pt. font Times New Roman, flushed to the left margin, and italic. Use 9.5 pt. font Times New Roman for the text of the Abstract.

Keywords: (Times New Roman, 9,5, justified) The abstract must be followed by 5-6 keywords related to the main topics of the paper. Separate the subsequent keywords by comma.

1. Introduction (Times New Roman 10, Bold, Left)

Body Text (Times New Roman, 10, justified)

After your paper has been accepted, prepare your final text following the instructions given here. Start the text with a comprehensive introduction in order to clarify the topic and the environment of your work.

1.1 Title of the paper (Times New Roman, 10, italic)

The title should be brief, descriptive and expressive. Center the title. Use 14 pt. font Times New roman, all capital. Avoid starting titles with articles or prepositions. Spell out acronyms unless they are widely known.

1.2 Authors and affiliation

Use one column section for authors and affiliations. Center the names and affiliations of the authors below the main title of the paper. Set 16 pt. before the first author. List the authors separately if their affiliation is different. If there are more than two authors with the same affiliation, list the authors one under the another. Skip 10 pt. spacing between authors and affiliation/address blocks. Omit titles or degrees such as Dr., Prof., Ph.D., etc. Use 12 pt. font Times New Roman, regular, for the authors and 10 pt. font Times New Roman, regular, for affiliation/addresses.

1.3 Electronic submission of paper

Your paper including figures, tables, and references should be written in English. Please prefer electronic submission of the camera-ready paper. Fax submission of the manuscript is unacceptable. Whichever desktop publishing system you use, format your paper according to the template and submit it either as a Microsoft .DOC (preferred) or as an Adobe PDF file.

1.4 Proceedings

The Proceedings of the 2004 TRIZ Future Conference will be published by Firenze University Press:

2. Manuscript Content and Typing Requirements

Each completed manuscript including the figures and tables should not exceed twelve (12) single spaced and single sided pages

2.1 Arrangement

The content of the paper should be in the following order:

-Title of the paper

-Author names and affiliation



-Body of the text


-Exposition chapters





2.2 Acronyms

For the first occurrence (other than for commonly used acronyms such as CAE, AI, etc.), spell out each word followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g., skeleton based modeling (SBM) or video conference protocol (VCP).

2.3 Equations

Type all equations. Flush the body of equation to left. Equations should be numbered in parentheses. Type equation numbers in Arabic numerals in parentheses, centered. Example:


In equations SI units must be used.

2.4 Figures

Proper figure preparation is essential for optimum reproduction of line drawings and photographs. Figures must be merged into the text. The manuscript page will be reproduced full size, therefore, set the size of your figures properly. The letters used for text cannot be less that 10 points, font Arial, regular. Lettering should be clear and legible but sized to make economic use of space. Similar or related figures should of uniform size with uniform lettering. All figures should be called out in the text as well as properly labeled and captioned.

Position regular figures in the center of the page. Use 9 pt., font Times New Roman, bold for the captions.

2.5 References

List references at the end of the paper in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first-named author. Include the following information (as applicable).

-For a book: author(s), (year), book title, page or chapter numbers, publisher, city.

-For a journal paper: author(s), (year), paper title (in quotes), journal name, volume and issue numbers, page numbers (inclusive).

-For a proceedings paper or chapter in an edited book: author(s), (year), paper or chapter title (in quotes), volume title (italic), editor(s), volume number (if applicable), publisher, city, page numbers (inclusive).

Use 9 pt., font Times New Roman, regular, justified.