Thomasville City Schools

Beginning License Teacher

Support Program Handbook


“Excellence is the Standard”

Chief Talent Officer:

Dr. Barbara Armstrong

400 Turner St.

Thomasville, NC 27360

336 474-4227

Beginning License Teacher Director:

Paula S. Gaylord

Thomasville Middle School

400 Unity St.

Thomasville, NC 27360

(o) (336) 474-4125

(c) (336) 870-0859

Human Resources Secretary:

Edith Kindley

400 Turner St.

Thomasville, NC 27360

(336) 474-4238


Initial (Standard Professional 1) licenses are issued to teachers with fewer than three years of appropriate teacher experience in their initial licensure area. All teachers with a Standard Professional 1 license are required to participate in a three year induction period with a formal orientation, mentor support, observations and evaluation prior to the recommendation for continuing (Standard Professional 2) licensure. Completion of the Beginning Teacher Support Program requirements in one teaching area satisfies the requirement for all other teaching areas.

Beginning License Teachers

All requirements must be met in order to successfully complete each year of the BLT program. Failure to complete the requirements can result in a delay in obtaining a teaching license.

·  Mentor Meetings

BLTs meet with mentors regularly at a set date and time to cover relevant information, plan and answer questions. A record of the meetings is kept by the mentor and sent to the BLT Director at the end of each month in a Google Doc. Minimum meeting requirements are as follows:

BLT 1 – at least 4X a month or once a week

BLT 2 – at least 2X a month

BLT 3 – at least 1X a month

·  Mentor Feedback on Videotaped Lesson

o  BLT 1, 2, and 3 Videotape a lesson by the end of the first quarter and review it with the mentor. The mentor returns a Mentor Feedback form on the lesson in the Google Doc by the end of the first quarter.

·  BLT Observations

o  BLT 1 Staff –

§  Observe mentor or peer in by Jan. 3 and return the BLT Observation Form in the Google Doc.

§  Observe a peer by March 31 and return the BLT Observation Form in the Google Doc.

BLT 2 and 3 Staff

§  Observe the mentor or a peer by Jan. 3 and return the BLT Observation Form in the Google Doc.

. Observations last at least 30 minutes in length and a brief documentation form should be sent to the BLT Director. It includes the day of the observation and short reflection of what was learned. The first observation is generally of the mentor. The second observation is of another teacher. Mentors and administrators should assist in selecting a peer to observe.

·  Professional Development

All BLTs 1 and 2s are required to attend 7 or more professional development sessions. The Joint Mentor and BLT meeting and the session on Lesson Planning for Engagement are required of all BLTs. They are marked with an asterisk. BLT 3s have the option of attending any of the training. Generally the training is held Tuesdays from 3:15-4:30 at Thomasville Middle School. Special sessions are listed.

·  BLT Folder

All BLTs are expected to keep a folder for BLT documentation. The folder should include the PDP, copies of evaluations, the Professional Development record, and certificates of completion each year.

Role of the Principal

The principal or other immediate supervisor has the primary responsibility for implementation of the Beginning Licensure Teacher Program at the individual school or department site. Duties of the principal/ supervisor include: Identification of BLTs on staff, timely assignment of Mentor to each BLT; conducting of site based orientation sessions for BLTs; ensuring compliance with the established schedule of BLT observations and evaluation, using the New Teacher Evaluation instrument. The principal or immediate supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the following BLT support is provided:

1. Individual conferences to acquaint each BLT with responsibilities and expectations in teaching.

2. BLT Teacher Evaluation Process orientation within 2 weeks of the teacher’s first day including a copy or directions to access 1) Rubric

for Evaluation, 2) State Board Policy, 3) a schedule for completing all components of the evaluation process.

3. Minimum of 3 administrator observations and one peer observation per year in accordance with the school system schedule.

Post- conferences are held after each observation.

4. Timely development of the Professional Development Plan (PDP) and regular monitoring of the plan.

5. Additional observations as needed for the purpose of giving technical feedback and offering assistance for growth.

6. Provision of appropriate materials, human resources, and other technical assistance to BLT as needed.

7. Continuous feedback.

8. Assignment of a mentor and monitoring of the mentoring process.

9. Monitoring of appropriate documentation and signatures in NCEES.

The BLT Director and principal are also responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of Mentors.


Mentor Requirements

·  Opening Meeting

All mentors are required to attend the opening BLT meeting with the BLT.

·  Mentor Meetings

Mentors set a regular meeting time with each BLT. They meet monthly with them to review the monthly log and any other needed information. The log should be a working document used during the meetings rather than paperwork completed at the end of the month. The mentor should collaborate, provide support and answer questions. The meetings are documented on the mentor logs and sent to the BLT Director at the end of each month to meet program requirements. Mentors meet with BLT staff as follows:

BLT 1 – 4 times a month BLT 2- 2 times a month BLT 3- 1 time a month


·  Informal Feedback

Mentors should review a videotaped clip of the BLT”s lesson and provide informal feedback no later than the end of the first quarter. It is best for this to be done before the first formal observation by the administrator. This observation is simply for coaching and support and is not part of the NC Teacher Evaluation Process.. Please provide the Mentor Feedback Form to the teacher and to the BLT Director after the conference to discuss the feedback. The BLT Director will also provide informal feedback during the year.

·  PDPs

Mentors should assist with the creation of the PDP and should review it with the teacher at midyear and the end of year. Mentors should sign the PDP for the beginning of the year, middle of year and end of year. Reminders are included in the mentor timeline logs. Principals must assign the mentors online before they can sign the PDP. Formal meetings are required for the mentors and BLTs to complete the beginning of the year PDP and Middle of the Year PDP.

·  Observations

BLT 1s are required to do 2 observations of other teachers during the school year. One should be the mentor, if possible. The mentor can assist the teacher in finding another peer to observe based on what the teacher would like to learn. Teachers should complete the BLT observation form and send it to the BLT Director. The first observation is due by Jan. 3 and the second is due by March 31.

BLT 2s and 3s are required to do one observation of either the mentor or a peer by Jan. 1

·  Peer Observations

Mentors can serve as peer observers, but not for their own assigned mentee.

·  Social Events

Mentors and BLTs should attend school and district social events together to build a sense of community. District events include the beginning of the year assembly, the December holiday social, the end of year BLT breakfast and the TCS end of year breakfast and assembly.

Mentor responsibilities

Mentor responsibilities include meeting with and assisting novice teacher on a regular basis, committing to the time required to mentor( through observing, coaching, conferencing, video conferencing and record-keeping); completing necessary documentation; holding in confidence information about BLT; sharing resources, teaching techniques and methods to BLTs; serving as advocates for new teachers; assisting BLTs in any way possible; listening and encouraging novice teachers; and displaying a positive attitude.

Mentor Selection Process

Mentors are selected by principals in collaboration with the BLT Director based on their teaching mastery, outstanding performance and willingness to serve in this capacity. Mentors are recognized as master teachers, who have taught a sufficient number of years to be knowledgeable in their areas (minimum of four years), and who have the training necessary to be of help to BLTs. Principals are encouraged to use trained Mentors when possible. The BLT Director will coordinate training for all mentors as appropriate. Training opportunities for Mentors are provided periodically by the Department of Public Instruction, and the Piedmont Triad Education Consortium. The principal appoints Mentors in the same subject area or grade and location as much as possible. Planning periods should also be considered.

Orientation and Training of Mentors:

The Human Resources Director and BLT Director arrange for training for Mentors on the NC Mentor Standards which are as follows:

1.  Mentors support beginning teachers to demonstrate leadership.

2.  Mentors support beginning teachers to establish a respectful environment.

3.  Mentors support beginning teachers to know the content they teach.

4.  Mentors support beginning teachers to facilitate learning for their students.

5.  Mentors support beginning teachers to reflect on their practice.

Training provided to mentors includes the following: Knowledge of the competencies expected of Beginning License Teachers(as reflected in the NC Teaching Standards); conferencing skills; consensus-building skills; coaching skills; effective education practices; how to provide resources and technical assistance to beginning teachers; and how to assess needs and assist with Professional Development Plans (PDP). The BLT Facilitator facilitates the delivery of the services, provides technical assistance and evaluated the implementation of the total program.

Principals and the Superintendent are responsible for seeing that teacher and principal observations are carried out in a timely manner; that needed assistance and resources are provided for BLTs; and that action are taken to help BLTs to be successful.

Beginning License Teacher Director

The role of the Beginning License Teacher Director is as follows:

1.  Coordinate the TCS Beginning License Teacher Support Program

2.  Plan monthly staff development

3.  Visit classrooms

4.  Assist teachers with curriculum, planning, classroom management, etc.

5.  Provide resources for BLT teachers

6.  Provide training for Mentors

7.  Provide newsletters

Teacher Evaluation Process

All teachers are issued a UID (Universal ID) number to access the online NC Evaluation System through PowerSchool.

1.  Orientation held at schools to review the Teacher Evaluation Process with signatures by the principal and teacher on the Record of Activities

2.  Self-Assessment completed online within the first month of school

3.  Preliminary Professional Development Plan developed online and signed by principal, mentor and teacher by Oct. 31

4.  Pre-conference before first observation to review self-evaluation, PDP and to discuss the lesson plan for the first observation. Sign off on the record of activities for the pre-conference

5.  Four observations during the year with 3 by the principal and 1 by a peer

6.  Post conferences after each observation and within 10 days. Signatures online by both principal and teacher

7.  Midyear PDP review with principal including principal, teacher and mentor signatures online

8.  Summary Evaluation conference with principal and teacher signatures including an end of year PDP reviewed with principal, teacher and mentor signatures

Formal New Teacher Induction Process:

The system-wide New Teacher Induction is organized by the Human Resources Director and BLT Director for all first year BLTs at the beginning of each school year. The orientation provides an overview of the Beginning Licensure Program in North Carolina and the Thomasville City Schools. An explanation of the procedures for the assignment of Mentors, the schedule of observations, observation and evaluation procedures, preparation and use of the PDP, the role of principals and peer teachers, and the rights and responsibilities of BLTs is discussed. In general, the system-wide orientation is designed to explain the program, how it works, and to inform participants of what they can expect from site administrators and mentors. The director reviews the NC Teacher Evaluation Process for beginning licensed teachers. Procedures for the maintenance, storage, and security of the above documents are explained to participants.

Also covered in this orientation is a review of resources available to BLTs to enhance their opportunities for success during the first three years of employment. These include assistance available from Mentors and administrators, professional development programs required by the LEA, and other workshops available to help employees grow professionally and personally.

North Carolina Educator Evaluation System

The evaluation instruments are based on the Framework for 21st Century Learning and the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. The instruments are designed to promote effective leadership, quality teaching, and student learning while enhancing professional practice and leading to improved instruction. All of the instruments and processes are designed to encourage professional growth, to be flexible and fair to the persons being evaluated, and to serve as the foundation for the establishment of professional goals and identification of professional development needs.

The intended purpose of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process is to assess the teacher’s performance in relation to the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and to design a plan for professional growth. The principal or a designee will conduct the evaluation process in which the teacher will actively participate through the use of self-assessment, reflection, presentation of artifacts, and classroom demonstration(s).

A local board shall use the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process unless it develops an alternative evaluation that is properly validated and that includes standards and criteria similar to those in the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process.

The Purposes of the Evaluation

The teacher performance evaluation process will:

ƒ. Serve as a measurement of performance for individual teachers;

ƒ. Serve as a guide for teachers as they reflect upon and improve their effectiveness;