


The Adventure and Mountaineering Club

Mission Statement

To inculcate and encourage a sense of adventure and to enhance students’ perspective about environments beyond that of IIM Bangalore

Why Anveshan

"The mountaineer returns to the hills because he remembers always that he has forgotten so much."

--Geoffrey Winthrop Young

Due tothe rigour ofacademic and social life at IIMBangalore, students sometimes find it difficult to explore areas beyond IIMB or Bangalore. Karnataka and its surrounding areas like the Western Ghats offer most striking landscapes, flora and fauna. It boasts of afew of the best and trying trekking trails in the country. Anveshan organizes and facilitates treks and expeditions at regular intervals so as to enable students to venture out to undiscovered areas, bring out the sense of adventure and fun, experience the hidden elements of Mother Nature and be more sensitive about the surroundings.

Someone once said “Altitude is a great equalizer”. An expedition brings together people from most diverse backgrounds and puts them together into trying situations at the most beautiful places. The most dissimilar people become the best of friends throughthese expeditions. Expeditions also sensitize students about our environment, as one sees it in close quarters.


Currently, all Anveshan trips are independently organized and managed by students. Initially, Anveshan began by organizing trips in association with Bangalore Mountaineering Club, a social mountaineering organization based out of Bangalore. Over the time, Anveshan has developed its own procedure, expertise and resources to successfully organize the trips.

The club has developed a good database of guides and travel agencies to assist in conducting different expeditions. Team Anveshan bringsthe best expeditions and trips to students at the minimal cost. This is accomplished by collaboration and negotiations with mountaineering guides, travel agencies and city adventure clubs like BMC and Justaminute. However, Anveshan does not associate itself with any single agency and works withdifferent players so as to bring the best value and the finest adventure to the student community.

Besides the adventure and fun experience, students also get an opportunity to take independent responsibility of leading an expedition and developpeople and resource management skills.

Risk Issues

All Anveshan expeditions are conducted in a professional manner. Anveshan expeditions are facilitated by an expert and trained guide who takes excellent precautions to ensure safety, while making sure that the trip is fun and adventurous at the same time. Expeditions conducted by Anveshan are led by at least one Senior/Junior Co-ordinator who remains responsible for ensuring that basic safety precautions are being followed by all participants. There will be certain trips which involve visits to places like waterfalls, historical places, cycling expeditions etc., for which no professional guidance would be required. Considering the elementary nature of these trips, no guide would be hired for such trips. Decision for the same shall be taken by Team Anveshan and the same will be informed to all participants in advance.

These notwithstanding, Anveshan expect every participant to be cautious and watchful about his/her safety and the safety of the fellow participants, and to follow the safety instructions of the guide and the student co-ordinator(s).Therefore every participant shall bear all the risk that would arise from him/her participating in any Anveshan events. Before the start of any expedition, all the participants would be required to sign a self-declaration form for this purpose.


As decided by Team Anveshan – An event/expedition shall be defined as an exploratory journey along with a group of people, with at least 5 members from IIM Bangalore student community (PGP, EPGP, PGSEM, PGPPM, FPM, Exchange students) to places outside the boundaries of IIMB, lasting for at least 6 hours. It shall be mandatory on part of Team Anveshan to inform & invite the student community beforehand about any event.Each event shall be managed by 2 Event-Coordinators as appointed by Team Anveshan.

However, Team Anveshan has the discretion to deny a person from attending an event/expedition on the basis of health or security reasons, indiscipline shown in similar activities in the past or any other suitable reason.

Exceptions:Thoughclear definitions are made for an event/expedition, there can be some exceptions to the same, in order to enhance the spirit of adventure in students. For examples:

1)If an activity is organized within the boundaries of IIM Bangalore and the whole student community is allowed to participate, it shall be termed as an event/expedition. It could be activities like rappelling, paint ball, adventure arena etc.

2)Anveshan can organizetrips specifically for some groups of students e.g. Section Trips. In such cases, it shall not be mandatory to inform the whole student community.

In case, an event is to be organized which does not adhere to the basic definition of expedition as mentioned above, the same should be approved by more than 50% members of Team Anveshan (6 Senior Coordinators and 4 Junior Coordinators).

Organizational Structure

In order to organize all the club activities in an efficient manner, Team Anveshan shall consist of 6 Senior Coordinators and 5 Junior Coordinators. Details of the same are as follows:

Junior Coordinators – 5Junior Coordinators shall be selected from the PGP1 batch. Applications shall be invited from the PGP1 batch with requirement toprovide the following details:

1)Interest in Anveshan activities

2)Past experience of participation/ organization of any such activities

3)Howhe/she shall be able to contribute to the activitiesof Anveshan

Final selection shall be based on the interaction with the applicants and the performance in a task that shall be given to all the applicants.

Considering that there may be more students interested in organizing Anveshan expeditions, enthusiastic students will be encouraged to organize events from time to time. Though,they will not be officially part of Team Anveshan, the interest shown in organizing and participating in events shall be given due consideration if any such studentis interested in becoming a Senior Coordinatorduring 2nd year. The objective of this provision is to provide a pathway for all adventure enthusiasts to associate with Anveshan without any discrimination.

Senior Coordinators – Anveshan shall consist of 6 Senior Coordinators selected from the PGP2 batch. Selection shall be based on the interest shown by the candidates in Anveshan activities throughout theyear (organizing and participating in Anveshan expeditions) followed by an interview with the senior coordinators.

Hierarchy – Anveshan shall follow a flat hierarchy. All the decisions of the club shall be taken with due consideration of all members of Team Anveshan (6 Senior Coordinators and 4 Junior Coordinators).In case of a disagreement, a proposal shall be accepted if the proposal is supported by more than 50% members of Team Anveshan (6 Senior Coordinators and 4 Junior Coordinators).

In case, some changes orup gradations are required in AnveshanCharter, it shall require the approval of at least 50% members of Team Anveshan (6 senior coordinators and 4 junior coordinators). Since the club operates under the purview of the SAC, there may be times when the changes could not be implemented at once. In such cases,Team Anveshan shall take due care to make the changes effective as soon as possible and feasible. In no case, a change can be withheld beyond the selection of next team of Senior Coordinators.

Principle of Transparency: Trip Costs and Funds

Trip Costs:As Anveshan works on a self-sustaining model, all the participants shall be required to bear the cost of the trip themselves. Cost of the trips shall be approximately estimatedby Team Anveshan beforehand and the amount will be communicated to all participants.

Principle of Transparency:Anveshan believes in complete transparency in all its activities. A statement of funds collected and expenses incurred shall be prepared for each trip and the same shall be mailed to all the participants in that trip. This statement shall clearly describe the source of all funds and every expenditure item to the minutest possible detail. Possibilities shall also be explored to display all financial statements on Anveshan website, so that general student body can easily access them.

Club Funds:As Anveshanrequire funds for the purpose of covering basic operational expenses likeprinting, publicity, gears, torches, batteries, first-aid kitsetc., the club could keep a small percentage of the expedition charges collected, for general expenses. The exact amount of this charge would be decided by Team Anveshan as and whenrequired and would be communicated to the trip participants. In addition to this, Team Anveshan willpresent an annual budget to obtain funds from the SAC for the purpose of general expenses.

One of the Senior Coordinatorsshallbe responsible to report the finances of the club at the end of year.

Suggested Club Activities

Team Anveshan shall ensure to conductactivitiesforthe amateurs and the experienced alike. Team Anveshan shall select activities and dates which would suit the IIMB schedule.

Some of the suggested events that could be organized by Anveshan are mentioned here. Team Anveshan shall be free to choose and organize events as per the convenience and interest of the student community.


1)Kumara Parvatha

2)Kudremukha main peak and other peaks

3)Ooty (Sholur) to Bandipur Jungle

4)24km trek on Gopalswami Hills in Bandipur forest.

5)Sakleshpur Railway Track - Donigal to Gondiya


7)Sharavathi Valley




11)Bandipur Trek

12)Rock climb, Rappelling, Trekking at Ramanagaram



Rafting/Water sports

1)White Water Rafting and Night camping in Bheemeshwari Jungle


3)Ocean Adventure & Scuba Diving at Netrani

4)Kabini Backwater Camping and Kabini WLS Jungle Safari

Places of historical importance

1)Sravan Belagola





These could be taken up on the basis of interest shown by student communityand the availability of the required resources to organize the activities

1)Bike trip to Mullyangiri-Bababuddangiri-Kemangundi

2)Paragliding Training Course

3)Horse Riding course

4)Short training courses

  1. Cartography – study and practice of making maps
  2. Local emergency Kannada lingo
  3. Usage of GPS
  4. First Aid
  5. Camping essentials

5)Bike/Cycling tour of Bangalore’s historical places

6)Week long trips to the interiors of India with professor community, during term breaks, to get sensitized to issues grappling the bottom of the pyramid

Note: The above mentioned is just a suggestedlist. More places could be considered by Team Anveshan to enhance the portfolio of expeditions.

Club Charter1