Healthy Living

Essential Nutrition for You!

Table of Contents



















The information contained in this Packet (the “Packet”) is presented solely for informational purposes so that you may learn more about the subject.

Nothing contained in the Packet is intended to constitute, nor should it be considered, medical advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider. Always consult your doctor or physician before you begin any diet or weight loss program.

The information provided in this Packet should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for a particular individual, nor is it intended to refer you to a particular medical professional or health care provider. It should not be used in place of a visit to, consultation with or the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider.

The material in the Packet is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in providing professional advice. Information in the Packet is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments or physical conditions and/or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in the Packet. Results from this diet assistance program may vary. No promises and/or are being made that the information in the Packet will be error free, or that it will provide specific results.

The Packet is provided “AS-IS” without any warranty, and the use of the Packet is solely at your own risk. Before relying on material in the Packet, users should independently verify the accuracy, the completeness, and the relevance for their purposes, obtaining professional advice when appropriate or applicable as the material in the Packet may include opinions, recommendations, or content from third parties, which may not reflect your views.

By accepting and using the Packet and any information contained in the Packet or related to the Packet, you understand and acknowledge that your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any defect in or dissatisfaction with the Packet or the information contained in the Packet is to cease using the Packet. You further understand and acknowledge that everyone who has contributed to and/or prepared this Packet, or that has distributed or otherwise shared this Packet, disclaims any liability to you, and all such persons are NOT LIABLE for losses or damages which may result through the use of the information, products, and/or services presented in this Packet or any other materials or information relating to the Packet.

The statements in this Packet have not been evaluated by the FDA. Arbonne products are not intended to treat or cure any disease or condition. This material has been produced by independent consultants, for independent consultants. It has not been produced by nor is endorsed by Arbonne International.



Over a thousand people have been through our program and our continually growing list of testimonials shows you the amazing benefits our clients have achieved by following our profoundly easy and extensive program. Reported benefits include significant weight loss (6 – 28 pounds in one month), loss of inches around the waist, body composition changes, increased energy and mental clarity, minimized aches and pains, decrease in allergies, abandonment of food cravings and addictions and bad eating habits, better and more restful sleep, mood lifts, and increased self-confidence.

Wellness and Weight Loss

When you are at a natural, optimal body weight, you know it. You have lots of energy, your appetite is regular without cravings or binges, your clothes fit, and you feel great. Our focus is to establish wellness and the weight loss follows. Most diets tell you that willpower, lower carbs, or restricted calories are the keys to successful weight loss but this is not how your body truly works. If your body is starved of nutrients, you actually hold onto weight. Permanent weight loss can only be achieved if your true target is wellness. Fortunately, with a little attention and some added support, you can get your biochemistry and metabolism back into good working order and your weight back into a healthy range, not just for a little while, but for the rest of your life.

Once you begin to detoxify and transition off addictive foods, stored toxins and substances in your body are released for removal so you may feel worse for a short period. This sensation passes and you will soon feel much better and be rewarded with clearer skin, more energy and vitality, better sleep, fewer aches and pains, better bowel health, improved mental clarity, and loss of excess inflammation and toxic weight.

Program Fundamentals

What is exceptional about this program is that it is not just for those who want to lose weight. For those wanting to stay the same weight or even gain weight, we modify the program slightly to fit their needs. As we mentioned, our focus is on overall wellness and everyone will benefit from a healthy detox and cleanse program and from increasing nutrient density. It’s a great eating plan, no matter what your age, shape, size or athletic ability is!

In addition to teaching about whole nutrient-dense foods, eliminating allergenic and inflammatory foods and hormonally balanced eating, we also incorporate nutritional supplements which simplify and amplify your results. We work with Arbonne Essential nutrition products - a vegan-certified line that is gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free with no artificial flavors or sweeteners, with the biggest plus of all being they taste great!

We recommend these products because they are pure, safe and highly effective with our eating plan. The products provide support to eating an allergenic-free, whole foods diet that works to bring you to a more alkaline state, without all the preparation time. We use protein shakes, fiber supplements, natural vegan/soy-free protein bars, healthy energy and metabolism boosters, vitamin and mineral support, dehydrated greens, detoxification teas and gentle body cleansers.

Your Success is our #1 Concern

You will be coached through this program and have a community to support you no matter where you live. We offer constant communication, education and coaching through newsletters, phone calls, and our own private Facebook page. You will have continuous access to others who are going through the program currently and those who have been through it. Ask questions, get encouragement, find recipes… it’s all available to you to ensure your success.

With our program you will truly learn the tools for Healthy Living for the rest of your life!


Recommended Products

Arbonne Essentials Herbal Detox Tea – Supports overall health and aids in liver, kidney, and blood detoxification.* Key ingredients include milk thistle, couch grass root, sarsaparilla root and burdock root.

Arbonne Essentials Energy Fizz Sticks – Boosts energy and increases metabolism; promotes alertness and enhances cognitive performance, endurance and motor performance.* Key ingredients include chromium, green tea and Guarana. Available in Pomegranate or Citrus.

Arbonne Essentials Digestion Plus - Prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes to help support optimal digestive health.* Take one pack a day with any cold or room temperature liquid.

Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake Mix – Replaces one or two meals daily while satisfying hunger and boosting energy. Contains more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals. Key ingredients include pea protein, cranberry protein, rice protein, flaxseed, Stevia, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, alfalfa kelp and ginseng. 100% vegan. No dairy, gluten, wheat, soy, sugar or artificial sweeteners. Available in Chocolate or Vanilla.

Arbonne Essentials Daily Fiber Boost – Supplements daily fiber intake while assisting with appetite control. A natural blend of soluble fiber derived from fruits and grains. A tasteless and convenient powder, it can be added to any beverage or soft food.

Arbonne Essentials Daily Power Pack for Women and Men – Daily vitamins that are easily absorbed while assisting with digestion and boosting energy.* Take one pack during AM hours with food.

Arbonne 7-Day Body Cleanse - Helps cleanse and detoxify the system and support the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.* Assists in gentle elimination of toxins.

Arbonne SeaSource Detox Spa Purifying Sea Soak (optional) - Soaking 30 minutes in this bath of seawater draws toxins and heavy metals through the pores of the skin. Aches and pains melt away and you find yourself sleeping better at night.

Arbonne Essentials Nutrition Bar (optional) - A healthy balance of protein, fiber, 15 vitamins and minerals, these bars satisfy hunger and help boost energy.* Made with nutrient-rich quinoa and 9 grams of pea and rice protein. Available in Chocolate or Fruit.

Arbonne Essentials Fit Chews (optional) – Assists with appetite control while delivering energy boosts. These chews are especially helpful for those who have sugar cravings.* Available in Chocolate and Caramel and other seasonal flavors.

*These statements have not been reviewed or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Many people don’t realize that fatigue, foggy thinking, poor sleep, excess weight (especially around the stomach, hips and thighs) and even aging skin indicate nutritional deficiencies that can be reversed. Adopting a healthier lifestyle for you and your family can be easy to talk about, but difficult to get started without a plan. The “Healthy Living” plan is simple to follow and therefore, simple to complete.

Focus on Five Key Areas

1.  Eat Clean

2.  Increase Nutrient Intake

3.  Eliminate Allergenic and Addictive Foods

4.  Balance Blood Sugar

5.  Support Elimination Organs

All 5 areas are supported by the Arbonne Essentials nutritional line that is certified vegan and has no gluten, dairy, soy and artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners.

1. Eat Clean

This plan focuses on eating organic whole foods that are free of preservatives, additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavors and all other toxins. Organic fruits and vegetables contain up to 40% more antioxidants than those conventionally grown. This plan will help you learn how to fuel your body for optimal health by eating clean, natural whole foods!

2. Increase Nutrient Intake

Due to the overabundance of pre-packaged and fast food, many people today are overweight and under- nourished. We can carry toxic fat while our bodies are starving for real nutrition. This condition can be reversed by eating whole foods, drinking lots of water and other healthy beverages and supplementing with nutrients to fill in deficiencies.

ARBONNE Essentials Daily Power Packs for Men and Women are formulated for maximum absorbency and nutrient uptake. They include a cornucopia of nutrients including: green minerals, herbs, antioxidants, digestive enzymes and probiotics. In addition, they boast an extremely high ORAC (Oxygen Free Radical Absorbent Capacity) score of 10,000. That’s equivalent to eating 16 to 20 antioxidant packed fruits and vegetables.

Use: 1 packet per day with solid food - Women #2053 or Men #2052

3. Eliminate Allergenic and Addictive Foods

Many people experience symptoms of premature aging or poor health and have no idea that the solution may be as simple as removing possible food allergens. This plan includes removing possible allergenic foods like gluten, dairy, soy and processed sugars. If you cringe at the thought of removing a certain food, chances are you are allergic or intolerant to it and it is causing an array of problems you may or may not be aware of. To be clear, a food allergy and food intolerance is not the same, although their symptoms may appear similar. A food allergy is an immune system response and occurs when the body mistakes an ingredient in food as harmful and creates antibodies to fight it. Food allergy symptoms develop when the antibodies are battling the "invading" food.

Food intolerance is a digestive system response rather than an immune system response. It occurs when something in a food irritates a person's digestive system or a person is unable to properly digest or breakdown the food. These allergic and addictive foods can cause an array of problems in our body such as nausea, stomach pain, gas, cramps, bloating, diarrhea, stuffy nose, postnasal drip, and more. In the case of more severe allergies, symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, body aches, flu-like symptoms and swelling of the airways. They also affect the body in ways we may not be aware of such as:

Immune Function: The constant load on the immune system as it fights off foreign proteins in the digestive tract impairs its ability to do its job elsewhere. Meanwhile, clogged sinuses and unhealthy intestinal walls create a perfect home for harmful bacteria to multiply.
Adrenal Function: The constant adrenal load created by chronic inflammation of the intestines eventually leads to adrenal insufficiency or even adrenal exhaustion. As the adrenals become impaired, many other symptoms manifest themselves, including allergies, slow weight gain and a loss of energy.