/ Post-16 Application Form
September 2018
  1. Applicant Details

Student Details:

Last Name: / First Name:
Date of Birth: / Gender:
Home Phone:
Current School and Year:
Are you looked after by a Local Authority? / Yes / No
If yes, which Local Authority?
Name of Social Worker:

Information for Learning Manager: please enter the following numbers:

CCIS ID / Unique Pupil Number (UPN)
Unique Learner Number (ULN)


If you are not a national of the European Economic area (including the UK) you should note the following:

Students of all nationalities permanently resident in the UK are entitled to state education and so are eligible to apply for this school.

The following are not entitled to a state education:

  • Nationals of countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who are here as short-term visitors - these are students who live abroad but have been admitted to the UK for a short visit (for example as tourists or to visit relatives), and not to study
  • Nationals of countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who have permission to enter the UK to study - these students are allowed to study in England on the basis that they attend an independent school or FE college with tier 4 sponsor status. These institutions are listed at

Educational details:

Name of your current or most recent school, college or centre:
What year group are you in?
Are you still at the school mentioned above? / Yes / No
If you have left, when did you finish?
2.Personal Statement

If you are not sure which course you wish to study, please discuss your career options with a Career Adviser in school or college. You can also contact the National Careers Service on:
0800 100 900 or through their website:

What area are you interested in? / Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing / Creative &
Digital Media

More about you:

What career are you aiming for?

What are your interests and skills?

Explain why you are applying to do the specialism and the A levels you have selected and why you want to come to the UTC:

3.Declaration and signature of Parent / Carer


If you are still at school/college, this page should ideally be completed by the appropriate school/college tutor. Alternatively, you could complete yourself and ask you school/college tutor to check.

If you have left school, or are not in school for whatever reason but are applying for a 16-18 place at UTC Sheffield, please complete this section yourself.

Please attach an extra sheet if necessary.

Please list all the qualifications you have or are working towards.

Subject / Date of Exam / Grade
Estimated or Actual / Vocational Qualifications / Level / Date of Exam / Grade
Estimate or Actual
English Language / e.g.
English Literature
Science (additional)
Science (further additional)
Religious Studies
Business Studies / Adult Literacy
Technology / Adult Numeracy
Physical Education / Functional English
Art/Graphics / Functional Maths
Languages / Other

Carer Details

Carer2arent 2.Parent / Carer Details

4.Declaration and signature of Applicant
  • I confirm that I wish to apply for a place at UTC Sheffield.
  • I certify that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I understand that a place may be withdrawn if it is offered because of fraudulent or misleading information.
  • I give permission for the information I have provided in this application form to be securely held, processed and shared for school admissions purposes, in accordance with Education Regulations and the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Signature: / Date:


Post-16 Application Form City September 20181