You’re My Vice

Song: You’re my vice

Album: Keep on drivin’

Artist: Benn Gunn

Choreographers: Kathryn Sloan & Kelvin Dale, January 2012 Description: 2 wall, 54 count, Intermediate dance, starts 32 counts in

with weight on left. Two tags.

1 – 8 Coaster step, stomp, hold, coaster step, stomp, hold

1&2,3,4 Step R back, step L beside R, step R forward, stomp L, hold

56,7,8 Step R back, step L beside R, step R forward, stomp L, hold

9 – 16 Kick, ball change, stomp, hold/clap#, kick, ball change, stomp, hold/clap#

1&2,3,4 Kick R forward, step R beside L, step L beside R, stomp R, hold and clap (clap is optional#)

5&6,7,8 Kick L forward, step L beside R, step R beside L, stomp L, hold and clap

17- 24 Side shuffle, hinge half side shuffle, full turn, cross/rock, replace

1&2,3&,4 Side shuffle to the right (R,L,R), hinge turn 180° left & side shuffle left (L,R,L)

5,6,7,8 Turning 360° left to side step R, L, cross/rock R over L, replace weight to L

25 -32 Side shuffle, hinge half side shuffle, full turn, cross/rock, replace

1&2,3&,4 Side shuffle to the right (R,L,R), hinge turn 180° right & side shuffle left (L,R,L)

5,6,7,8 Turning 360° left to side step R, L, cross/rock R over L, replace weight to L

33- 40 Step, hold, hip roll, &, cross, hold, step, half turn

1,2,3,4 Step R to right side, hold, roll hips clockwise for 2 counts (weight ends on L)

&5,6,7,8 Step R beside L, step L across R, hold, step R to right side, turning 180° step L forward

41 - 48 Rock, replace, half shuffle, rock, replace, half shuffle

1,2,3&4 Rock R forward, replace weight to L, turning 180° right shuffle forward (R,L,R)

5,6,7&8 Rock L forward, replace weight to R, turning 180° left shuffle forward (L,R,L)

49 - 54 Pivot half, shuffle forward, step, half turn

1,2,3&4 Step R forward, pivot 180° left (transferring weight to L) , shuffle forward (R,L,R)

5,6 Step L forward, turning 180° right (keeping weight back on L)



End of Wall 3– add 8 count tag

1&2,3&4 Step back on R, step L beside R, step R fwd (coaster step), Rock L forward, replace weight to R

(rock, replace)

5&6,7&8 Step back on L, step R beside L, step L fwd (coaster step), Rock R forward, replace weight to L

(rock, replace)

End of wall 4 – add 4 count tag

1,2,3,4 Rock R back, replace weight to L, rock R forward, replace weight to L
(reverse rocking chair)