Minutes of Barkway Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Reading Room on 9th March 2015 at 7.30pm.
1. In attendance: Cllrs:
Revd S Falaschi-Ray (Chair)
Mr J Dalton (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Warren
Dr G Frapporti
Mr R Squire
Mr S Alsop
Also present: Mrs C Toms (Clerk/RFO)
District Councillor Gerald Morris
Residents present: Graham Swann, Laura Child, Sharon Bentley.
1. To elect Chairman and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office. It was proposed by Cllr. Dalton and seconded by Cllr. Warren that Cllr. Falaschi-Ray should become Chair. All voted unanimously in favour. Declaration of acceptance of office was signed. Clerk to send off to NHDC. Action: Clerk
2. To elect Vice-Chairman and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office. It was proposed by Cllr. Falaschi-Ray and seconded by Cllr. Squire that Cllr. Dalton become Vice-Chair. All voted unanimously in favour. Declaration of acceptance of office was signed. Clerk to send off to NHDC. Action: Clerk
2. To receive and accept apologies for absence: Cllr. Davidson (in hospital). Apology accepted. County Councillor Tony Hunter.
4. To receive Councillor’s Declaration of Interest: Cllr. Warren (re: item 9.2.1)
5. Minutes
5.1 To approve the minutes of the last meeting - approved as read.
5.2 To consider any matters arising from the last meeting: None
6. Public Session: Residents Graham Swann, Laura Childs and Sharon Bentley were present. Graham Swann expressed his concern about a letter that had been put through doors about rights of access for the public relating to a piece of land between the back of Barkway Social Club and Royston Road which belonged partially to Herts County Council and partially to Rand Brothers. Cllr. Morris agreed to try and find out more about this. The Clerk to email Cllr. Morris a copy of the letter received. Action: Clerk
The Chair suggested that items 9.2.5 and 9.3.1 on the agenda be bought forward as the residents present were there in particular to listen to updates on these matters. All agreed.
9.2.5 Update on the progress of the NHDC lease for the Field off Windmill Close – Cllr. Dalton reported that two things had happened. Firstly, Simon Bell at Herts County Council (HCC) had contacted residents to inform that their open space application was now up for review. Secondly, at the same time a North Herts District Council (NHDC) solicitor, Mr Fairhall, had produced a 99 lease on a minimal piece of land without conditions other than standard and with no option to renew. Cllr. Dalton had then contacted both parties. He had suggested to Simon Bell at HCC that it might be best to delay the review on the Open Space application for a while and then contacted Mr Fairhall explaining that there was more to this case than he may have realised. David Charlton at NHDC had then been asked why the lease did not reflect the previously mutually agreed deal. On 4th March a modified lease was received which was much improved. Cllr. Dalton had responded to this stating that a contract and lease deal was needed that reflected the agreement that was made between all parties and until such time as this happened then no further action would be taken by the Parish Council. County Councillor Tony Hunter and District Councillor Gerald Morris had indicated previously that they would cover reasonable legal costs involved with this matter.
9.3.1 Update on proposed new footpath on Royston Road - Cllr. Dalton reported that he had met with Gary Henning, the Locality Officer for Tony Hunter and with Dave Standen from HCC Highways. They had walked the route that the new footpath might take. It was mentioned that it had been pointed out to him that all car parking on the verge was illegal and that all driveways were illegal but that no action would be taken. Three possible routes for the new footpath were evaluated. The first route being against the fences along the left hand side heading up Royston Road, however it was established that this route would produce many difficulties. The second route on the right hand side of the road would be fine until it reached Rands field and then there was not enough width in the verge. The third route was along the left hand side of Royston Road along the side of the road. This would continue beyond the 30 mph sign and then cross over the road to Mill Cottages, avoiding the area near the telegraph pole. Costings would now be produced by HCC and a map with a proposal would be sent out in due course. It was commented that they had already spent half of next years' budget so it might have to be done in two parts, with the second half by Mill Cottages being deferred. Cllr. Dalton had pointed out to them that money could be saved by not resurfacing Windmill Close as planned, as with heavy usage from construction traffic, it might be better to wait until after the new houses had been built.
7. Council Administration
7.1 To agree and adopt a Parish Council Contract of Employment (for employees of the Council) - A model contract from HAPTC had been adapted by the Clerk and Cllr. Dalton and had been circulated to all Councillors. It was agreed that there was still more work needed to be done to adapt it for the position of Groundsman. Information was needed from the Barkway and Recreation Ground Project Committee to fill in the finer details. Cllr. Alsop agreed to review the contract further and bring back a firm proposal to the April Council meeting. Action: SA
7.2 To agree and adopt a Parish Council Policy on use of social media with respect to Parish Council business – Cllr. Davidson had put forward a proposed document which had been circulated to all Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr. Dalton and seconded by Cllr. Warren to adopt this document. All voted in favour. Resolved.
7.3 To agree and adopt reviewed Financial Regulations - Further to a meeting of the Finance Committee and a subsequent meeting with Governance advisor Gordon Baker, a few proposed changes had been made but approval of the document by Council was deferred. (see item 7.4)
7.4 To discuss formation of a Governance Committee – It was proposed and agreed to set up a Governance Committee to deal with Governance matters and reviews, including the Financial Regulations. This Committee would then report back to Council meetings with any recommendations for changes. It was agreed that the Committee would comprise of the Clerk/RFO, the Chair and one other Councillor. In the absence of Cllr. Davidson (who had past experience in Governance matters), Cllr. Squire agreed to attend the Committee meeting to be held on Monday 23rd March. Action: Clerk, SFR, RS
7.5 To agree a date for an Extraordinary meeting before 31st March to agree all revision on outstanding Governance documents. It was proposed and agreed to call an Extraordinary Council meeting on Monday 30th March. Action: Clerk/All
8. To discuss grant application from Barkway Pre-School – A formal application had been received asking for a grant to purchase safety equipment for the Preschool outside area. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr. Falaschi-Ray and seconded by Cllr. Dalton that a contribution of £500 could be made towards this, using the power to spend under LGA 1972 s137. There was a majority vote in favour. Action: Clerk
9. To receive updates from Portfolio Holders
9.1 Neighbourhood Plan Update – Cllr. Falaschi-Ray reported that she had been investigating further grants that might be available to help fund this project. Further costs to be incurred between now and the referendum would be for printing, hire of venue and refreshments. Cllrs. were asked to forward details of any other costs they could think might need to be taken into account. Cllr Falaschi-Ray to apply for grant funding. Action: SFR
9.2 Planning
9.2.1 Update on the future of S106 monies for Barkway - Cllr Dalton reported that any S106 monies already agreed would stay in place. Future S106 monies would now only be available if the development was for 10 houses or more. When S106 changed over to CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) there would be a tighter connection between the development and infrastructure that would be needed according to developers. It was not known whether NHDC would consult the Parish Council regarding the infrastructure. It was commented that the new system appeared to be moving away from Localism and back to Centralism. Cllr. Dalton reported that he had made it clear to Mary Caldwell at NHDC that the £6,289.85 S106 application made by the Parish Council had nothing to do with the application for £8,000 from the Village Hall. Cllr. Alsop reported that he understood that the Parish Council would have to apply to NHDC for S106 monies on behalf of the Village Hall and that NHDC needed to stick to the categories that the money had been allocated to by the developers.
9.2.2 Update on Caravan Club site application on land at Willow Farm – Cllr. Dalton was able to report that as Mr Winsom had not responded to the queries raised by the Camping and Caravan Club, his application had since been closed and would not be considered again.
9.2.3 To consider and make comment on planning application: Full Permission Householder: Single storey side and rear extension. Oak Hall, Quinbury Lane, Barkway, Royston, SG8 8EQ - Case Ref No: 15/00339/1HH – The application was reviewed. The Council agreed it had no objection. Cllr. Warren to respond to NHDC. Action: JW
9.2.4 Update on request to NHDC by Barkway Village Hall for financial assistance by means of S106 monies for their proposed kitchen extension – The Clerk reported that an email had been sent to NHDC to say that the Parish Council supported this application provided that it met the required criteria. It was now up to Tom Wornham (Chairman of Barkway Village Hall) to put forward a Business Plan to support the application.
9.2.6 Update on Community Contribution - Wisbridge Solar Farm – The Clerk reported that the proposed Community Contribution for the first year of £11,000 had now been received. It was proposed and agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to Push Energy to acknowledge receipt of this money. Action: Clerk
9.3 Highways
9.3.2 Update on meeting requested with Herts County Council regarding traffic calming – Cllr. Dalton reported that a meeting had now been arranged for 12th March. Although initial thoughts were that traffic calming measures should be placed at either end of the village on the B1368, indications from Royston Road residents were that traffic calming was also needed up there. The meeting at HCC would be a fact finding mission and would be reported on at the April Council meeting. Action: JD
9.3.3 To discuss quotation received for the quarterly cleaning of bus shelters and road signs. The Clerk reported that she had obtained quotations for the quarterly cleaning of the bus shelters (£30) and street signs (£60). After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr. Dalton and seconded by Cllr. Alsop to accept the quotation for the cleaning of the bus shelters and that the cleaning of the signs would be given more thought. All voted in favour.
Cllr. Dalton informed the Council that Anstey Quarry now had new owners. He planned to go and pay a visit to introduce himself and the Parish Council. Action: JD
9.4 Pavilion and Community Room update – Cllr. Alsop reported that further to some tests on the building the Pavilion had now been finally signed off by Building Control. The final grant money could now be claimed. A retention of 2.5% of the contract price was being held for 6 months until all snagging issues had been resolved, after that the final amount would be paid to the builder. The Project accounts needed to be audited to 31st March. The bank account would be closed once the builder had been paid. It was reported that matters were going well with Royston Town Football Club. A Management Committee was being set up and they were now seeking someone to act as a Bookings Secretary. There were still some administration matters to sort out. Barkway School had been invited for a guided tour of the new facilities and the new Community Room had already been booked for use by the Community Group. Easter Saturday would see a joint charity event (organised by the Pavilion Project Group and Barkway Preschool) on the Recreation Ground consisting of, amongst many other things, a football match and an Easter Egg hunt. Chris Cooper had raised £500 recently on a charity run which he had donated to the Pavilion Project. A vote of thanks was given to Chris for his huge efforts. .
9.5 Environment
9.5.1 Update on relocation of bin by pond – Cllr. Frapporti reported that this job had now been completed. He also informed the Council that the second phase of tree maintenance work was due to take place on 17th March. He needed to contact the company regarding obtaining vehicular access to the Recreation Ground. Action: GF
9.5.2 Update on P3 Grant Application for 2015 – Cllr Frapport informed the Council that a grant application had been submitted for financial assistance to have the jetty on the village pond raised and for a foundation to be laid for a new bench seat up Church Lane.
It was also reported that there had been some recent incidences of illegal hare coursing.
9.6 Community Property
9.6.1 Reading Room - It was reported that Cllrs. Dalton and Falaschi_Ray had inspected the condition of the Reading Room both internally and externally. It was noted that some brickwork restoration was now needed on the outside. Some secondary double glazing was recommended for the windows and that a programmable thermostat for the heating should be considered. In terms of future use of the Reading Room, once fibre broadband was available in the village it was suggested that it could be used, with the help of volunteers, as a venue for those needing help with internet shopping.