(Founded 1996)
Mr. John Hockley QPM
Joint chair Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum
C/O 8 Salvation Place, Young Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 9BS
Tel: 01483 426081 Mob: 07753817438
1st July 2014
To whom it may concern,
Re: Site provision for Gypsies & Travellers in Surrey – letter of support
Since the formation of the Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum (SGTCF) in 1996, the number one topic of concern has been the lack of site provision for growing families living in the county. Successive governments and local authorities have indicated that this continuing situation is intolerable given the documented need for accommodation, but despite some lengthy, expensive ‘need’ assessments, there has been little tangible evidence of provision.
That is until now, when there does now seem to be a real opportunity for local authorities to turn words into action, and indeed, many have secured the services of members from this forum to help in recent accommodation needs assessments.
It is noted, and an unfortunate feature of our election process, that public support for site provision is poor and not a vote winner for prospective candidates. Recently, several borough councils have been actively scoping for available land that might be considered suitable for possible development, a move I might add, that the forum whole- heartedly supports. However, early indications from council and resident websites confirms our view that the public appetite is heavily weighted against such provision attracting often spurious statements, resentment and hatred, in letters of objection that usually contain the phrase “We think there should be provision for Gypsies, but not here”, or similar.
So, at a time when many local authorities seek ways of fulfilling latest government planning policies by squeezing out some extra plots on current stock or extending some sites, this forum would really like to see boroughs’ have the courage to properly deal with provision by creating new sites.
It is for this reason that we fully support the application by ...... for a small family site in ......
Yours sincerely,
John Hockley
(Joint chair of Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum)