
The AldertonJuniorSchool

Annual Curriculum Map


Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
7 weeks / 7.5 weeks / 5.5 weeks / 6 weeks / 6 weeks / 7 weeks
WHOLE SCHOOL EVENTS / Remembrance day / May 8th SATS
Activity week.
Scrap book week.
Swimming / Swimming
VISITS/VISITORS / Visit to the local library to look at the archives.
WW2 Wow day.
Nature reserve (explore the local area and take inspiration for poetry) / E15 theatre trip.
Visit the war memorial and make a wreath to take with us. / Gunpowder mills.
Vikings workshops.
Viking life and Lore. / Lanbourne End
Trip away Hayling island? / Transition.
Trips to secondary schools.
THEME / WW2 The battle of Britain
Local History
Local Geography links / WW2 The battle of Britain
Local History / Anglos Saxons and Vikings.
King Alfred – (Also links to local area and the history)
Look at Waltham Abbey. / South American.
Amazon and another country to compare and contrast.
Water and Rivers
English / Summer homework set.
Basic grammar skills embedded.
Autobiographies (week 1 and week 2)
Ted Hughes Poetry Collection – Wordsmith Unit - Powerful Language
(2 weeks)
The mysteries of Harris Burdick (2 weeks)
Teaching WW2 cross curricular. / ’The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne (4 weeks)
Rose Blanche (1 week)
Cross curricular English lessons.
‘Amazing Inventions’ – Wordsmith Unit (2 weeks)
BIG WRITE FOR AFL / Sir Gawain and the Loathly lady – Legend. (2 weeks)
Discussion/Persuasion/ Explanation
Leaflets non-fiction – what is blood for? Interactive e-book on wordsmith. (2 weeks)
Refer to word detectives on wordsmith.
Fantastic, funny, frightening from wordsmith could be used to teach about different genre and to be used as a guided reading tool. The unit consists of reading 8 short stories.
BIG WRITE FOR AFL / Scrap book week – diary entries and make the writing a focus ready for moderation.
Modern Fiction
‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar
BIG WRITE FOR AFL / Putting on a show.
A playscript of our choice.
Playscripts/Literary Heritage
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ – Shakespeare – Wordsmith Unit
Grammar and Punctuation / Refer to target tracker and the interim.
Band 4 and 5 target check and start to introduce band 6. / Refer to target tracker and the interim. / Refer to target tracker and the interim. / Refer to target tracker and the interim. / Refer to target tracker and the interim. / Refer to target tracker and the interim.
Spelling / Refer to separate spelling bank and booklet / Refer to separate spelling bank and booklet / Refer to separate spelling bank and booklet / Refer to separate spelling bank and booklet / Refer to separate spelling bank and booklet / Refer to separate spelling bank and booklet
TEXTS / CT could also read children War horse or Once.
Boy in the striped pyjamas.
Rose Blanche
Harris Burdick
Good night Mr Tom – (TV adaptation) / Sir Gawain and the Loathly lady – Legend.
Fantastic, funny and frightening short stories. / ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ – Shakespeare – Wordsmith Unit
Guided Reading / Fiction focus / Non-fiction focus. / Developing reading skills to prepare for requirements of SATS / Developing reading skills to prepare for requirements of SATS / Fiction focus / Non-fiction focus.
NUMERACY / Place value
Rounding decimals
Column addition and subtraction
Converting units of measure including miles/kilometres
Roman Numerals / Negative numbers
Fractions-comparing, equivalent, mixed, improper and converting them. Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.
Perimeter, area and volume
3 d shapes- properties and nets / Place value to a million
Order decimals to 3 DP
Fraction and decimals equivalents
Mental and written multiplication
Properties of 2d shapes
Circles including compass and protractor work
Identify patterns
Addition and subtraction mental and written strategies / Multi step problems-money
Mean average
Graphs- line, conversion, pie charts
Coordinates- 4 quadrants, draw, reflect and translate shapes
Angles- identify unknown in triangle, straight line, circle
Multiplying decimals
Short division
Simple formulae and sequences
Ratio / Final Revision
Going through any areas of weakness as identified from assessments. / Post SATs ideas:
Problem Solving
Group Challenges
Treasure maps
Maths and art
SCIENCE / Physics – Light, / Electricity. / Year 6: Biology –Animals, including humans / Living things and their habitats, (rivers) / Evolution and inheritance.
ICT (Skills) / App planning
E safety / Market research and data handling / PowerPoint presentations
Project managers (link to Enterprise week / Marketeers
GEOGRAPY / Local area linked to topic. / European countries that were included in the war. Where did main events in the war happen?
Where were there alliances?
What other countries were involved?
Local History
Good night Mr Tom – (TV adaptation) evacuee focus. / WW2
Local History
Anne Frank – extracts of the film. / Anglos Saxons and Vikings. / Anglos Saxons and Vikings.
ART/DT / Children set up their sketch books.
They sketch the local area.
Linked to the seasons poetry – children use watercolours to create pieces of art that link to their poems. / Art work linked to the war.
Propaganda posters
Art inspired by the war.
Famous artists. / Building a Viking/Saxon house.
Making cakes for charity. / Cookery – making biscuits. / Watercolours – rivers, landscapes and mountains. / Eating healthy – children make heathy pitta pizza.
Creating and designing props for our performance.
TBC / EH to teach singing to start. Tone, volume, rhythm.
RE / Sikhism / Judaism
PSHCE / Class rules
Being a role model
Elections for house captains and games captains.
Being a good buddy to the year 3 children.
Living in the world
Children discuss topical issues
Trust Me pack
Class rules
To develop an initial understanding of the concepts of ‘interest’, ‘loan’, ‘debt’, and ‘tax’.
About the role money plays in their lives including how to manage their money, keep it safe, choices about spending money and what influences those choices. / Relationships
Physical contact - acceptable or unacceptable and how to respond.
Differences and similarities
Discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours
To recognise and manage ‘dares’ / Health and Well being
To reflect on and celebrate their achievements, identify their strengths, areas for improvement, set high aspirations and goals.
Secondary school-Transitions
To recognise their increasing independence brings increased responsibility to keep themselves and others safe.
Substances and drugs
About human reproduction.
Road safety
Crucial crew

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